From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1198: Face Slap Fei Qing (3)

The resection of the lung lesions was also very successful, and the peeling of the lesions has been basically completed.

The nurse informed the family members of the patients waiting in the waiting room of the good news.

Then the attention of the doctors in the entire department was on Jian Yiling, who had just ended a hard fight.

Jian Yiling looked calm and expressionless.

There is neither showing off nor blame.

He didn't even look at Fei Qing more.

She finished packing herself and changed her clothes for the operation.

Calmly left the operating room.

When everyone looked at Jian Yiling like this, they felt complicated for a while.

The people who had previously speculated that Jian Yiling refused to compete with Fei Qing because of lack of real talents and real learning felt ashamed.

It turns out that people have real abilities, and they refuse to compare Fei Qing because they really don't want to compare human lives.

Look at Fei Qing again.

It was her who offered the test, but the operation almost failed on her hand, and the old man almost died on the operating table.

Fei Qing didn't know how she got out of the operating room and returned to her office.

It wasn't until after sitting in the office for almost half an hour that she slowly recovered.

I opened the WeChat group and saw that everyone was complimenting Jian Yiling:

[No wonder Dr. Jian is from the General Hospital, she is so amazing! 】

[That is, it is fortunate that Dr. Jane is in the operating room today. She calmly and calmly directed everyone to do things, and she was able to complete the operation very well. She was so cool! 】

[From today, Dr. Jane is my idol! 】

[My God, you don’t know how dangerous the situation in the operating room is today. It almost caused the first phase of the surgical accident since the establishment of our Luohaisen Beijing Branch. Thanks to Dr. Jane who saved the situation and saved the life of the old man. 】

[Jian Yiling is really amazing, this operation was already going to fail, Jian Yiling was brought back from the ghost gate! 】

[Really too powerful! Kneeling to finish reading! 】

Fei Qing felt that they were not only complimenting Jian Yiling, but also mocking herself at the same time, but they didn't directly talk about it in the group with her.

Maybe in those small groups who don't have her, they are already laughing at her.

Fei Qing felt unwilling to think that all the glory that belonged to her had been taken away by Jian Yiling.

Fei Qing slammed the phone on the table.

A group of wise men!


Zhang Yun was not in surgery, but what happened on the surgery side quickly spread throughout the hospital.

After Zhang Yun heard the news, everyone around her asked her about Jian Yiling.

"Zhang Yun, you and Jian Yiling have dinner and commute together, don't you know each other?"

"That's right." Zhang Yun didn't dare to say how irony she was with Jian Yiling.

"I really envy you, you can get close to the great god."

"You are not far away." Zhang Yun smiled.

"We are not familiar with her, you will take us to meet her next time you eat in the cafeteria!"

Zhang Yun can only evade that the relationship between herself and Jian Yiling is really not that familiar.

Jian Yiling owed her favors before becoming her introducer and recommended her to come to Luohaisen Beijing Branch for an internship.

Recently, they commute to get off work together and eat together because in this branch, they only know each other and are even more unfamiliar with others.

Their relationship really hasn't reached that point.

Zhang Yun really didn't know that Jian Yi was so powerful.

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