From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1033: The meaning of the family compass

Lucy put most of her energy on finding the family compass.

The family compass is a task left by Goodman's previous Patriarch to the younger generation of the family.

Before the death of the previous Patriarch, he left a will and asked the younger generation to find Compass. The descendants of the family who found Compass could inherit part of his estate.

As far as I know, the huge wealth of the previous family has not been inherited.

And it is said that the compass itself also hides a secret related to family treasures.

Hundreds of years ago, the Goodman family hid part of their wealth due to war.

The place where the wealth is hidden is recorded on the compass.

So that compass has always been in the hands of every patron.

But now the compass is no longer in the hands of the Goodman family. Whether it is for the secrets of the family that are hidden on the compass, or the will left by the previous Patriarch, the descendants of the Goodman family must find this family compass.

If Lucy can find this compass, then she can completely change her position in the family and change her destiny.

But how can this compass be so easy to find?

If it was easy to find, the Goodman family would have found it long ago, and Lucy would not be able to worry about it here.

But recently Lucy just tracked down a piece of news that the previous family elder who took the family compass had been to the capital.

Maybe she can find some clues based on this information.

Lucy is now dealing with the company's daily affairs in her study in a villa on the outskirts of Beijing.

"Miss, the person you are looking for is here."

"Take her in."


The servant led the man to Lucy.

Cai Qinyue looked at the noble Western beauty in front of her, staring in disbelief.

This is the Goodman family!

The world's top giants!

Even the Zhai family and the Qin family can't match!

Cai Qinyue was flattered and even a little overwhelmed.

She began to search for those English words in her mind, thinking about how to speak.

"You don't need to be nervous." Lucy said in Chinese.

I can speak Chinese, so it's much easier.

"Hello, Miss Goodman, don't you know what happened when you invited me over?" Cai Qinyue was nervous.

"It doesn't matter what matters, it's just that I heard about you and your daughter, and some of them are unfair for you." Lucy said.

"Do you...know about me and my daughter?"

"Well, I know that your daughter's lawsuit is being fought, but you can't even find a good lawyer. Even some famous lawyers in the capital dare not help your daughter with this lawsuit. What's more pitiful is that the Wen family You didn't even come forward to help, and your daughter was sentenced to a heavy sentence."

Lucy's words made Cai Qinyue red.

In these days, she was alone and helpless. Even if she tried to break her head, she did not think of a way to help her daughter.

"Miss Goodman, if you know this, you should also know the sadness and helplessness of our mother and daughter. The Wen family is eccentric. The Wen family girl who pity me, Ruoruo, is not as good as Jane Yiling's foreign surname. ."

"If Ms. Cai doesn't dislike it, I can send a lawyer to help your daughter fight this lawsuit and try to reduce the penalty for her."

"Really?" Cai Qinyue was overjoyed.

"Of course I am not joking with you."

"But..." Cai Qinyue was a little dazed. She knew that there would be no pie in the sky and Lucy would not help her for no reason.

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