From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1192: Third brother also wants to have a name

Jian Yunnao learned about Jian Yiling calling Jian Yuncheng "Big Brother".

At first, he saw that his eldest brother was in a particularly good mood. He who had always had no expression on his face had smiled frequently recently.

After further questioning, I found out that my younger sister started to be intimate with her elder brother, and she would call her elder brother and urge her to marry her.

Jian Yunnao was very envious in her heart.

He looked down at the piano in front of him and put his mood on the piano.

The player's emotions are pouring out with the notes of the fingertips.

Jian Yunmo heard the sound of the piano outside the door and stopped for a long time. After Jian Yunnao finished playing, Jian Yunmo walked into the piano room.

"Second brother?"

Jian Yunnao had just played rapturously and didn't notice someone at the door.

"Something on your mind?"

"No, no..."

"That's not what your piano said."

The mouth can lie, but the piano won't.

Jian Yunnao lowered her eyes, a bit of melancholy stained her eyes.

Jian Yunmo patted him on the shoulder, "If you have any concerns, tell your second brother and see if your second brother can help you out."

"Second brother, sister and me..."

Jian Yunnao spoke, and all the voices from behind swallowed back into his stomach.

Jian Yunmo smiled gently, "Xiao Nao, do you remember when you quarreled with Xiao Ling and came to me for comment?"

Jian Yunnao and Jian Yiling are about the same age, and the two little guys are often noisy when they are three or five years old.

"Yeah." Jian Yunnao replied in a low voice, "Second Brother does not judge who is right and who is wrong each time, but coaxes both of us."

Jian Yunmo always has a way to cheer up his younger siblings and make them forget the content of the quarrel.

But Jian Yunmo would not comment on the right or wrong of the quarrel itself.

"Xiao Nao, it is difficult to judge right or wrong in many things between family members, or right or wrong itself is not important, what matters is the friendship between us."

Jian Yunmo's voice was as gentle as ever.

"Second brother, I... I also want to be with my younger sister... as before... In the past two years, I thought she was really gone. I really hate and regret it. I regret why I didn't believe her in the first place, regret it. Our brother and sister relationship just disappeared, I..."

"I know."

In the past two years, Jian Yunnao's regret has been vividly demonstrated in the music he composed in the past two years.

Each song is full of sad memorials.

"Second brother, the younger sister is willing to be called the big brother, I..."

"You also want to, right?" Jian Yunmo saw through Jian Yunnao's thoughts at a glance.


He also wanted to make peace with his younger sister as before, cherish the time with her younger sister, and want to be well when they are all alive...

"Then do it, it's useless to just think here, Xiaoling can't feel it." Jian Yunmo said and gently touched Jian Yunnao's head, "You have grown up and are as tall as your brothers. ."

Jian Yunnao lowered his head, the starting point ripples in the lake of heart.

Jian Yunmo said again: "Don't follow your brother's face all day long."

"I seem to hear someone hurting me secretly."

Jian Yuncheng's low voice sounded at the door.

Jian Yunmo turned around and saw that the eldest brother who had just been named by him was standing at the door.

Although there is still not much expression on the poker face, the eyebrows are obviously brighter than the previous few days.

It is obvious that the progress of the relationship with the younger sister has a great influence on Jian Yuncheng.

Jian Yunmo smiled and replied: "I have to say the same in front of you, your expression is too little, cold, the little girl used to be afraid of you."

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