From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1011: Your young grandma is my eldest (1)

The next day, Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling arrived at Cai Ningxuan on time.

The fat old man and several other core members of the Loyalty Alliance welcomed them warmly.

These people were the ones who had a meeting in Cai Ningxuan last time. Except for one Wei Qirui who had been removed, the other personnel remained unchanged.

There will be more and more complete members coming today.

In addition to a few core members, other ordinary members were all present.

The core members and ordinary members add up to more than 100 people.

Everyone has been waiting for the appearance of Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling.

Although they hadn't seen Jian Yiling before, they had already seen many reports about her.

Genius doctors and talented gaming players.

These two capabilities should be recognized by the public.

But this is not a necessary condition to become their loyal mistress.

Therefore, for this future mistress, everyone has always had doubts in their hearts.

After seeing Jian Yiling himself, these people's doubts increased:

"Is this our young grandma? How does it look like a minor?"

"It is said that he is an adult, at least eighteen, but it looks small."

"Can this little girl be this big job?"

"I don't know. Now that there is an old man in control of the overall situation, we don't have to worry about it. I'm afraid that the old man will go west in a few years. The huge family business will fall on the young master and the young grandmother. The young master's health is not good. From now on... …It’s hard to say..."

"Hey, I hope these hundreds of years of foundation will not be ruined by our generation."

"No, I really don't know what our Loyalty League will become in the future. This mistress is really worrying."

Some people are worried, some are lamenting, and others are watching the changes.

These people gathered in the lobby of this antique Cai Ningxuan.

The booth used for auction last time has become an arena for competition today.

The main position facing the ring was prepared for Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling.

The two were seated.

At this time, surrounded by the members, an important person came in.

The people of the Loyalty League all show respect to this person.

Although this person is not a member of the Loyalty League, he has a deep connection with the Loyalty League and is highly respected by the Loyalty League.

Jian Yiling followed everyone's gazes and saw a familiar figure.

Feng Wei came to watch the game as a guest.

"Mr. Wind is good."

"Mr. Feng hasn't been seen for a long time!"

"Mr. Feng is good these days?"

"Mr. Wind..."

When Feng Wei walked along, the people on both sides of the seats rose up to greet him.

"Mr. Feng, you have come here for your hard work." The fat old man greeted Feng Wei enthusiastically.

Feng Wei smiled and said, "It's a great honor for me to come and accompany Master Zhai and Grandma without hard work."

Speaking, Feng Wei strode towards Jian Yiling.

Feng Wei held a cup of milk tea in her hand, and handed the milk tea to Jian Yiling very smoothly when she walked up to Jian Yiling.

Jian Yiling took it naturally, and drank it when she got it.

The behavior between the two seemed very intimate.

Others were suspicious when they saw this.

what's the situation?

Why does Mr. Feng and their young grandmother seem to know each other?

Apart from a few core members of the Zhongyi League who knew Feng Wei and Jian Yiling were acquainted, no one else knew about this.

Zhai Yunsheng squinted at Feng Wei and Feng Wei's milk tea.

Feng Wei said triumphantly: "I did this by myself. Xiao Ling and her second brother taught it."

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