From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 179: Reverse Entropy and Increase Entropy

It is impossible to omit ten thousand words.

"It's still closed. You don't really want to do something with your sister, do you?"

As soon as Xue Siqiao entered the door, he casually sat on Lin Yu's bed. When he saw him closing the door, he started teasing him playfully.

"Stop being poor."

Lin Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Let's get down to business."

"So direct?"

Xue Siqiao raised his eyebrows.

"I don't mind if you don't want to. Just close the door when you go out."

Lin Yu pointed to the door.

"What you said was quite misleading. I didn't know for a moment whether you were joking or serious."

Xue Siqiao smiled helplessly and said, "Besides, I really don't know where to start. If you have anything you want to know, just ask."

Naturally, it was impossible for her to come here with the intention of causing a scene that was inappropriate for children.

"Before, you said that Mo Dexian once served as the chief mecha engineer of the Entropy Organization under a pseudonym."

Lin Yu was not polite and asked in a deep voice: "What is the situation of the Entropy Organization? Are you related to them?"

"To explain the entropy-increasing organization, we must first start with a group."

Xue Siqiao said.

Lin Yu raised his hand to signal, asking her to continue speaking.

"You must have heard of the Anti-Entropy Group, right?"

Xue Siqiao seemed to be considering his words, paused for a moment, and then spoke.

"Of course I have."

Lin Yu nodded.

Xue Siqiao did not know the involvement between him and the Anti-Entropy Group.

After all, it didn’t look like it came from a formal channel when she got the Heart of Kosiche in her body. Alena had warned her long ago that there would be trouble if it was leaked out.

Therefore, this matter is basically only known to those who made the original trip to Paradise Port.

Then the incident of Adam and Turing's mutual entertainment came up, and it was even more impossible for him to talk about it.

"Then you should also understand what the word "anti-entropy" of the Anti-Entropy Group means, right?"

Seeing Lin Yu nodding, Xue Siqiao asked again.

"Reverse entropy should mean reversing the increase in entropy."

Lin Yu nodded and said: "According to the law of entropy increase, the entropy value of everything will inevitably continue to increase, which is also a process from order to chaos."

"Yes, entropy increases, which is the process of everything moving from order to disorder.

Both matter and life rely on a stable order structure, so the process of entropy increase can also be considered as the process of extinction. "

Xue Siqiao nodded and said: "The increase in entropy is absolute and unavoidable, so the demise of matter or life is also inevitable."

"So, reverse entropy, reverse entropy increase, the goal of the reverse entropy group is to pursue immortality?"

Lin Yu instantly understood what Xue Siqiao meant.

"Yes, and it is a pursuit that reaches the extreme."

Xue Siqiao said solemnly: "The Anti-Entropy Group has put its hands into almost every aspect of biology, medical treatment, and electronic machinery. On the surface, it operates in a low-key manner, but in fact it secretly conducts a large number of crazy research experiments."

"So, the Entropy Increasing Organization is against the Anti-Entropy Group?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows.

Speaking of which, and with the competing names, it's not hard to guess.

Xue Siqiao nodded.

"Then what roles do you and Old Man Mo play in this?"

Lin Yu asked again.

"It's not really a role."

Xue Siqiao shook his head: "The headquarters of the Anti-Entropy Group is in Paradise City, so the main force of the Entropy Zeng Organization is also there. Ceylon is considered a branch. I used to mainly contact them online to help and make some money. Extra money.”

"Then what happened when you said before that the Entropy Organization was completely defeated? Was it Ceylon's side or the main force in Paradise City?"

Lin Yu asked.

"It was previously rumored that the headquarters of the Entropy Organization in Paradise City was destroyed, and Ceylon was also affected."

Xue Siqiao replied: "I don't know if there are any remaining forces at the headquarters, but at least the Ceylon side must have been completely defeated."

"So, there won't be any subsequent trouble?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Probably not. I would have told you in advance if there was really trouble."

Xue Siqiao shrugged.

Lin Yu nodded slightly.

After confirming that Mo Dexian and Xue Siqiao would not be involved in any trouble due to the Entropy Organization, he felt relieved for the time being.

However, thinking about the heart of Kosiche in his body gave him a headache.

Mo Dexian and Xue Siqiao were not in trouble, but he himself was carrying a huge hidden danger like a time bomb.

Whether the thing Turing Interactive Entertainment and Turing Intelligence are secretly scheming about is the Heart of Kosiche cannot be completely determined.

But at least I can be sure that this thing definitely came from the Anti-Entropy Group, and its origin is unknown.

Ordinary Kosiche's Heart is a prosthetic body technology up to A level, let alone this special technology to enhance the body without side effects, or to exercise and develop the body.

Moreover, if this thing is really what Turing Interactive Entertainment and Turing Intelligence are looking for, it is definitely not as simple as self-healing and physical enhancement.

I'm afraid it has some important unknown uses.

And it is important enough to drive Turing Intelligence crazy, knowing that it will offend the Anti-Entropy Group but still want to snatch it at any cost.

"It's really troublesome, alas..."

Thinking of this, even Lin Yu couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

Next, he learned about the specific situation of the Anti-Entropy Group from Xue Siqiao.

It's just that Xue Siqiao was originally only a member of the Ceylon branch, and even only contacted through the Internet. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was a non-staff member, and he didn't know much about in-depth things.

All we know is that the Anti-Entropy Group dominates Paradise City, and its various subsidiaries and secretly held companies are intertwined. It controls almost every aspect of Paradise City and makes it look like a private property.

Outside the world, it has little reputation.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he is really not famous.

It’s just that it doesn’t match the reputation of such a giant company.

Although Counter-Entropy Group's business is widely recognized by the outside world, it is relatively low-key.

There is no good reputation, no notoriety, or simply not enough hot content to attract attention.

This kind of unknown giant company is actually quite common.

If there is no deliberate advertising or direct terminal connection, most ordinary people will not pay attention to which company is behind something.

Ordinary people rarely pay attention to the brand of medicine when taking medicine. When seeking medical treatment, it is impossible to see which group is behind the hospital, various industries, research and development, behind-the-scenes supply chain, etc. Ordinary people will not pay attention at all.

Not to mention various holdings, secret shareholdings, AB shares, subsidiaries, etc.

And in this era of smart information, controlling the mouthpiece and weaving an information cocoon is extremely simple for these giant capitals.

The only channels for people to understand information are their own eyes and ears, and their eyes and ears can only obtain information from two aspects.

People around us and electronic devices.

Electronic devices are nothing more than various software, and all information is pushed by algorithms.

What they want you to see and what they don’t want you to see are all matters that these companies decide on a whim.

As for the people around me, unfortunately, everyone around me is also in this cocoon.

In this way, if you want to deceive and fool one person, or even fool most people, it is just a matter of one sentence.

The more advanced the technology, the more so.

"But it's not that there is no good news. At least if there is any conflict with the Anti-Entropy Group in the future, the remaining forces of the Entropy Organization should be able to serve as a support and ally..."

After thinking and chatting for a while, Xue Siqiao left, and Lin Yu fell asleep with the night.

The next day, I got up on time at six o'clock in the morning.

First, there was the usual daily exercise, running around the station for a number of times that would cause an ordinary person to die suddenly several times, and then there was the practice of fighting skills such as the halberd technique.

"Huh! Huh! Ha! Hey!"

On the side, Xiao Tian followed suit, waving his little fists vigorously and performing a set of Xiangtong boxing techniques tailor-made for him by Lin Yu.

"Ahhh, I'm so exhausted. Why do I have to get up so early in the morning to practice this?"

Miao Xiaomiao and Xue Siqiao were also pulled up and were exercising together.

Wang Xiaoliu and Bai Wei were fine, and followed Lin Yu's training in a strict manner.

Only Miao Xiaomiao looked like she was complaining.

"If you don't exercise properly, I'm afraid you'll really have a useless body. You'll be out of breath even if you take two steps, and you won't even be able to use a mecha."

Lin Yu just finished practicing a set of halberd skills, and he angrily slapped Miao Xiaomiao on the head while he was lazily fishing.

This guy's genetic modification has not brought about any physical enhancement, and he has been a stay-at-home girl all year round, so his physical condition is really not that good.

It's a good thing that he still had the talent advantage of two points of transformation, otherwise he would have a useless physique now.

"Hurry up, don't be worse than Xiaotian."

After knocking, Lin Yu urged again.

"Practice, practice, practice, can't I do it?"

After being knocked by Lin Yu, Miao Xiaomiao hugged her head in aggrievedness, quickly stood up, and started practicing her boxing skills conscientiously.

Willpower is not strong enough to get it together.

If someone is pressing you, it can also be used as a motivation in disguise.

After taking care of the lazy fox, Lin Yu looked at Xue Siqiao again.

Normally, Xue Siqiao and Miao Xiaomiao are good friends, but recently they have been a bit strange, and they have been exercising extra hard.

According to her actual words: "I am afraid that one day I will be chased and beaten by an old man and an old lady, so I am prepared for a rainy day."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Seeing that he was still working hard, Lin Yu nodded slightly.

After nodding with satisfaction, he focused on Wang Xiaoliu, Xiaotian, and Bai Wei, correcting some movement flaws in the three's practice.

As for Mo Dexian and Alena.

Alena went to pick up Jova and the others early in the morning.

Mo Dexian claimed that he was old and frail, and had undergone a lot of prosthetic modifications. Exercise was of little significance. It was more important to understand the mechas in the group and the progress of various research and development as soon as possible. He plunged into the mecha work at around six o'clock in the morning. Square.

He is the chief engineer after all.

Since what he said was reasonable, and it was a new arrival, Lin Yu couldn't force him, so he had no choice but to let him go.

"Don't just use brute force. Don't use all your strength when punching. This way you won't be able to change your moves, and it's easy to lose your center of gravity..."

"The body is like a cross, the strength is drawn in. When one punch is released, the other punch must be tightened. Use hedging to form a stable posture. Only by keeping the center of gravity balanced can the force be exerted..."

Next, Lin Yu focused mainly on Xiaotian.

This little guy is not only qualified in mecha engineering, but also has amazing physical and combat talents.

Therefore, it is naturally Lin Yu's key training target.

Not long after, an unexpected piece of good news came that was not particularly unexpected.

"[Biological Engineering] Upgrade Requirements - Biological Cultivation: Try to cultivate an unnatural creature. (Completed)"

"Upgrade requirements completed!"

"Bioengineering LV1→Bioengineering LV2"

"Your relevant knowledge goes further; you gain minimal bioengineering experience."

"You have opened a new upgrade requirement! (Expand to view)"

Bioengineering skills, upgraded again.

The knowledge and experience given by the skills are actually more like things that one has already mastered and experienced. You only need to review them from the depths of your mind to recall them, so the digestion speed is still very fast.

In addition, Lin Yu had just undergone the baptism of level 5 mecha engineering last night, so it was easy for him to digest level 2 bioengineering at this moment.

After a moment of distraction, the new knowledge was reviewed and summarized.

Level 2 skills are basically equivalent to the level of ordinary practitioners, which is not particularly high.

However, due to the comprehensiveness of the panel skills, and the fact that bioengineering is a widely covered skill, there is quite a lot of related knowledge, from food processes such as bacterial fermentation to gene editing.

The entire memory is basically theoretical, very solid and comprehensive.

It's just that the work experience is slightly poor.

But having knowledge is enough.

He didn't plan to put much energy into biological research.

It's enough to have enough knowledge to understand and apply some biological techniques step by step.

Anyway, he mainly just wanted to get a few general transformation technologies that do not involve genes, such as the Star Dome Disease Inhibitor and the Giant Gland.

"Has one of the third-level requirements been completed..."

After digesting the harvest, Lin Yu looked at the subsequent upgrade requirements again.

"[Bioengineering] Upgrade Requirements - Biological Transformation: Try to master and successfully carry out a biological transformation."

"[Bioengineering] Upgrade Requirements - Biopharmaceuticals: [Pharmacy] Skills must reach at least LV2. (Completed)"

One of the requirements turned out to be the pharmacy level.

Biopharmaceuticals, this is indeed a relatively important category in bioengineering.

Being able to directly complete a requirement is another unexpected surprise.

It's just another requirement, and I can only say that the panel skills are still as indifferent to life as always.

It's not easy to successfully carry out biological transformation with only the knowledge of ordinary practitioners and no work experience.

Of course, the second-level requirements are relatively loose, and there is no limit on the type of organisms.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about ethics and morality, the main problem is just the difficulty.

It is still difficult for a theorist with basically no work experience to successfully complete a biological transformation.

Fortunately, he still has level 4 medicine, and pharmacy will soon reach level 4.

These two skills are closely related to bioengineering, and many experiences can be shared.

"For biological transformation, just use the giant gland and epiphysis to restart these ready-made technologies. Although these technologies are in the scope of bioengineering in principle, the implementation method is mainly based on medicine."

"I will complete the last requirement of pharmacy later, get level 4 pharmacy, and then start synthesizing inhibitors and several transformation drugs..."

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