From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1141: Exciting General Method (3)

Liu Ting said: "Master Zhai, my massage technique is very good. Jian Yiling's cousin has been paralyzed for so long, and his muscles have shrunk like that. I came here with me a little bit. If you don't believe me Call Wen Yan over and let him show you his thighs. In addition to his active exercise, my massage also played a big role."

This is the truth. Wen Yan’s leg can heal so quickly, Liu Ting is indispensable.

Liu Ting asked Jian Yiling to testify to him: "Yiling, don't you think?"

He used to be called "President" Jian Yiling, but today he suddenly changed his name.

A "Yi Ling" seemed inexplicably intimate.

"Yeah." Jian Yiling agreed with Liu Ting's technique.

Jian Yiling did not notice the change in Liu Ting's name.

"Yiling still knows me." Liu Ting turned his head and looked at Jian Yiling affectionately. "Speaking of which, when we first met, it was because of a dead body. The autopsy we did together, the whole identification Institution, only the two of us can bear the tragic condition of that corpse."

Liu Ting is a weird person, as is Jian Yiling.

It is rare for Liu Ting to meet someone who can talk with him.

He would probably be scolded when he talked about corpses to others about organs, but he couldn't talk about them with Jian Yiling. She would answer his knowledge of organs seriously.

Having said this, the corners of Liu Ting's mouth rose slightly.

Zhai Yunsheng saw and heard clearly.

Liu Ting said: "Yiling, you haven't shown up for two years, so I lost one person who can talk about these things with me. That feeling is really bad."

Liu Ting said this from the bottom of his heart, sincerely speaking.

In the past two years, Jian Yiling was absent, and he was really sad and missed her.

Zhai Yunsheng had a feeling of choking his throat by a fishbone.

Liu Ting looked at Jian Yiling with such eyes and he couldn't bear it anymore, let alone let him go to the movies with Jian Yiling, date, together... hold hands, hug...

Zhai Yunsheng's face darkened as he thought about it.

He found that no matter how much he disliked what he was like now, as long as he thought of his giving up in exchange for another man with Jian Yiling, he couldn't stand it for a moment.

Zhai Yunsheng said in a deep voice, "I am more used to Yiling doing massages for me."

Liu Ting objected: "There is a difference between Yiling and you, and you are not married. It is inconvenient for her to massage your whole body. I am a man, and my hands are stronger than Yiling's. You can trust my skills. "

Zhai Yunsheng snorted: "We all slept on the same bed at night. Although we are not married, the engagement is still there. It will be a matter of time before we get married."

Liu Ting's eyes fell on Zhai Yunsheng's body, his lips curled and smiled, with a little sarcasm and contempt in his smile.

He seems to be mocking Zhai Yunsheng's current body, and he seems to be saying that he still wants to marry Jian Yiling just like this, which is ridiculous.

Liu Ting's gaze could not be seen where Jian Yiling was sitting, but Zhai Yunsheng could see it clearly.

Following Liu Ting, he turned his head and looked at Jian Yiling and took a smile, "Since Master Zhai doesn't need me, then I'll go back to the car and do other things. If you need anything, Yiling, you can come to the car at any time. Find me, I'm on standby for 24 hours."

"Yeah." Jian Yiling nodded, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I'll bring you other desserts tomorrow." Liu Ting said.

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