From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1171: Win or lose in a game (4)

Zhai Yunsheng's force value is even higher than him!

how can that be?

As a descendant of the Wishing Yindao Xuanmen, who is known for his martial arts, how could he lose to an ordinary family member?

Mu Ruhai stood up directly from the position.

The situation before him is very unfavorable for him.

"Uncle, where are you going?" Anna didn't know when she came to Mu Ruhai's side.

"I'm just a little tired after sitting for a long time. I stand for a while."

"Oh, this way, the uncle will stand more, after all, it's easy to get bad when he gets older, so he shouldn't sit for a long time."

Mu Ruhai looked at Anna coldly, and then sat back reluctantly.

In just such a short time, Zhai Yunsheng has completely gained the upper hand.

"A Sheng did a good job! As expected of my grandson!" Elder Zhai couldn't help but stand up and shouted with excitement.

With Father Zhai’s birth, Jian Yujie couldn’t sit still anymore, and shouted: "Brother-in-law did a great job!"

The people immediately following Zhai Jian's family were all cheering and cheering for Zhai Yunsheng.

"The young master is so handsome!"

"Young master turn him!"

"Young Master mighty!"

The shouts of the people of the Loyalty League were uniform, loud and loud, resounding throughout the basketball court.

A Yong was already not low. After Zhai Yunsheng's last kick, he fell to the ground, making it difficult to get up again.

The fat old man from the Loyalty League came up to time the clock. For more than ten seconds, A Yong couldn't get up from the ground, so he was sentenced to lose.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

At the last moment, A Yong still failed to stand up, not only because of physical pain, but also because of exhaustion of strength.

He has no extra strength to support him to stand up.

Even if he reluctantly stood up again, he would not be able to defeat the brilliant Zhai Yunsheng in front of him.

The fat old man announced loudly that the winner of this bet was Zhai Yunsheng.

In the basketball stadium, the people of the Zhongyi League cheered loudly.

I always thought that their young master was a sick child, thought he was going to die soon, and were worried about the future of their loyalty alliance.

Today's battle not only dispelled the rumors that Zhai Yunsheng was about to die or might be dead, but also showed them the incomparably powerful side of their young master, which increased their confidence.

Now who would dare to say that their young master is weak and try! Let them see how strong their young master is!

Mu Ruhai's entire face was gloomy.

The result was just the opposite of what he expected.

And this is the first time he has made such a huge prediction error in so many years.

"It looks like my good uncle is going to go to prison." Anna smiled and satirized Mu Ruhai.

What's the use of his agency, but in the end it still doesn't make a cool song?

Anna added: "Of course, uncle, you can also choose to break your promise. In that case, you will not only be expelled from the family, but all the property in your name will be gone."

Before the start of the competition, both Zhai Yunsheng and Mu Ruhai signed an agreement to transfer the property in their name to each other for free.

The two agreements were sealed in a safe in the center of the competition venue.

The key to the safe is held by the Goodman family, and the password for the safe is set by the Loyalty Alliance.

The winning party can take the key and password, destroy his share, and then take the other's share and ask for the agreed reward.

Now that the outcome is divided, Zhai Yunsheng has won.

The choice left to Mu Ruhai is to either surrender as agreed and confess the truth about Zhai Bochen's murder, or his transfer letter will take effect.

At the same time, as a punishment for his breach of contract, the Goodman family will ruthlessly abandon him.

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