From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1064: Cai Qinyue's live broadcast room (3)

Cai Qinyue had done her homework before she came, and Lucy has repeatedly trained her in the past few days, just to make Jian Yiling ugly in front of the audience in the live broadcast room today.

Zhai Yunsheng laughed lightly: "Did you go to the dung pool before you came to my house?"

Cai Qinyue retorted: "Why don't you allow others to say something about what I have done? Am I willing to do this? Isn't it all forced by you? If it weren't for you to do too much and deceive others too much, I would do it like this Is it something? Who doesn't want to live a good life, who doesn't want to be bright, but do you give me a chance?"

Said Cai Qinyue cried, her eyes flushed and tears slipped from her cheeks.

A bit stubborn in grievance.

Like a woman who was persecuted to the extreme, she put aside her dignity and face and made the last helpless resistance.

Someone in the live broadcast room began to sympathize with Cai Qinyue:

[Where there are born shrews, they are not all driven by external factors. 】

[Looking at her crying so sad, she should have been forced to make trouble, right? 】

[If what she said about finding a woman to cheat for her uncle is true, it would be really disgusting. 】

And there are many people who disagree:

[If you really cheated, shouldn’t you blame the man for his poor concentration? What is it about us Lingshen? 】

[I don’t believe that Lingshen is a person who can do this kind of thing. Lingshen is too lazy to say things. He is definitely not the kind of person who wants to think about it! 】

[I think this woman is here to rub the heat of Ling Shen and Z Shen! nausea! 】

The two parties quarreled, and the barrage was overwhelming. If the barrage was not shielded, the screen could not be seen clearly.

Zhai Yunsheng didn't rush, his eyes were playful: "So how much alimony do you want?"

"My lawyer will come over in a while." Cai Qinyue was well prepared, even looking for a lawyer in advance.

When she divorced Wen Cheng at that time, Cai Qinyue was afraid of being burdened with a huge debt. The divorce agreement between the two was clearly written. She did not want Wen Cheng’s property, and accordingly, she did not bear any debts of Wen Cheng.

Even in a lawsuit, she won't get anything.

If the lawsuit can help her get Wen Cheng's property, she must have been fighting long ago.

She herself definitely knew that there was no chance of winning in a lawsuit.

So she is right now that Jian Yiling is on the live broadcast. If she doesn't want her reputation to be damaged, will she compromise with her?

Zhai Yunsheng smiled carelessly: "Okay, it just happens that I don't have anything to do today, let's see you play tricks."

Zhai Yunsheng leaned on the sofa in a lazy posture.

Lucy, who is watching the live broadcast, sees things go as planned, but can't laugh when she should be happy.

Zhai Yunsheng would rather give Cai Qinyue time than listen to her.

In his heart, she can't even match Cai Qinyue?

"Zhai Yunsheng, why, do you look down on me so much?"

The feeling of being ignored by the man she liked was even more unbearable than being ignored by the elders in the family.

Lucy told herself that now is not the time to talk about feelings. Getting the family compass and getting the family's approval is her priority now.

Lucy was thinking when suddenly the door opened.

The person who appeared before her was Elder George.


"What are you doing?" Elder George's face was serious and his eyes were sharp.

"I'm doing something." Lucy quickly turned off the live broadcast, and the computer interface switched to the desktop.

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