From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 136 Electronic Warfare

You think of network attack and defense: virus Trojans, hacker intrusion.

The most effective network attack and defense: unplug the network cable.

You think of electronic countermeasures: electromagnetic interference, blocking channels.

The most effective electronic countermeasures: unplug the network cable.

After all, whether it is network attack and defense or electronic countermeasures, the main purpose is to destroy and prevent the normal operation of enemy electronic equipment.

What is a simpler and more efficient way than blocking the enemy network?

And these top hackers and electronic countermeasures experts introduced by old man Zhang, let alone whether they can keep up with the ever-changing times, the long retirement life alone is enough to wipe out their vigilance and sharpness.

What's more.

Even if they keep the sharpness when they followed the pilots through life and death, they probably can't think that someone would shamelessly unplug their network cables after they retire.


- It's hard for them to imagine that someone would go to the nursing home to unplug the network cables of old men and women.

Fortunately, the security director brought him good news.

"Director, there is a result."

The staff of the nursing home quickly invited relevant practitioners to conduct an investigation.

The director of Huanle Family is a middle-aged man named Xiang Fangde.

If these old men and women really have an accident, then this matter will not end well.

But for the same reason, because Lin Yu was not found, no matter how much they checked and replaced and repaired the equipment, there was no effect at all.

But the simpler the means, the more traceless it is.

"Have you found anything?"

The pig-killing screams echoed through the nursing home from time to time.

There are retired network and electronic experts who came to investigate.

Even if they can find out that there is a problem with the main network cable, but they can't catch Lin Yu, the shameless thief, they can only go back and forth repeatedly, and they can't figure it out.

Not long after, the head of the security department came to report with a strange look on his face.

The fear is that the cause of this matter cannot be found, and someone is really deliberately sabotaging.

In the end, they can only give up helplessly and contact the staff of the nursing home to let them deal with it.

At this moment, Xiang Fangde was also very worried about this matter.

After all, this is the nursing home of the Pilots Association, and the residents are not ordinary people. The influence of these old men and women gathered together is not small.

Especially someone is not continuous and insidious, and it takes a long time for him to come and "touch" once.

What is the purpose of the other party destroying the network? Is there any conspiracy? Is it targeting the elderly in the nursing home?

It’s nothing if it’s a simple network problem. These people will only complain and curse at most.

In the end, the matter didn’t end well. The old men and women strongly requested it again, and the director of the nursing home had to come forward and urge to check the surveillance and access control registration.

"It has been checked. Someone is indeed making trouble, and it is easy to lock the suspect through surveillance and access control records."

The security director first answered seriously, but his face returned to that slightly weird look as he spoke.

"Who is making trouble? Can't control it?"

Xiang Fangde frowned.

"Anyway... you should see it for yourself."

The security director operated the smart watch with a strange look on his face to project the surveillance backup and a registration record.

Many public areas in the nursing home have surveillance facilities installed. Coupled with the comparison of the access control registration, it is easy to lock on Lin Yu, who did not really hide himself.

Just looking at the surveillance video, Lin Yu was dressed in a jacket and hooded long gown, and there was nothing strange about it.

But when he saw Lin Yu's registration information, Xiang Fangde's face became a little strange.

"Heavenly Mecha Group? The one after the reorganization of Thunder Strike?"

Xiang Fangde's face was wonderful, and he was a little amused: "What kind of bad taste does this kid have? He came here to tease the old man and the old lady?"

Lin Yu was open and aboveboard all the way, and did not hide his identity at all. It was obviously not the case that he came here to cause any damage.

And with the Thunder Strike sign here, it should not be so unwise, at least it should not be directly used The license of his own mecha group should pass the access control.

But, he went to the nursing home of the association and secretly pulled out the network cable to bully the old man...

It can only be said that the successor of Thunder Strike is really peculiar and has a bad taste.

"Dean, what should we do about this?"

The security director asked.

"Forget it, teasing the old man and the old lady is not a big deal. If they don't do anything particularly bad, we don't have to worry about it for the time being."

After thinking about it, Xiang Fangde, who was speechless and at a loss for words, finally shook his head.

Being able to serve as the dean of this place, he naturally knows some inside information and intelligence.

Lin Yu is such a promising and outstanding pilot, and it is impossible to have such a bad taste.

I think it should be that Mr. Zhang of Thunder Strike specifically ordered him to joke with his old friend.

After all, many people here are old friends of the same generation.

So, the matter was dropped, and no news was given.


"[Electronic Countermeasures] Upgrade Requirements - Electronic Warfare: Win an electronic combat in a battle where the enemy has electronic countermeasures experts. (Completed)"

"[Cyber ​​Attack and Defense] Upgrade Requirements - Invisible Warfare: Win a cyber confrontation in a battle where the enemy has cyber attack and defense experts. (Completed)"

"Electronic Countermeasures LV2 → Electronic Countermeasures LV3"

"Your relevant knowledge has been further improved; you have gained expert-level electronic countermeasures experience."

"Network Attack and Defense LV2→Network Attack and Defense LV3"

"Your relevant knowledge has been further improved; you have gained expert-level network attack and defense experience."

Zhao Jiande, Slok and others may have retired for many years, and their thinking and technology have long been out of date, but it is undeniable that they are all genuine experts, and they are all top experts.

So there is no doubt that both the electronic confrontation and network attack and defense requirements are completed at this moment, and both skills are upgraded to level three.

And all this... Well, whether you believe it or not, Lin Yu just wants to say that all this is a coincidence.

"Sorry, only this time."

After getting what he wanted, looking at the old men and women in the small park who were tossed around, Lin Yu still felt a little bit reluctant, and apologized secretly.

After all, the completion of the two upgrade requirements is actually quite demanding. If you want to encounter a battle with corresponding experts and win from a technical level, there are too many factors involved, and it is difficult to find the right time.

Thinking about it, this is the only way to complete these two requirements more easily.

He himself is absolutely not shameless and has bad taste.

It's all due to life.

Apologize secretly.

Then he closed his eyes and sorted out the knowledge and experience given by the two skills.

After absorbing all of them, he looked at the subsequent upgrade requirements.

Level 3 is only equivalent to the ordinary expert level, which is very good for normal use, but if you want to truly guarantee your advantage in electronic and network confrontation, it is better to upgrade to level 4.

In particular, the upgrade of missile engineering skills also has this requirement, and two skills need to be upgraded to level 4.

"[Electronic Countermeasure] Upgrade Requirements-Winning in Hundred Battles: Achieve 100 Electronic Countermeasure Victories in Operations Where the Enemy Has Electronic Experts."

"[Network Attack and Defense] Upgrade Requirements-Invincible: Achieve 100 Network Countermeasure Victories in Active Offensive Operations Where the Enemy Has Network Attack and Defense Experts."

Lin Yu: "..."

(Old Man:!!!)

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