From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1072: "Mom"

Cai Qinyue felt a chill in her back.

Thinking of what I did was always under Zhai Yunsheng's nose.

When Cai Qinyue looked at Zhai Yunsheng who was smiling but not smiling, a chill rose from the bottom of her feet.

Zhai Yunsheng's fingers habitually tapped on the armrest of the sofa, and there was nothing that made Cai Qinyue nervous inexplicably.

The fear that rose from the bottom of her heart made Cai Qinyue's legs soft.

But Cai Qinyue thought of Lucy again. She was working for Miss Lucy and the Goodman family. She didn't need to be so afraid of Zhai Yunsheng.

After hearing what Zhai Yunsheng said, Warmth lost all calmness angrily.

"Cai Qinyue! You are too much! How can you do this! Where is my daughter sorry for you? You have always done things that hurt us first! I tell you, if you want to do anything, just come at me !Did you hear me!"

If it hadn't been for Jian Shu to stop him, Warmth had already pounced on and started with Cai Qinyue.

"A Nuan, don't move, let me come."

Jian Shuhuan wants to do it himself.

Cai Qinyue panicked when she saw Jian Shuhuan's warmth that the couple really wanted to do something with themselves.

The current situation is very unfavorable to her. If she doesn't leave, she may really have to be beaten warmly by [August One Chinese Network].

Today's things cannot be done, she will go back first, discuss with Miss Lucy, and then make the next arrangements.

"Okay, okay, there are so many of you, I can't beat you, I'll go!"

Cai Qinyue turned and left after speaking.

After Cai Qinyue left, the inside of the house became clean.

Warm annoyed and said angrily: "I knew she was so excessive, I should have been ruthless!"

Warmth now feels that the things she did to Cai Qinyue before are still too light.

Jian Shuhuan also gritted his teeth and said: "This Cai Qinyue is really bad for death!"

The couple are still angry.

Warmth looked at Jian Yiling again, and comforted her softly, "Don't be afraid of Yiling, parents won't let her have another time!"

Jian Shu echoed: "Yes, yes, Xiaoling, don't worry, and don't take what the old witch said to heart, she is jealous."

"Yeah." Jian Yiling responded in a low voice, lowered his eyes, was silent for a while, and said with difficulty: "Mom."

It took a lot of effort to say a simple address from Jian Yiling's mouth.

The warmth stunned.

This "mother" came off guard.

Since that incident happened three years ago, she has never heard her daughter call her mother again.

She knew that her daughter and herself were parted, but she didn't know how to change everything.

What she and her husband can do is to do something for their daughter where they can.

Jian Shu is warm and warm and pleasant.

The eyes of the two of them were red, and their tears were rolling.

"I want to drink the soup you boiled." Jian Yiling said the second half of her sentence in a jerky manner.

"Okay, okay, mom will cook it for you at night." Warmth repeatedly agreed.

Tears rolled down from the sockets of the eyes.

Really, she clearly promised that her mother-in-law would no longer shed tears at every turn. Why is it still so useless today, the tears fell when she said it?

The warm craftsmanship is not good. She only started to make soup for her daughter three years ago, and most of the soup went into Jian Yunmo's five internal organs temple.

Because he couldn't bear the disappointment of his mother and didn't want the old girl to suffer, he contracted all the "love" soup from his mother.

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