From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1044: Am I missing an object? What I lack is such a brother!

"But, I have work arrangements for the evening."

"No delay, sister, you slept in the car for a while, and you went to the top of the mountain as soon as you opened your eyes. After watching the meteor shower, you can go back home again.

Wen Zhe had already considered Jian Yiling.

Jian Yiling still hesitated.

Wen Zhe ran to the living room again and asked Zhai Yunsheng’s opinion: "In the future, brother-in-law, will you take your sister to see the meteor shower? Girls like to watch the meteor shower, and my sister is no exception. I will arrange the location for you tonight. Up."

"Yeah." Zhai Yunsheng replied in a low voice. It was not clear from his expression whether he was happy or unhappy.

Then Wen Zhe turned around and ran to find Jian Yiling, "Sister, the future brother-in-law said he wants to go, so you agree to it, OK?"

Jian Yiling had no reason to refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

The live broadcast platform completely recorded the whole process of assisting Wen Zhe's sister and future brother-in-law.

Netizens are happy:

[Hahaha, if I have such a brother, am I still single today? 】

[Am I missing an object? What I lack is such a brother! 】

[It's over. I originally came rushing to Z God's Yan and Ling God's cuteness. Now I seem to be fanned by this kid's circle. The show team quickly tell us what the kid's name is! 】

[Brother tell us where you have decided to watch the meteor shower, and we want to go too! 】

Because of Wen Zhe's children's activity, Jian Yiling's live broadcast room attracted more popularity.

In front of the computer, Jian Yichen, who was watching the live broadcast, almost sprayed a sip of coffee on the keyboard.

What's the matter with this kid?

Didn’t you tell them that you want to unite with them?

Why did you turn around when you turned around?

What benefit did he accept the surname Zhai?

He actually wanted to help the surnamed Zhai create a chance to get along with his sister alone?

In the middle of the night, lonely men and women, watching the meteor shower from the top of the mountain? How can this work?

"This stinky kid, if it wasn't for the live broadcast at my sister's house, I'll rush in and pick you up now to educate you!"

Just like Jian Yichen, Jian Yujie also watched the live broadcast.

What does this Wen kid think? Actually asked my sister to go camping on the mountain with Zhai Yunsheng in the middle of the night?

Jian Yujie wanted to call Jian Yiling directly to dissuade him, but he thought that this had already been broadcast live, and it seemed not so good if he suddenly regretted it.

It is hard to guarantee that no netizens are already looking forward to the camping activities at night.

Backlash will give netizens a reason to black sister.

So Jian Yujie held back.

Fortunately, my sister and the others go to the top of the mountain to play, and they will also go with the camera. With the show group and netizens watching, Zhai Yunsheng should not dare to do anything excessive to his sister.

Thinking this way, Jian Yujie calmed down a lot.

Father Zhai saw this and slapped his thigh, "Wen, this kid is okay! I thought he would mess with Xiaoling and the others, but I didn't expect it to have this effect! I like it! If I have a chance to see this kid, I must do well. Praise and praise him, he has a bright future!"

Following Mr. Zhai, he called his assistant: "Go to find out, where is the location arranged by the Wen family for Xiaoling, and then make sure if anyone else is there, and if so, think of a way to change the place."

Such a good time to date, of course, is to let the grandson and granddaughter-in-law be alone.

"Good lord."

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