From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 173 Shadow Following System

"How is it? Are you excited?"

Aleena said with a smile: "This is the wedding money my sister saved~"

"I am really excited."

Lin Yu looked serious, which made the initiator of the teasing slightly stunned.

Fortunately, he said the next sentence immediately: "How about Sister Alena come to help me? It just so happens that I am short of a business manager."

When he was discussing the licensing contract with Turing Interactive Entertainment before, he had already felt the lack of this aspect.

There is no one in his team who is good at business.

And as far as he knows, Alena plays this role to a certain extent in the Qiaowa team.

Although the battlefield command and the final decision-making power are in Qiaowa, both the logistics management and the negotiations of all parties are carried out by Alena.

After all, Qiaowa is a big and strong man in the whole team, Xu Xiaotu is also a lively but unreliable person, Hawke, as a hacker, actually only behaves normally to acquaintances, and is introverted by nature. Field and Yingyue are even more taciturn.

If it weren't for this kind of friendship, then he wouldn't be trustworthy.

"Are you trying to steal Qiao Wa's people?"

Aleena could easily take out 50 million, which shows that she has already achieved basic financial freedom. She is still in the Qiao Wa team, a mercenary team that works hard, and naturally there is a lot of friendship.

And if you pursue strength, there is nothing more satisfying than relying on a demon-level pilot and mecha engineer.

He can't put most of his energy on business operations.

The most important thing is to be able to trust.

Aleena is still smiling, but it is obvious that the slightly playful and teasing feeling has been restrained and become serious.

Alena is the only one who can do this.

"When my sister retires and disbands, I will definitely come to you to ask for a job."

Lin Yu laughed dumbly: "Why does this sound familiar? I seem to have said this to others."

Lin Yu smiled slightly: "When I talk to Qiao Wa one day, I will directly hire your entire team for a long time. It will be just right for the security of my base and the company I will open in the future, and you can also be a bodyguard when you travel."

Lin Yu also felt that the atmosphere had changed, and smiled, ending the topic and looking at the ring.

Alena spread her hands innocently.

"It's a very tempting proposal."

Ability is secondary. There are so many talents in the world. As long as you can trust and manage others well, it's fine.

Tacitly changing the topic, Alena returned to the smiling and intellectual big sister.

Alena continued to smile, but still shook her head: "It's just that, after all, I have been with them for so many years..."

"Then there is no way."

"Okay, I just said it casually, I won't force it."

Able and trustworthy.

"Really, it seems that you are the real boss."

For a moment, the originally equal and close communication attitude suddenly felt a little unnatural.

Aleena said with a smile.

Lin Yu shrugged.

It is easy to find a business manager. It is easy to find a capable business manager through public recruitment, headhunting companies, or even through the pilots' association.

At this moment, I realized that in a short period of time, Lin Yu had transformed from a teenager in the wasteland to a big man who was enough for them to look up to and cling to.

Qiao Wa and others are teammates with very good personalities, and the atmosphere in the team is indeed very harmonious.

"Continue watching the game."

"By the way, you haven't told me why Miller suddenly became so powerful. You won't want to default on the reward after receiving it?"

On the stage, Miller was still beating Hamut easily.

She has experience in these things, and obviously has good financial management skills.

"Actually, there is still a way."

Lin Yu smiled and shook his head.

Although it was a sudden idea at this moment, he thought that Alena was indeed a very suitable candidate.

Alena was startled by what she said, but after thinking about it, it seems to be true.

If you want to make money, as long as it is a formal employment, helping Lin Yu is always more satisfying than helping others.

After years of life and death, their feelings are naturally very strong.

The Jova team was originally a mercenary team. No matter what the goal and concept are, what they need to get in the end is nothing more than money and strength.

After all, the performance and level gap of the prosthesis are there. Although Hamut's offensive can be easily resolved time and time again, it is difficult to solve it quickly.

"Although I am sorry to Jova, I do have this idea."

The difficulty is to find a trustworthy business manager who can let him be at ease as a hands-off boss.

"The reason is simple, programming."

Lin Yu explained.


Alena asked like a supporting role.

"Sister Alena, you should have played games before, right? Prosthetics are essentially machines, so they can be controlled by programs.

Just like game skills, a set of fighting moves can be edited and packaged into a skill instruction, which can be triggered as soon as you think about it, and the most standard fighting moves can be performed, and they will never make mistakes."

Lin Yu explained in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

For Alena, who is also a prosthetic doctor, these are naturally not difficult to understand.

"This can only explain that he can perform those skills, but how to grasp the timing of using them?"

Because of understanding, Alena was even more confused, and then said:

"Moreover, no one has tried to use this kind of fighting program, but the rigid fixed movements cannot adapt to complex real-life battles. Real-time calculation of all battlefield environments and factors for judgment requires huge computing power."

The prosthesis is a machine, and programming controls the machine. This is very basic mechanical engineering thinking.

Whether it is in the fields of prosthetics, mechas, robots, etc., we are all working towards this.

But reality is not a game. The actual combat environment is more than 10,000 times more complex.

Here's an example.

Fixed combat actions, such as a set of actions to capture the opponent. What if the opponent dodges? Has the location moved? What about a sudden attack on the way? Are there any obstacles ahead?

If you really execute this kind of rigid program action, you will not know how to die in a real battle, and it will be easy for others to see through and counterattack.

Knowing what you will definitely do, for those who are good at fighting, there is no need to even predict your actions.

The hidden dangers are thousands of times greater than the instantaneous stiffness caused by a propulsion system like Hamt's.

And if it is programmed and automatically changes moves in real time, what is the difference between it and a fully automatic combat system?

This is already a benchmarking algorithm chip-level technology, and the computing power and technical difficulty it requires are beyond imagination.

Therefore, without computing chip-level technology plus cloud computing, this technology of encapsulating action instructions has no practical value.

Whether it is in the field of mechas, prosthetics, or robots, at most they are equipped with some simple action instructions such as rolling as emergency plans.

Then there is the military's standard legion, which uses simple attack actions such as chopping and shooting to advance simultaneously on land.

In addition, the more complicated ones have almost no practical value.

"Miller can do it for one reason."

After hearing Alena's doubts and confusion, Lin Yu just smiled slightly.

"What is it?"

Aliena asked.

"Because I am the creator of this skill system."

Lin Yu gave a reason that sounded a bit narcissistic and conceited.

But it's true.

Because he is the creator of this set of skills.

With his strength, even the fighting moves he compiled at random are far more sophisticated than ordinary people.


"I have watched Hamut fight several times before, and I am basically familiar with his fighting habits. When editing this fighting program, I anticipated most of the possible situations."

Lin Yu said, probably feeling that he was exaggerating, and added: "After all, he is an ordinary underground boxer, and the battlefield environment is very fixed. It is just a ring, so it is very simple to predict."

"Yeah, easy."

Alena twitched the corner of her mouth, but still nodded, indicating for him to continue.

“I analyzed and predicted most situations and set up targeted countermeasures.

These may not be reliable against others, but when dealing specifically with the specific target of Hamut, Miller can automatically defeat him even if he just stands there and doesn't care. "

Lin Yu spread his hands and said, "Of course, I have also designed some more concise combat and tactical moves. If Miller gets used to it and masters the timing of its use in the future, it should be enough to deal with most opponents."


Behind the two of them, not far away, Mo Dexian, who was very dissatisfied with the outrageous fighting situation and wanted to find out the reason, happened to hear about this.

With a dark face and twitching the corner of his mouth, he also fell silent.


At the same time, on the ring, the competition between Miller and Hamut also came to an end.

There is no doubt about the result. Miller easily won with a crushing attitude throughout the race.

"Tsk, what a pity, the shadow-following system I carefully prepared is not in use."

Seeing that the victory was determined, Lin Yu lightly clicked his tongue, feeling a little regretful.

"Shadow following system?"

Alena was curious: "Have you prepared other trump cards for Miller?"

"As I told you before, I can program and control Miller's prosthetic body. If I add a wireless communication module, I can naturally control his prosthetic body remotely."

Lin Yu shrugged: "So, I can actually control it from the outside and let him execute my actions simultaneously, and follow me like a shadow. It's a shadow-following system."

Alena: "..."

Isn't this just a proxy fight?

Understanding what Lin Yu meant, Alena was speechless and shocked for a moment.

No wonder it was previously said that Miller would be asked to agree to make some minor changes.

You installed a wireless communication module on him, allowing you to control his movements remotely?

You are a dignified D-class pilot, a monster-level fighting master, and you personally bully a young underground boxer?

You really don’t have any shame at all, right?

At your level, how can Old Man Mo still win the game if you're playing as a substitute?


Mo Dexian, who had quietly approached, was speechless for a moment.

Although it's not clear how good Lin Yu's fighting skills are.

But listening to the deliberately prepared shadow-following system, the plain and matter-of-fact tone, coupled with the extremely exciting and even astonished expression of the woman next to me...

It is not difficult to imagine, it is definitely not ordinary.

This kid...

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