From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1013: Your young grandma is my eldest (3)

Jian Yiling pointed to Zhai Yunsheng beside him.

"Did he make you angry?" Feng Wei asked hurriedly.

Zhai Yunsheng gave Fengwei a white look.

"He is not in good health." Jian Yiling replied, there was no way to solve it, so he was very worried.

"Oh? Is it insufficient time or strength?" Feng Wei asked.

Zhai Yunsheng glanced at Feng Wei coldly, warning: "Pay attention to your words."

Feng Wei is not afraid of Zhai Yunsheng. He has Jian Yunmo and Jian Yiling to protect him. He also said Zhai Yunsheng in turn: "Zhai Shao, you have to pay attention to your own body and take good care of your own body. Don't make my boss upset, I still expect the boss to take me to earn money to support my family."

"You don't even have a wife, where do you need to raise your family?" Zhai Yunsheng stunned Feng Wei unceremoniously.

"Cough cough." Feng Wei coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment at this moment.

The other members of the Loyalty League nearby listened to this conversation and didn't know how to describe their feelings at the moment.

Feng Wei not only called their young grandmother the boss, but also waited for their young grandmother to bring him money?

Isn't their young grandmother a well-known doctor? Is there still a lot of research on how to do business?

Or is it at the level where Feng Wei can call her boss?

Today, if this was said from the general population, they would think it would be nothing, but it was said from the mouth of Mr. Feng who they knew well, and the weight would be no small thing.

Everyone couldn't help showing unbelievable expressions.

"Um... Master, will Grandma do business?"

The fat old man asked Zhai Yunsheng cautiously on behalf of everyone.

Everyone is curious about this question now.

"I don't know." Zhai Yunsheng replied.


Not sure?

Zhai Yunsheng really didn't know.

He has never seen Jian Yiling doing business.

So far he only knows that his little rabbit is very proficient in medical techniques, can perform surgical operations, can also perform autopsy and bone examination, can also conduct research and development of new drugs, and sell the developed scar-removing cream hair lotion to Xiangduo Li company.

In other respects, he really didn't know.

Feng Wei snickered beside him. After all, he and Xiao Ling were engaged in investment together, only a few people knew.

It is normal for Zhai Yunsheng not to know. Who told him to pat his **** and leave three years ago, and she was not allowed to see him.

The fat old man turned his head to look at Feng Wei again, his eyes puzzled, and he wanted Feng Wei to further answer their doubts.

Feng Wei explained with a smile: "It is normal for Master Zhai to not know about it. After all, Master Zhai and my boss have been engaged for a few months, but I have been with our boss for more than two years."

I don't know if it was influenced by Jian Yunmo, Feng Wei also took pleasure in angering Zhai Yunsheng.

Everyone in the Loyalty League looked at each other, knowing that with Fengwei's status and identity, it is impossible to tease them with nonsense.

He said that he has been working with Jian Yiling for more than two years, so the possibility of making a mistake is unlikely.

After Feng Wei's call, everyone looked at their soft young grandmother and looked completely different.

If their young grandmother really does what Mr. Feng said, wouldn't their loyalty alliance have a bright future?

Feng Wei said to Jian Yiling again: "Boss, when you are in a good mood, remember to bring me with you if you have a suitable item. I will bring you milk tea every day."

Dare he bring milk tea to their young lady to bribe her?

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