From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 192 Heavenly Soldier Project

That night, the Tianting Mecha Group celebrated.

The next morning, everything was back on track.

Lin Yu put his energy back into the mecha group and personally took charge of the overall situation. In an instant, everyone's mood seemed different from before.

With the participation of Lin Yu, the research and development work in the mecha workshop increased exponentially.

Under Lin Yu's various wonderful designs, Mo Dexian was like a chicken blood. He worked hard every day and didn't even go to the black market. The daily tonic medicine was just enough to make up for the energy consumption.

Fei Jiang further modified it based on the fifth-level mecha engineering knowledge. Although the rating did not increase, the overall performance was at least improved by 15%.

The first version of the design drawing of the Skyhawk was quickly released.

The design of the simplified version of the Linglong Tower was even easier.

Its basic function is nothing more than to imprison the enemy and create a confined space to achieve various targeted strikes.

It just so happened that the Tianting Mecha Group is currently best at rapid deployment and transformation technology.

The armor can be quickly transformed and deployed on the pilot. Conversely, it can also be used to build a prison to lock the target.

Pulling back Wang Xiaoliu, who is the best at this, to work with Lin Yu, Bai Wei, and Mo Dexian, they easily came up with the first version of the design.

Since the Skyhawk lacks materials and cannot be started for the time being, the Linglong Tower is simply put on the process and enters the construction process.

The small aerospace transport ship that was previously added has also begun to be partially transformed to meet the combat needs and the adaptation needs of various devices.

Of course, Lin Yu has not fallen behind in biological technology.

After everything is on track and the construction process has begun, it is not meaningful for Lin Yu to stay in the mecha research and development team.

Therefore, he simply pulled out and thoroughly understood and verified several general transformation technologies seized from the Furui Biological Research Unit.

Just today, Qiao Wa "volunteered" to start the first phase of formal clinical trials.

"Welcome to the Heavenly Mecha Group - "Heavenly Soldiers" series transformation project..."

"Please lie face up in the transformation cabin."

"Boss, is it really okay?"

Looking at the pure black metal cabin in front of him that looked like a Western-style coffin, Qiao Wa couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Hawk, Xu Xiaotu, Miller and others who came to watch were mainly gloating and laughing at the side.

"I guarantee that there will be no problem. The safety has been tested. Even if there is a problem, I can save you."

Lin Yu explained with a chuckle.

"You make me even more worried when you say that."

Qiao Wa made a bitter face.

"Hehe, Qiao Wa, you are too cowardly. Didn't you urge Brother Lin to transform you all day long before? Why are you cowardly again at the last minute?"

Xu Xiaotu laughed and teased Qiao Wa.

"What do you mean by cowardly? I just confirmed the safety."

After all, Qiao Wa didn't want to lose face in front of his teammates. His eyes glared and his neck stiffened.

He looked at Lin Yu again. The latter's previous performance finally made him overcome his inner anxiety. He opened the hatch and lay down in the metal cabin.

"Heavenly Soldier" series engineering special transformation cabin, this is the name of this metal cabin.

"Heavenly Soldier Transformation Cabin" for short.

The entire transformation cabin is made of pure black metal, and above the hatch is a black glass plate that can be used for display and touch interaction.

After closing the hatch, Lin Yu casually clicked on it a few times, lit up and called out the control panel, and started the transformation program after some debugging.

"Start the "Heavenly Soldier" series transformation project..."

"Scanning the body data of the transformed person..."

"Scanning completed, making adaptive adjustments to the plan..."

"Execution: The first phase of the Heavenly Soldier Project: Epiphysis restart."

Prompt messages appeared one after another.

Since it was the first attempt, in order to find errors in time, a voice broadcast was specially set up.

"Brother Lin, why is it called the Heavenly Soldier Transformation Project?"

The people of the Qiaowa team, including Miller who had just joined them, watched this scene with anxiety and expectation.

Only Xu Xiaotu obviously had a mysterious confidence in Lin Yu, and did not look worried at all. He even looked around curiously, and then looked up to ask Lin Yu.

"Our mecha group is called Tianting, and it is normal for the affiliated combat unit to be called Tianbing."

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Hawk and Yingyue are still Yinbing now."

"So Tianbing is the same combat unit as Yinbing armor?"

Hearing Lin Yu's statement, Field's eyes lit up immediately.

Lin Yu's selection of Yinbing armor drivers requires electronic attack and defense and hidden assassination-related talents, so only Yingyue and Hawke are more suitable.

For this reason, he and Qiao Wa are envious and jealous.

And even Qiao Wa has the humanoid mecha transformation promised by Lin Yu, Xu Xiaotu has the Tiandun Sword Art, and even Miller's prosthetic transformation is very unusual.

In the end, only his combat ability is the worst.

Now that he heard that there are "Heavenly Soldiers" like "Yinbing", he is naturally excited.

"That's right."

Lin Yu nodded.

"What's the difference between Heavenly Soldiers and Ghost Soldiers?"

Xu Xiaotu raised his hand actively to ask questions.

"The Ghost Soldiers' armor focuses on concealment, assassination, and electronic warfare. They are not good at frontal combat, and the requirements for drivers are also in these two aspects."

In order to explain the difference between the two, Lin Yu first emphasized the positioning of the "Ghost Soldiers" again.

Then he added: "As for the heavenly soldiers, my plan is to mainly assist in frontal combat, to be used to confront conventional threat units, to assist the main mechas in combat, and at the same time to enhance individual soldier capabilities and group combat capabilities as much as possible."

"Do the heavenly soldiers also have mechas?"

Field asked the question that concerned him most.

"Yes, but I don't have enough materials at the moment, so I just built a simple F-class body."

Lin Yu naturally understood Field's thoughts, smiled, and said, "Furthermore, the Heavenly Soldier armor may be different from traditional mechas, and must be used in conjunction with the Heavenly Soldier series transformation project."

"Beast armor shouldn't be unfamiliar to you, right?"

The conversation was already open, and Lin Yu didn't mind explaining more.

After asking, Field and others naturally nodded in unison.

Apart from anything else, they had encountered the Blade Mantis Armor before when they completed the assessment mission with Spot.

If Lin Yu hadn't been there at that time, they would probably have narrowly escaped death because of Zhao Xing's crow mouth. Of course, they were deeply impressed.

"The Heavenly Weapon Engineering is essentially the same concept as the Beast Body Armor."

Seeing everyone nodding, Lin Yu continued to explain:

"Beast armor relies on the physical quality of the internal beast body to further enhance the power of the armor. At the same time, the mecha's composite armor and various equipment can greatly make up for the lack of defense of the living body.

In addition, the stronger survivability of the beast's body means that part of the life-support system can be sacrificed, leaving more space for the power system, allowing the mecha's performance to be further enhanced.

Of course, while it has various advantages, it also has disadvantages, that is, it is generally inferior to human pilots' rationality, judgment, various psychological games and decision-making abilities, and even combat skills and the ability to use airborne equipment. "


Field and Xu Xiaotu had actually understood what Lin Yu meant, and their eyes lit up at the same time.

"Therefore, the Tianbing series transformation project aims to use bioengineering technology to transform the driver and enhance the driver's physical fitness and survivability, so as to achieve an effect similar to that of an animal body."

Lin Yu smiled: "Of course, because it is a human pilot, it will not have the flaws of animal armor, and can perfectly combine physical strength and intelligence."

"This should also be the most ideal state for a pilot."

Field and the others were surprised and moved when they heard that Lin Yu confirmed their guess.

"That's right."

Lin Yu said: "The first stage of the Heavenly Weapon Project is to restart the epiphysis. It restarts the closed epiphysis of adult organisms so that the bones can grow again, thus allowing the secondary development of body shape and height."

"The first phase of the Heavenly Soldier Project: the epiphysis is restarted; the transformation is completed."

At the same time as the words fell, a message that the transformation was completed happened to appear in the Tianbing transformation cabin where Qiao Wa was located.

Lin Yu made some adjustments and started the second phase of transformation.

At the same time, he also introduced: "The second phase of the Tianwei Project: bone strengthening, which mutates osteoblasts and osteoclasts, gradually strengthens and transforms the bones of the whole body, and greatly enhances the body's ability to resist blows and withstand pressure."

"The second phase of the Heavenly Weapon Project: bone strengthening; transformation completed."

After a long time, the notification that the second phase of transformation was successfully completed also sounded.

While everyone's thoughts were focused on Qiao Wa's transformation, they were also listening to Lin Yu's explanation. They gradually stopped making any sound and just listened quietly.

"The third phase of the Heavenly Soldier Project: giant glands; mutagenizing the pituitary gland. After the mutagenesis is completed, the pituitary gland will secrete a variety of conventional hormones and new mutant hormones to coordinate and stimulate secondary development of the whole body."

After Lin Yu confirmed Qiao Wa's physical condition, he started the next stage of transformation, and then continued:

"This kind of development is essentially no different from the natural growth of the human body. If the person being modified is a child, his height and size will increase rapidly.

If you are an adult, you need to use epiphyseal restart technology, otherwise it will only cause acromegaly, which is deformed and hypertrophic limbs due to the inability of bones to grow.

At the same time, due to the increase in body size and the increased load on the body itself, in order to ensure sufficient exercise capacity, it is best to combine bone strengthening technology. This is why this transformation is considered the third stage.

Ideally, it should also be combined with cardiopulmonary and other aspects of modification, but between two and three meters, conventional organs can basically withstand it. "

"I have a question!"

Xu Xiaotu raised his hand and said with a troubled face: "Will he keep growing taller? What if he is too tall?"

"Normal organisms have growth limits. In addition, this process can be stopped by re-closing the epiphysis or inhibiting the secretion of growth hormone by the giant glands."

Lin Yu said: "Don't worry, it's difficult to increase the size, but it's easy to control it."

"Do I have to use giant glands?"

Xu Xiaotu still had a sad face.

Which girl would like to turn herself into a muscular woman two to three meters tall.

"The giant gland combines the restart and transformation of the bones. Firstly, it enhances physical fitness by increasing the size. Secondly, the pilot is larger and can adapt to larger first- and second-generation machines. Therefore, this is the core transformation of the heavenly soldiers and cannot be few."

Of course, Lin Yu didn't want such a cute girl to turn into a muscular giant, so he chuckled and said: "Don't worry, you are not suitable for the transformation of the heavenly soldiers anyway. I will arrange a suitable one for you later."


Xu Xiaotu breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in disappointment.

Xu Xiaotu was unwilling, but Field was very excited: "Boss, I, I don't mind. My biggest dream in this life is to be a big muscle tyrant and punch a kid with one punch."

"Okay, Qiao Wa will make arrangements for you after the transformation."

Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

"Thank you BOSS!"

Field was delighted.

"Wage deductions."

Lin Yu smiled: "By the way, your previous salary has been replaced with special bullets and prosthetic body modification, so you can only postpone it later."


Field's face suddenly fell.


Others laughed.

Of course, the joke was just a sideshow, and Lin Yu did not relax his attention to Qiao Wa.

"The third phase of the Heavenly Weapons Project: Giant glands; transformation completed."

Soon, the third phase of Qiaowa’s renovation was successfully completed.


Amidst the sound of gas leakage, the airtight hatch slowly opened.

Seeing that there was no big change, Qiao Wa got up from the Heavenly Soldier transformation cabin with some swaying.

"The dosage of Mafei Powder is not well controlled. It seems that the parameters need to be adjusted."

Lin Yu recorded something, and then looked at Qiao Wa who stood up.

Not much has changed in terms of appearance.

After all, these are not technologies that are effective immediately and require a process of transformation.

Bone strengthening needs to be gradually strengthened and replaced, and the giant glands also need to complete a comprehensive mutation. The subsequent secretion of various hormones to develop the body will also take time.

It is true that the special growth hormone secreted by the giant's glands can speed up this growth a lot, but it is not possible to become a giant in just one or two days.


Although the transformation was successful, Lin Yu was satisfied but still a little regretful.

The Heavenly Soldier Project should actually have an additional transformation stage.

In theory, the most perfect state is the addition of the special Kosiche heart in his body.

What this Cosiche Heart brings is not a genetic or chemical modification, but an enhancement of the effect of exercise.

Therefore, the bigger the body, the more benefits you get.

It's a very simple principle. Suppose the muscle strength of two people is one, and after increasing the strength at the same time, it will be two. But one of them is very thin, and the other is a giant man of two or three meters. You can imagine which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

This is also the difference between a small machine and a large machine.

With the same mass, I am bigger, so naturally I am more capable of flying bricks.

Combining this Heart of Cosiche with the enlargement of the giant's glands, one can maximize its physical enhancement effect.

In addition, its basic function is its super healing ability, which can be said to be immortal.

Iron bones, super self-healing, super strength, huge size.

It is even better to add some other biological modifications or prosthetic modifications to further enhance the adaptability and survivability of various environments.

This is the ideal state for the transformation of heavenly soldiers.

Unfortunately, the origin of this special Kosiche Heart in the body is quite sensitive, and it is unrealistic to crack and copy it under the current conditions.

Even the ordinary Heart of Kosiche is an A-level prosthetic body, and it costs a lot of money. Now he has neither the merit nor the authority to get it, let alone equip it for Jova and the others in luxury. .

Therefore, at present, he is probably the only one who can carry out a relatively complete "Heavenly Soldier" transformation.

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