From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 126: Wenhou Lu Bu

"Impossible! Adam can't have such strength! Who are you?"

The voice of Golden Lion Kaboga interrupted Adam, and at the same time, the Golden Lion body suddenly jumped up and pounced on Adam again.


Adam's body was foresighted and had already stepped back to the side and back, just avoiding Kaboga's golden giant sword, and at the same time, a roundhouse kick landed on the back of the Golden Lion.

The Golden Lion, who was sprinting forward and waving the giant sword, had already lost his balance because of the missed attack. After being kicked in the back, he staggered forward.

He flew a few meters, fell to the ground, and continued to slide on the ground, leaving a dent of more than ten meters.

"Annoying flies."

After doing all this, Adam still looked calm and did not look at Kaboga, but his eyes were still on Lin Yu:

"Since you have accepted this mission, you should have known a little about my experience. Cooperate with me, I have a way to completely cure your Starry Sky Disease."

"What if I say no?"

Adam's words really had no appeal to him.

If I guessed correctly, Adam himself might not have completely solved the Starry Sky Disease, or there might be some hidden dangers and restrictions left.

"So confident?"

Cooperating with such a person is simply too long for one's life.

Isn't it safer to hide the traces honestly, or even flee to other cities than to stay in Ceylon?

Before leaving, he wanted to find himself, a person with the same disease, to join forces.

Lin Yu did not comment.

If it was normal, it would not be a bad idea to cooperate with such a person with a common goal.

"Heh, you are just a defeated opponent of mine. You lost to me with the same machine, not to mention that I am now driving a D-class machine, and your pilot is not even an E-class machine."

And now he is wanted by the Federation and the Pilots Association, and is deeply involved in the dispute between the behind-the-scenes organization, Turing Interactive Entertainment, and even Turing Intelligence and the Anti-Entropy Group.

Listening to Lin Yu's words that were not stated but had a rejection, Adam's voice also became low and cold.

The key to measuring veteran pilots and new pilots lies in the comprehensive rating of the machine.

"Then I'm sorry, I can only use this place as your burial place."

A pilot who killed all his fellow pilots, hijacked the goods and defected, first of all, his character is not trustworthy.

But let's not talk about the speculation just now.

That only means that Adam's condition has not been completely resolved.

Adam's sneer made everyone's heart sink to the bottom.

He still needs to stay in Ceylon and continue to plot the treatment technology mastered by the behind-the-scenes organization.

Adam's current status alone has cut off Lin Yu's possibility of cooperation.


Lin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Otherwise, there would be no need to seek cooperation with him, let alone the previous test.

Adam and Kaboga are both veteran D-class pilots with D-class exchange rights. In addition, they have accumulated a lot of merits by completing tasks for a long time, so they naturally replaced most of their own body parts with D-class parts with better performance.

This kind of body with a comprehensive level of D is called a D-class body.

Only pilots who have a body that meets their own level are called veteran pilots.

And new pilots, like Lin Yu, although he is E-class, he has not had time to obtain merits and modify the body, so the overall level of the pilot is still at the F-class level.

Different from algebra, algebra is a more superior interaction mode and body structure.

Under the same performance, for example, both are F-class bodies, the strength and effect that the second-generation machine can exert will definitely far exceed the first-generation machine.

But under the premise that they are all second-generation machines, the D-class machine faces the F-class machine, which is a complete performance crushing.

In the past, Lin Yu could rely on skills to make up for the gap in machine level and generation.

But if he faces an opponent whose skills are not inferior to his, or even stronger than his...

"Lin, is he telling the truth?"

Spot asked in surprise.

Zhao Xing's voice followed suit: "Is this guy really that strong? He can't even beat you?"

The questioning was a little unbelievable.

After all, Lin Yu's performance has always left them with a very deep impression.

So deep that sometimes they even have the illusion that no one can surpass Lin Yu in skills.

Even if he is not invincible.

It shouldn't be that a random D-class pilot can match him.

But Adam said such words in public, naturally it couldn't be without reason.

What's more, Kaboga, who is also a veteran D-class pilot and is about to be promoted to C-class, was easily killed by him, which shows Adam's strength.

Even if he was just bragging.

Even if he could only reach a part of Lin Yu's level.

In the face of the huge gap between F-class and D-class machines, this is still a dead end.

At this moment, even Zhao Xing, who was the most superstitious about Lin Yu's strength, couldn't help but feel anxious.

"It's true."

Lin Yu nodded calmly, and finally let his heart die completely.

"Hahaha, very good, you are still self-aware."

Adam seemed to enjoy this feeling.

Of course, it is human nature to enjoy such a pretentious and showy scene.

After laughing with high spirits, his smile suddenly withdrew: "Now, tell me your choice."

"This marquis has quit drinking for several days."

Lin Yu changed his tone and suddenly said a sentence that was irrelevant to the question.

Tang Feng Richard was confused and anxious.

Zhao Xing and Spot were both stunned, and they looked back at each other as if they understood each other in the battle.

It's not me!

At this moment, they seemed to understand something, and their expressions became a little strange.

Having been with Lin Yu for such a long time, they certainly knew Lin's "illness" very well.

What does it have to do with me if I can't beat you?

Inexplicably, they suddenly wanted to mourn for Adam.

Adam still thought he had won at this time.

Facing an opponent who was easily defeated just a few days ago, he also gained a greater advantage. It is normal to have such thoughts.


This common sense does not work for Lin Yu.

As expected.

"Let me see how good you are."

The words were unruly and domineering, but extremely calm, accompanied by the Fang Tian Huaji that was slowly drawn out and pointed at the enemy general.

"Hmph, you're looking for death!"

Adam was furious when he heard this, and the chainsaw sword roared, attacking Lin Yu brazenly.


However, Lin Yu's Fang Tian Hua Ji was like a venomous snake, and it was the first to arrive, and it stabbed at his armpit first.

For a small body, there is basically no space for adjustment in the cockpit.

The armpit position just avoids the thickest surface armor on the front, and it cannot provide too much protection because of the need to ensure joint movement. From this position, it just happens to attack the pilot's body directly.

Attack the enemy where they must save!

The most important thing is to save.

This is an open conspiracy.

If Adam doesn't defend, he will die. If he defends, his actions will all fall into Lin Yu's plan.

It is obvious that a person who is willing to give up everything to defect in order to survive does not have the courage to die with the enemy.

He can only pull back the chainsaw sword that was about to fall, clamping his armpit while the chainsaw sword obliquely blocks the Fang Tian Ji.

But, with one step in mind, the subsequent trajectory is all traceable.

If you want to defend, you can only retreat and block.

Combat skills, human body structure, body structure, the choices he can make are nothing more than those.

Wenhou Lu Bu.

On the original basis, he integrated the knowledge of level 4 combat and mecha driving to reconstruct the peak personality.

Whether it is skills or combat experience, he has already reached the pinnacle.

With one step out, all the changes that follow are already clear in his mind.

Especially... his opponent is Adam.

Against anyone else, facing the gap between F-class and D-class machines, and the skills that can rival his past, he has basically no confidence in winning even after reconstructing his personality.

But Adam is just an exception among exceptions!

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