From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 133 Five Sky Escape Styles


After the Feijiang modification was completed, Lin Yu was delighted and immediately entered the cockpit to perform the halberd technique again.

This time, it was indeed completely different from yesterday.

His whole body was full of strength, his steps were like a dragon leaping and a tiger leaping, and the halberd tip was like thunder and lightning.

Just practicing in the air, the power was already terrifying.

At this moment, the Feijiang really looked like the giant god general who came out of the myth, destroying mountains and stopping rivers with ease.

"Too awesome! Brother Lin, you are so awesome!"

When Lin Yu walked out of the cockpit, Wang Xiaoliu, who was watching, was still so excited that his cheeks flushed. He tried his best to say something, but in the end he was at a loss for words and just kept repeating "awesome".

"You can also practice the gun technique I taught you when you have time."

Lin Yu smiled and touched his head.

Lin Yu looked at him calmly: "I don't want to get involved in these messy things. I just want to know the organization behind the scenes that has the technology to treat Star Dome Disease."

Since Turing Interactive Entertainment attaches so much importance to the lost things, how could it not come to the door after he killed Adam.


Zhong Fan's expression restrained after hearing this.

"Don't worry, they may not necessarily look for you, but now, hehe, they are afraid that they will take the bait even if they know it is a trap."

This thing is just an empty shell, without any value, and it was in the public eye at the time, and the matter of the calculation chip could not be concealed.

"Okay, I want to know if you found anything special from him."

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows.

He obviously knew about the calculation chip.

It was because of this that he knew more about Lin Yu's strength.

"To be honest, I thought it was fake when I heard the news for the first time, and it took a whole day to confirm it."

Except for the word absurd, he couldn't find any words to describe it.

"It should be said that it is worthy of being the successor of Thunder Strike."

It's just that the talent of these can only be said that it's hard to describe.

However, just after leaving the mecha workshop, an uninvited guest arrived at the station.

Among them, Miao Xiaomao, who he had great expectations for, was the worst. In addition to his quick reaction, his athletic ability could almost be described as horrible.

At least he knew its purpose and strength.

Lin Yu shrugged.

"I heard that you killed Adam."

Zhong Fan did not hide his surprise and scrutiny at all.

After giving Wang Xiaoliu a few more instructions, Lin Yu, who had been busy for half a day and a night since he came back, also planned to take a rest.

On the contrary, the cat girl Xiaotian learned well, especially after he saw the little guy howling all day long, he simply made up a set of pictographic boxing, and her learning was very fast.

Then, his face became ugly.

He had expected Zhong Fan's arrival.

Zhong Fan asked.

It's just...

He actually tried to teach these people around him some fighting skills.

Sure enough, Zhong Fan took the calculation chip and just glanced at it as if to confirm.

"Since you have already confirmed it, how could you not know?"

Can he defeat the pilots who have the assistance of that thing in combat despite the huge disadvantage of F-class and D-class machines.

Soon, Zhong Fan adjusted his expression and looked at Lin Yu deeply: "You are stronger than I imagined."

"Are you here to praise me?"

After Zhong Fan arrived, he didn't say any nonsense and went straight to the point.

The second son of the chairman of Turing Interactive Entertainment last time, Zhong Fan.

Lin Yu was not surprised at all and said lightly: "If you want to talk about special things, there is indeed one."

"You want to ask if he has the things you lost, right?"

Lin Yu exposed Zhong Fan's pretense, returned to the workshop, took out the calculation chip removed from Adam's body, and threw it to him casually.


If Miao Xiaomao's brain-computer interaction device was not invasive, he would have wanted to change it to Xiaotian directly.

"It seems you know something."

"Obviously, this is not a secret."

Zhong Fan smiled coldly: "Anyway, everything remains the same, you will get what you want."

After that, he left without saying anything more.

"Now you know it's a trap, will you take the bait..."

Lin Yu watched Zhong Fan's back as he left, and his thoughts were also turning.

Now you know it's a trap, will you take the bait.

Obviously, it means that he is now more attractive to the organization behind the scenes.


Compared to before, what happened to make him more attractive than a Thunder Strike heir with severe Star Dome Disease?

The answer is obvious.

Because of the so-called calculation chip.

It can be comparable to him before the reconstruction, so the technical level represented by the calculation chip can be imagined.

So...what about him who can defeat 'it'?

Stronger subordinates? Better reference objects? More perfect research materials?

There could be many reasons, but undoubtedly, as Zhong Fan said, the final result is that he has become more attractive to the organization behind the scenes, or more precisely, to the provider of the computing chip.

The only question now is why Adam was able to use the computing chip before.

After all, from a structural point of view, the provider is fully capable of making it ineffective.

"Zhong Fan obviously knows about this thing, and the technical nature of the computing chip, I'm afraid it is related to Turing Interactive Entertainment itself..."

Lin Yu closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Assuming that what Adam hijacked was the Heart of Kosice.

Then, Turing Interactive Entertainment should have obtained it from the Anti-Entropy Group in some way.

Then, for the purpose of safety, concealment, and stealth, they chose to let the Pilots Association escort them.

Then, someone or an organization who knew the inside story contacted Adam, asked him to participate in the mission, and provided him with a calculation chip.

Using the calculation chip, Adam successfully killed all the pilots who were traveling with him and hijacked the things, but he was unwilling to be manipulated by others and did not directly hand the things over to the organization behind the scenes, but hid them himself.

Therefore, these two forces, plus the Pilots Association, naturally wanted to hunt him down.

However, compared with the Pilots Association's simple reward for defecting pilots, the purpose of these two parties is obviously more important to get the things back.

But if the assumption that the things are the Heart of Kosice is true, then Turing Interactive Entertainment may have to add another purpose.


At least beyond the ordinary A-level Heart of Kosice, the special heart prosthesis that is most likely still in the research and development stage, Turing Interactive Entertainment is unlikely to get it through normal means.

Therefore, they must silence Adam, who may have seen the true appearance of the "goods".

Otherwise, if the Anti-Entropy Group is involved, not to mention Turing Interactive Entertainment, even Turing Intelligence behind them will be in trouble.

"So, what is the purpose of the organization behind Adam's robbery? Do they want this special Kosice Heart, or do they want to destroy Turing Interactive Entertainment's plan?"

"Or both..."

As Lin Yu sorted out his thoughts in his mind, his thoughts became clearer and clearer.

"It seems that I may have made a mistake before."

"It's not the organization behind the scenes that is chasing Adam, but Turing Interactive Entertainment."

"They want to silence him, so they chased Adam all the way."

"And the people behind the scenes don't want Adam to die like this, so they didn't ban the calculation chip, so that he can escape the pursuit, and secondly, they can locate his position when he uses it..."

"However, the other party just kept Adam, but didn't directly expose this matter. It is likely that they just want to use it as a handle, and their own interests may also be affected if they expose it..."

After careful sorting and thinking, the context of the whole thing became clearer in Lin Yu's mind.

Of course, the initial idea of ​​all this is based on the assumption that the stolen item is the special Kosice Heart.

But this does not mean that all this is not true without this assumption.

It does not have to be the Anti-Entropy Group and the Kosice Heart.

As long as the things stolen from Turing Interactive Entertainment are things they are unwilling to make public, then these speculations can also make sense.

In this way, the probability of being correct is not low.

"So, the whole thing is probably actually an internal dispute between Turing Interactive Entertainment or Turing Intelligence."

Lin Yu's mouth gradually raised a curve.

Knowing in detail the plan of Turing Interactive Entertainment to let the Pilot Association escort the goods, and only wanting to use Adam as a handle instead of directly spitting it out, it is likely that there is a certain overlap of interests with Turing Interactive Entertainment.

Add to that the attitude that Zhong Fan just showed.

This whole thing is probably an internal fight within Turing Interactive Entertainment.

In this way, the goal is very clear.

"Adam is a man who won't show his eagle until he sees the rabbit. He can't be easily fooled. The reason why he decided to defect must be that he is sure that the person behind the scenes has the technology to cure the starry sky disease..."

Knowing the identity of the opponent, and being basically sure that he has the technology to cure the starry sky disease that he needs, the rest is simple.

It's not scary for him that the opponent is strong.

What's scary is that he doesn't even know where the opponent is.

Since he knows that all this is related to Turing Interactive Entertainment, then, if he really has to, he still has the worst option of going directly to the door.

"But before that, we still have to improve our strength."

Lin Yu felt relieved after knowing the target, but at the same time, the idea of ​​improving his strength became more urgent.

After all, we don't know what level of opponent we will face in the future.

The worst plan is probably to go all out and confront Turing Interactive Entertainment or even Turing Intelligence head-on.

At the very least, it may be a pilot equipped with a calculation chip, or even multiple such pilots.

After all, Adam's strength is based on the calculation chip, and the chip, a technological creation, can be completely replicated in batches.

Just find a few pilots, or a few fool-operated drivers, this is easy.

As the saying goes, a big fist may be the truth at some point, but you have to make sure your fist is really big enough.

Although Zhong Fan promised that he would solve the problem as long as the target was led out, Lin Yu did not dare to pin all his hopes on the integrity of others.

Especially since the whole thing might have been an internal fight of Turing Interactive Entertainment, who knows whether the two sides will shake hands and make peace and face the outside world in unison.

"Get moving, get moving, the holiday is over, everyone work for me, who dares to be lazy and deduct wages!"

Forced to restrain this urgent mentality and barely sleep for a whole morning, at noon, Lin Yu showed his big capitalist face and drove all the members of the Tianting Mecha Group to start the struggle.

Even the poor little cat girl was no exception, driving her own dog mecha to help carry the parts.

Although she didn't know what wages were.

She had never received wages.

But anyway, she was quite happy to work.

Seeing the others working hard, the little cat girl was also full of energy, sometimes helping to pass parts and tools, and sometimes acting as a mascot for people to squeeze to relieve work pressure.

It can only be said that this mecha team would not be dispersed without her.

"Awoo awoo awoo awoo!"

After having fun, the little Lolita came out of the mecha, got into Lin Yu's arms and rubbed her face like a spoiled child.

"Okay, okay, take a break if you're tired."

Lin Yu rubbed the kitten's fluttering ears, and the urgency and fatigue disappeared instantly.

Then he continued to work.

The Matrix Series E-class micro-supercomputer units of Photon Technology Group had been delivered long ago and directly installed into the Tiandun super-remote support platform.

After the micro-supercomputer was successfully operated, various data calculations, functional tests, and Miao Xiaomiao were used to run AI and assist programming. With the support of powerful computing power, the efficiency of various tasks soared again.

Then everyone split into two, Xue Siqiao and Miao Xiaomiao began to import and debug the Tiandun Sword Jue system.

Lin Yu and Bai Wei and Wang Xiaoliu were responsible for continuing to improve the hardware and installing the newly delivered E-class high-power ion thrusters.

Halfway through, after finalizing the final design, Lin Yu handed over the remaining processes to Bai Wei and Wang Xiaoliu, and then pulled himself out to make the Tianjian tactical cruise missile.

The core of the Tianjian tactical cruise missile is the propulsion system and guidance system, which is the part of its action and guidance.

As for the killing part, that is, the warhead, it can be replaced according to Lin Yu's design.

Of course, this is also a very conventional design in missile technology.

It's just that the structure of the Tianjian tactical cruise missile is a little special, and it is only a part of the "sword tip" that is replaced.

The Tiandun ultra-long-range support platform is not only responsible for running the Tiandun sword art system and performing various calculations, but also serves as a carrier and launch platform for missiles.

One of the basic functions of the launch module is to replace the warhead of the general Tianjian tactical missile in real time, roughly in the form of automatically equipping the corresponding "sword tip" through program selection.

Because it is necessary to mobilize the Tiandun sword art system for installation, to some extent, it is actually in line with the habit of Chunyang Emperor using different sword styles of Tiandun sword art, so the command encapsulation is different sword styles.

Tiandun Sword Art·Gengjin Style: The warhead uses high-density alloy to improve the quality, and a small amount of blade chitin is added to the tip and edge of the blade. It is purely physical armor-piercing, without detonation, and can be used as a conventional flying sword to take the enemy's head thousands of miles away.

Tiandun Sword Art·Binghuo Style: A warhead of the incendiary bomb type, which releases the high-temperature flames of the tarsal maggots after hitting.

Tiandun Sword Art·Fenying Style: A cluster warhead with the nature of mother-child splitting, with range bombing.

Tiandun Sword Art·Piercing Armor Style: It is basically the same as the principle of armor-piercing bombs, emitting high-temperature metal jets, penetrating armor like sword energy.

If Gengjin Style is physical armor-piercing, then the armor-piercing style is the "magic" armor-piercing in quotation marks.

As for the effect, it was used when destroying Miao Xiaomao's beast-type third-generation machine before.

Then the last sword.

Tiandun Sword Art·Chunyang Style.

Chunyang Emperor Chunyang Emperor, I am the Missile Sword Immortal, Xinghe Miaodao Tianzun, the most basic and core Chunyang Style, which is naturally the art of explosion.

That is, conventional explosive ammunition.

Currently, it is loaded with E-level high explosives, and will gradually be replaced with higher-level charges in the future, or changed to some reactive explosives, such as nuclear matter, antimatter, dark matter, etc.

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