From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1148: The transformation of Master Sheng (2)

Zhai Yunsheng suddenly looked back at Jian Yiling.

treatment solutions?

What treatment plan.

Jian Yunmo helped Jian Yiling explain: "My sister has studied a set of treatment plans for you that can cure you, but the implementation of the plan has certain conditions. If this old gentleman really does what he said, maybe this set of plans It can be implemented. My sister didn't tell you to tell you in advance, because I don't want you to be happy."

After listening to Jian Yunmo's words, Zhai Yunsheng's gaze fell on Jian Yiling again.

His eyes burned, as if he was about to carve her little face into his eyes.

Jian Yiling asked Zhai Yunsheng in a low voice: "I really found a way. I will treat the disease well this time, okay? I will work hard."

The eyes were full of expectation, and the tone was soft and pleading.

Staring at Jian Yiling's eyes, a deep "OK" came out from deep in Zhai Yunsheng's throat.

Of course it’s good.

Zhai Yunsheng was never afraid of treatment. He was afraid that he could not be cured, but he was used to no hope, so the so-called treatment became dispensable for him.

But only he knew how much he wanted to be healed in his heart after meeting her, to be able to walk with her, and to protect her like a normal person.

"Really?" Jian Yiling's eyes lit up.

He really is no longer depressed, is he really willing to cooperate with the treatment?

"Fool, when am I reluctant."

"You have recently been unwilling to... ignore me..." Jian Yiling complained in a small voice.

"I am not, unwilling..."

That is because he thinks he is not enough.

If it is good, who wants to push her out.

Really pushed, how could he be willing.

He couldn't stand it just to see other men treat her well.

After all, he is deceiving himself and others.

"Ahem." Jian Yunmo coughed twice to remind Zhai Yunsheng that he is still here.

Yu Xi was taken aback by hearing it.

Really? Really, Lingshen came back after missing for two years and found a cure for Master Sheng's disease?

"I said, are you numb enough? If numbness is enough, can we start? My old man's time is precious!"

Old man Sun was impatient.

"Do you start now?" Jian Yunmo asked.

"Nonsense, why wait until tomorrow for things that can start from today? Do you think his life is long or that my old man's life is long? We both don't seem to live too long? Since it's not long, you still waste it. Well?"

Old man Sun kept his mouth open.

The bad temper is really not a talk.

"You seem to have a lot of people, hurry up, get a big tub, and then prepare medicinal materials. I will give him a medicinal bath first." Old man Sun began to direct everyone to work.

He sat in the room by himself, took out a cigarette, stuffed some tobacco, and started to smoke leisurely.

"Don't smoke in the house." Jian Yiling stopped Old Man Sun.

"Why? You can't smell it or this sick seed can't smell it?" Old man Sun didn't treat himself as a guest at all. "My old man smokes wherever he wants, and he doesn't smell it!"

Jian Yiling pushed Zhai Yunsheng to the door.

When Old Man Sun finished smoking, Jian Yunmo had already brought a large wooden barrel and hot water.

Old man Sun was very satisfied with this: "Well, it's efficient."

Following the old man Sun commanded Jian Yiling again: "Little girl, take your man's clothes off to me and throw them into the hot tub."

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