From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1077: Two brothers visit the live broadcast room (1)

Jian Shuhuan turned his head to ask for help from Mr. Jian.

Mr. Jane said a good thing to his sons and grandchildren: "Old lady, if you have any way, please help the children. This is not mainly for them, but also for the good of our little beloved. The children of other people's families are all hurt. Niangai brothers are guarding, our little dears can't go bad? Yu Min Yujie and the others are good with the little dears, but it is the cousin after all. This brother is still hanging here. Great."

Mrs. Jane's words said Mrs. Jane's heart was up.

She can ignore her sons and grandchildren, but Xiao Guai always cares about her.

"Isn't there still Yunmo." Old lady Jian didn't let it go so easily.

"Yunmo is good, but it's not good if you let him be caught alone. Besides, Yuncheng Yunnao is not a bad boy, right?"

Mrs. Jian was moved.

It was He Yan who did it three years ago. No one else knew it, and there was nothing right or wrong.

Even if they were wrong, they were treated coldly for these three years.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you once and teach you a trick."

The old lady Jian let go, Jian Shuhuan and Jian Yunnao were both happy.

Jian Yuncheng's face didn't show up, but anyone who knew him knew that even if this guy was happy in his heart, there would be no obvious smile on his face.

Old Mrs. Jian said: "First of all, you have to be like Xue Yichen, shameless, shameless, and worthless compared to your sister; second, you have to support Xiaoling, whether she wants to be with Master Zhai, She still wants to do her job. You have to support her and give her full trust."

"Good, good," Jian Shu replied repeatedly.

"Then, you..."

Jian Shuhuan and his two sons carefully wrote down what Mrs. Jian said.

The next day, Sunday, the family of four gave themselves a vacation and reported to Jian Yiling's house on time.

The appearance of Jian Yuncheng and Jian Yunnao once again caused heated discussions among the audience in the live broadcast room.

[Here are two handsome guys again, this time it is the type I like, I think I can do it again. 】

[Ahhhh, I like the colder one, too manly! ! It feels so cool, abstinence! ! There is no resistance to this ascetic male god. 】

[What's the look upstairs? Is this an ascetic male god? Cold, like a block of ice, staying with him was suffocating. 】

[I prefer this slightly shorter one, youthful and energetic, and looks very sunny. 】

[Yes, the handsome boy looks so handsome! It's kind of like the grass of our school. 】

[Although this younger one is good-looking, he has a better temper than the older one, but it's a pity that he doesn't have good eyes and is a bit blind, so I don't recommend you fans. 】

I don't know why, there are always people with crooked rhythms in the live broadcast room today, and netizens have said that when the two handsome guys are conspicuous, there are always people who spit out.

Isn't these two people showing their faces for the first time? Why is there already a black powder?

"Sister!" Jian Yunnao handed over a USB flash drive, "I personally composed this song! I wrote it for you and gave it to you."

Jian Yunnao has been composing this tune for a long time, and has not dared to send it for fear of upsetting Jian Yiling.

It wasn't until yesterday that he was instructed by his grandma that he mustered up the courage and sent it out.

"Have the piano?" Jian Yiling asked.

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