From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 167 Provocation Tactics


It seemed like a boundless, endless darkness.

Consciousness was completely submerged in this darkness, and thoughts disappeared bit by bit.

Miller felt that he had spent a long time in this darkness.

At some point, a ray of dawn broke through the darkness, and everything in front of him gradually became clear.

Lying on his back, with a blurred vision.

A familiar yet unfamiliar man's face came into view.

"It's him..."

Miller's memories before coma gradually came back, and he gradually recalled his own situation.

"Thank you..."

"Are you satisfied?"

Lin Yu walked to his side and asked with a smile.

"Of course, you can pay for these in installments."

However, before he said anything, he heard the man's next words.

He is not dead yet.

Overall, Miller seemed to be wearing a weathered exoskeleton armor with many scratches and peeling paint.

Listening to these astronomical figures that he felt he could not pay even if he sold himself, Miller felt that the mechanical lungs he had just replaced had malfunctioned.

Even a pile of old prosthetic parts was transformed into a unique beauty of wasteland style by Lin Yu.

Miller seemed to be in a state of intoxication, constantly looking at and moving his mechanical arm.

Lin Yu smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled him up directly.

"Don't be nervous, just a little joke."

However, you can always trust Lin Yu's aesthetics.


"Is this... me?"

Miller opened his lips, which were still a little uncontrollable because the anesthetic effect had not completely faded, and wanted to thank him, and a smile was forced on his face.

In other words, he really kept his promise and treated and transformed himself.

At this moment, 70% of his body has been replaced by various prosthetics.

Then he pointed to the full-length mirror next to him and said, "This is what you look like now, see if you are satisfied."

"You woke up, the operation was successful."

Miller nodded at first, but looked at Lin Yu hesitantly.

"Satisfied, very satisfied, this feeling of full strength... I have never experienced such strength and fulfillment."

He will never forget the despair of his life slipping away and his vision dimming.

Aleena explained calmly.

"Then, let's calculate the bill."

Miller nodded.

Lin Yu smiled slightly, but then changed the subject: "But don't forget my other condition, you have to continue to go to the ring."

It was the man who claimed to be willing to save him.

"Most of your organs and limbs have been replaced by prostheses, and the joints and connections are also bonded by nanomaterials, so there is no need for a recovery process."

Some parts that did not have time to change the paint and looked a little messy not only did not produce disharmony, but instead aggravated the sense of frost and vicissitudes.

Lin Yu's gentle voice reached Miller's ears.

Since Mo Dexian's place is basically all kinds of second-hand prostheses, the appearance looks like a damaged version.

Miller lowered his head to look, then raised his head, looked at the figure in the mirror, and pinched his palm.

Lin Yu smiled: "Personally modified self-made Yinbing series mechanical arms, 800,000 for each upper limb, 1 million for each lower limb, 600,000 for the second-hand Boiling Heart of Jones Group, 50,000 for the universal blood circulation network, 200,000 for the personal self-made smoke screen system..."

The voice was gentle, but it made his heart cold, and the smile froze on his face.

Standing there, he was like an iron-blooded soldier who had fought a hundred battles.

"...Does what you said before still count?"

Even the unreplaced parts have been covered with a layer of metal armor.

The intoxicated and satisfied look froze on his face again.

"Then I have no problem."

"...You are a woman now."

But because of this, he could not forget the person who appeared in front of him at that desperate moment, pulled him out of the darkness, and gave him a new life.

Just to let him continue to participate in the boxing match, this condition is simply too relaxed.

If others know that they only need to complete such a small requirement to "loan" for large-scale prosthetic transformation, those who want to sign up will definitely be scrambling.

Transformation means power, and power means the ladder of promotion.

It is easy to find worthless desperadoes, and there are low-class people everywhere in the downtown area.

On the contrary, people like Lin Yu who are "kind" are rare.

Perhaps kindness should not be put in quotation marks.

Because it is not that other people cannot think of such old-fashioned and simple means as loans and installments.

It is that most people simply cannot afford such astronomical bills, and they cannot even pay them in installments.

It seems to be profitable, but in fact it is a loss.

The cost is high, the risk is almost 100%, and the benefits are very few, so naturally no one wants to be a sucker.

And this man who can really do all this, he can't think of any description except kindness.

"Then go, your previous opponent is outside, fight him again."

Lin Yu smiled and pointed outside.

The prosthetic body of the white man with prosthetic eyes outside the door seems to be seriously damaged.

Of course, this is nonsense, if the damage is not serious, he will not come to repair it.

Because there is no replacement parts here, Mo Dexian has been waiting for a long time before, and now the repair should be almost completed.


Miller didn't waste any words, nodded and walked out.

"Wait, there's one more thing missing. It contains the instruction manual I gave you. Don't forget to read it."

Lin Yu picked up a pair of smart glasses similar to Inuit snow goggles with only a half-finger-wide gap in the middle and threw them over.


Miller put on the smart glasses and turned to go out.

"How do you feel about being a prosthetic doctor for the first time?"

After Miller left, Alena walked over with her arms folded and a smile on her face.

"I feel... a little lacking in room for improvement."

Lin Yu shrugged.

He is not a real prosthetic doctor.

Just now, he was just treating Miller as a mecha.

However, prosthetic implants are very different from mechas or robots.

Prosthetic implants are more about replacing various organs and tissues of the human body, and the overall structure must still maintain its basic form.

Even if the whole body is prosthetic, it cannot be changed at will like turning into a robot.

After all, the human body is actually an extremely complex whole. Various hormones and tissues and organs not only affect the body, but also affect people's emotions, thinking, and personality.

Random changes, schizophrenia is the least of the problems, and there are countless sequelae such as loss of emotions, depression, self-destruction, madness and perversion.

This is also the main reason for the formation of cyberpsychosis.

Therefore, in terms of prosthetic modification, Lin Yu's only feeling is that his hands and feet are restricted. The organs and so on can only be said to be mediocre. Comprehensive selection and combination are already the limit.

The only thing that can be used is the limbs. After all, they are all mechanical arms. I directly modified a set of them based on the mechanical arms of the Yinbing armor as a template. The effect should not be bad.

Then there is a simple smoke screen system.

The mecha is not suitable for using smoke screens because it carries a large number of detection equipment, but it should be effective for prosthetic modifiers.

"They are just some low-level prosthetics, so it's like this."

Alena was a little helpless after hearing this: "Prosthetics are not like mechas. Their functions mainly depend on those manufacturers and developers. We are only responsible for implanting and selecting models with suitable and matching performance parameters."

"Well, maybe my expectations are too high."

Lin Yu shrugged.

After all, he was exposed to high-level prostheses such as the Heart of Kosche and the special shield in Bai Wei's body.

For these things that can only be said to be conventional mechanical arms and artificial organs, we really shouldn't have too high expectations.

"Yes, you are a pilot after all, so you naturally look down on these."

Alena also expressed her understanding.

Afterwards, the two did not stay in the operating room any longer.

When they came to the front half of the clinic, they immediately heard a furious voice.

"Boy! I will remove these prostheses the same way you implanted them later!"

It seems that Miller has just made a successful provocation.

He happened to meet Lin Yu's eyes slightly, and then followed the white man with prosthetic eyes and walked straight to the black boxing gym opposite.

"This guy is not bad."

Seeing Miller's efficient execution, Alena, who came out with Lin Yu, couldn't help but show a trace of praise: "I kind of want Qiao Wa to recruit him as a newcomer."

"It's really okay, at least he is not an ungrateful person, and his willpower is strong enough."

Lin Yu also smiled when he heard it.

There are not many people who are beaten to death in the boxing ring and can still step onto the ring so decisively and face it again.

There are also not many people who suddenly gain powerful strength but do not have an arrogant mentality or the idea of ​​defaulting on their debts.

Whether the reason is true nature or high IQ, it at least proves value and potential.

"Do you mind if I recommend it to Qiao Wa?"

Alena seems to be really interested.

The character and willpower shown by Miller can indeed be regarded as a newcomer worth cultivating.

"Of course I would like him to make money and pay off his debts quickly."

Lin Yu smiled: "But let's wait until my business here is over."

After speaking, he also took the lead and walked towards the black boxing ring.

Alena followed closely.

It is now evening time.

This time period is the hottest time for black boxing matches, so Miller and the white man with artificial eyes need to queue up for a long time even if they take the initiative to go to the ring.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Yu simply picked up another loser who was dying miserably, and ran to Mo Dexian to complete another round of transformation.

"[Medicine] Upgrade requirement-cure the disease with medicine: progress +1."

"[Pharmacy] Upgrade requirement-be innovative: progress +1."

This time, Lin Yu didn't pay so much attention to Miller.

Anyway, it was just to complete the task, so Lin Yu naturally focused on saving trouble and cost, and only used the cheapest prosthesis to save the other party's life.

However, he was still confident in his level.

After all, as a fourth-level mecha engineer and a third-level doctor, he could get good results even if he used a human as a mecha.

With this body that he personally modified, his strength is at least much higher than that of ordinary trash.

In the future, he will play in the ring and take some mercenary tasks, and he will be able to pay off the loan soon.

As for not paying it back?

"It would be a good idea to let Miller be in charge of debt collection. Even if they have some ulterior motives, I only need to keep an eye on this one..."

Lin Yu was calculating in his mind, and the boxing match between Miller and the white man with artificial eyes finally started again.

He and Alena directly booked a small private room on the second floor of the boxing ring and watched the boxing match quietly.

The result was naturally no suspense.

The mechanical arm he simplified and modified based on the Yinbing armor was much higher than ordinary prostheses in terms of performance.

The pure performance crushed, and he won easily.

"Keep him alive."

When Miller was about to severely injure the white man with artificial eyes, Lin Yu stopped him directly through the contact with the smart glasses.

Miller paused for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered the raised robotic arm.

Not long after, the two men who had decided the winner got off the ring, and Miller came to Lin Yu with a respectful expression.

The white man with prosthetic eyes seems to be called One-Eyed Hamut. He was seriously injured directly by Miller in the ring.

Only Lin Yu asked Miller to be merciful, and One-Eyed Hamut managed to breathe a sigh of relief. He was treated the same as Miller before, and was thrown out of the field to fend for himself.

"Is there anyone you can trust?"

Lin Yu looked at Miller who was standing respectfully in front of him.

"Yes, but I'm afraid..."

Miller was stunned by the question.

"As long as you have it, find someone to send him to Old Man Mo, and give him a loan for prosthetic transformation. Just don't reveal that I gave it to him."

Lin Yu said.


Miller was slightly relieved after hearing this.

It's just a matter of finding someone to contact Hamut. This is quite simple.

After answering, he immediately turned around and prepared to go out to find someone.

"Give me your account, and I'll transfer the money to you. You will be responsible for collecting the accounts from now on."

Lin Yu's voice came again.


Miller quickly gave his account, and when he went out again, his steps could not help but be a little brisk.

He originally thought that Lin Yu wanted to recruit Hamut into his ranks just like him.

But now it seems clearly not.

It's just a loan target.

"He looks like a gangster godfather."

After Miller left, Alena smiled and gave Lin Yu a thumbs up.

"You always have to put on a show in front of outsiders."

Lin Yu smiled.

Alena smiled and said, "Then you mean I'm not an outsider?"

"That depends on the situation."

Lin Yu smiled slightly.

Alena raised her eyebrows: "For example?"

"Such as when you want to talk to me about money."

Lin Yu showed a bright smile, then stood up from his seat and left the viewing room.

I came to Mo Dexian's prosthetic clinic again and waited for a while. Sure enough, Hamut, who was full of anger and desire for revenge, also approached Mo Dexian with the help of a "good Samaritan".

"Are you going to use provocation? Is that possible?"

Alena watched Lin Yu's actions throughout the whole process and naturally had a vague understanding of his thoughts.

"Of course once is not enough, two more times is enough."

Lin Yu also crossed his arms like Alena, but watched from a distance, like a bystander.

Mo Dexian saw that Hamut didn't have any unnecessary emotional fluctuations after being severely injured. He just casually dragged him into the operating room further inside and slowly started the transformation.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Yu also picked up a failed and dying unlucky guy from the black boxing ring again, found another prosthetic clinic to borrow the venue and equipment, and completed another round of tasks.

"[Medicine] Upgrade Requirements—Medicine cures diseases: Progress +1."

"[Pharmacology] Upgrade Requirements - Be brave in innovation: Progress +1."

This time, his movements were more skillful and faster. Old Man Mo was also similar, and he quickly completed the whole body transformation of Hamut.

There was no need for Miller to provoke him anymore. Hamut, full of anger and revenge, came directly to the door, and the two started fighting again.

Unfortunately, the plot repeats itself again.

Seeing Hamut being carried back to him again, Modexian's cold face finally showed a hint of surprise.

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