From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1178: Back to Beijing (2)

The news of Jian Yiling's return to Beijing was hotly discussed on the Internet.

The victims of the plane crash appeared again after two years, which is really surprising.

Netizens find it incredible, but most of them are blessings.

[Jian Yiling came back alive! Oh my goodness, this is incredible, right? 】

[Lingshen, my Lingshen is actually alive! 】

[Pray for blessing?? Pray for blessing??, just be alive, just be alive. 】

Someone on the Internet has done research and speculation, saying that it might be a wormhole crossing.

[I guess the plane encountered a wormhole crossing over the Pacific Ocean, and it landed two years later. 】

[I think so too. I thought so when they couldn't find the wreckage of the plane two years ago. Now it seems that the probability of my guess is very high! 】

But some people also raised questions:

[But if it's a wormhole, where is the plane? Why is there no mention of the aircraft and the other crew members on the aircraft? Where did they go? 】

[Why is there no media report about finding the plane and other people, what else is it hiding? 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I really want to know what happened. I hope some media can interview Jian Yiling and answer our doubts. 】

These are just speculations, and Jian Yiling himself did not come out to clarify.

People only know that she came back alive.


The day after Jian Yiling came back, he appeared in the Beijing Branch of Luohaisen Hospital.

After two years, the Luohaisen branch in Beijing has been completed.

Unlike the general hospital, the branch hospitals are more popular and closer to ordinary private hospitals in form.

Except that the cost is a little more expensive than the average hospital, the technology is better, and the operation mode of the ordinary hospital is the same.

Therefore, the recruitment needs of the hospital and the general hospital are also completely different.

In the past two years, under the management of other core members of Luo Haisen, a large number of doctors have been stationed in this branch hospital.

Now Zhang Yun has also got the opportunity to become a member of the Beijing Branch of Luohaisen.

When he arrived in the capital and came to the door of Luohaisen Hospital, Zhang Yun was still confused.

She really did not expect that she and Jin Jin saved the individual together, and as a result, she achieved one of her life goals-to become a member of the Luohaisen Beijing Branch.

Zhang Yun, a member of the Luohaisen General Hospital, had never thought about it. It is said that only the top talent can enter.

"Miss Jian, can I really come to work here?" Zhang Yun confirmed this to Jian Yiling again.

Jian Yiling nodded.

"But you need to start with an internship."

"I understand, I understand."

Zhang Yun nodded repeatedly.

Regardless of whether it starts with an internship or something, it is already very satisfying to be able to come in.

Following the two of them into the hospital, Zhang Yun went to her department to report.

Jian Yiling went to meet the dean of the branch in the Beijing branch.

"Hey, is this Jian Yiling? The one in the headquarters?"

"Yeah, yeah, the one that disappeared two years ago."

"Why did she come to our branch? She hasn't appeared for two years. Has she been demoted by the headquarters?"

"I don't know, it's been two years, and I don't know what she is doing now."

"Didn't it mean that the first surgeon of our Luohaisen Hospital has been replaced?"

"I also want to know who is better at her or Doctor Fei."

"I think it's Dr. Fei. Except for the news that she joined the Luohaisen Hospital, there was a lot of noise. I have never heard of her successful cases."

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