From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1095: Lucy's end (1)

"What is Jian Yiling's relationship with our family? You never told me, and then blamed me to provoke her? I knew since I was a child that I should find the family compass. What I did was just to find the family compass. I haven't done anything to hurt Jian Yiling. Why do you want to punish me?"

Lucy refused. She still doesn't know what Jian Yiling's identity is. The whole family must respect her like this.

Elder George frowned: "You talked and acted. If you are willing to tell me, I will tell you, but you didn't."

"Will you tell me? Now you can say anything. It is obviously a task assigned to the family by the former Patriarch. Why should I not know? Why?"

Lucy was not reconciled. Before this incident, she did not miss anything, but she was always excluded from the family core.

Obviously with her identity, she can become the core of the family.

Elder George frowned.

Anna sneered: "So you can use the method of stealing?"

Lucy denied: "Don't spit people, when did I steal, kidnap and kill? Do you have any evidence?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. Anyway, if you make Miss Jane upset by this wave of operations, you have lost the qualification to compete in disguise. Are you not curious why Jane Yiling is so important to our family? Then I will let You have to die to understand."

Anna told Lucy: "Accurately speaking, what we respect is not Jian Yiling, but the person who inherited the secrets of the Xie family. Because she is the heir of the Xie family, the elder will give her the compass, you know ?"

"The Xie family? You mean the Xie family that the Great Elder mentioned before?"

"Yes, it's the Xie family who smashed M Island in the last century."

"Jian Yiling's surname is Jane." Lucy didn't believe that, what could Jian Yiling have to do with the famous Xie family a hundred years ago?

"Yes, her surname is Jane, but she is also a person with the blood of the Xie family. Jian Yiling's grandmother, Mrs. Xie, is the last person in the Xie family. You now understand what Jian Yiling means to our Goodman family Is it? It's not a coincidence that the compass appeared to her, but it was entrusted to her by the great elder."

Lucy paled when she heard this.

She didn't expect that Jian Yiling still had such a heavy identity.

"Then...then I want to get the compass is not wrong." Lucy didn't admit that she did something wrong.

Elder George said: "The compass cannot be competed for. You have to let Jian Yiling give it to you willingly. The robbed compass cannot be recognized by the family. What's more, the secret of the treasure location recorded on the compass. , Is in the hands of the Xie family."

Lucy was completely dumbfounded.

Then he gritted his teeth to the two people in front of him: "Why didn't you tell me in advance! Why? If you tell me, will I go to provoke her?"

Anna sneered: "Then you didn't tell the rest of the family, you know that the compass is on her."

Lucy asked in return: "Since it is a competitive relationship, of course I have to take the upper hand. Should I wait for you to come to fight with you? What can I fight with you?"

George asked Lucy: "Lucy, you don't trust the family yourself, so why should you ask the family to trust you and reuse you?"

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