From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1209: Team building (1)

After the team building was confirmed, the laboratory of the Beijing Branch of the Luohaisen lost a bottle of chemical agent.

The medicament has a serious corrosive effect and can only be stored in a brown glass bottle. If it touches the skin, the skin will corrode and ulcerate, and the effect is not much different from that of sulfuric acid.

Ten minutes after the medicine was taken out of the Haisen Beijing Branch, Li Zhuojia received the news.

The control of all medicines in Luohaisen is very strict. Each medicine bottle is customized. During the glass manufacturing process, a special signal transmitter is integrated into the bottom of the bottle.

Especially for the hazardous pharmaceutical bottles, Luo Haisen will strictly monitor their whereabouts.

Just now, a chemical reagent bottle was taken away from the Luohaisen Jingcheng Branch, and the signal traced it to a residential area.

According to the serial number, it was learned that a bottle of highly corrosive chemical agent was taken away, which was dangerous. The hospital must figure out where the agent went to ensure safety.

Soon according to the location information of the signal, Li Zhuojia found that the location information was consistent with the address registered by an intern nurse named Bai Pingping in the hospital.

It can be preliminarily judged that the medicine may have been taken away by the trainee nurse.

Li Zhuojia immediately reported the matter to Jian Yiling and Jian Yunmo.


When the weekend arrived, the employees of the Beijing Branch of Luohaisen got on the company bus and drove to the destination of their team building.

Here is green mountains and green waters, surrounded by hills, lush green, and fresh air.

Everyone came to the woods by the lake and started pitching tents.

Luo Xiu'en is very capable of hands-on, and set up the tent after three attempts.

Luo Xiuen patted the dust on his hands and was very satisfied with his results: "Hey, this tent is so much better than that stinky boy!"

In Luo Xiuen's view, children are the most difficult problem in the world.

Especially little boys.

Now Luo Xiuen is envious when he sees other little girls.

Look at my own stinky boy again. The more I look at it, the more I want to plug it back into a new birth.

Jian Yunnao pitched his and Jian Yunmo's tent next to Jian Yiling and Luo Xiu'en.

When Luo Xiuen and Jian Yunnao set up the tent, Jian Yunmo was already getting the ingredients.

Today’s lunch is everyone’s own barbecue.

Everyone has set up the racks, you have everything you need, but you have to season and skewer yourself.

The employees of the Luohaisen Beijing Branch gathered in groups in front of their barbecue grills.

Many people looked at Jian Yiling and the four of them.

They focused not on Jian Yiling, but the brothers Jian Yunmo and Jian Yunnao.

These two people are too overwhelming and eye-catching.

Especially Jian Yunmo, son Ruyu, Zhilan Yushu.

And he is also a member of the Central Academy and a well-known biologist.

Regardless of the appearance or talent, they are all top-notch, making people hard to look away.

Especially the unmarried women in the hospital can't help but bump into the fawn.

"Dr. Jane is too handsome?"

"Really, it looks so gentle."

"I envy Jian Yiling, there is such a handsome brother. I decided to do more good deeds in my life, and look forward to the next life God can arrange for me such a brother. Anyway, this life is impossible."

"Brother is impossible, husband is still possible."

"Forget it, just like me, with a man who looks like this, I will feel that I have defiled each other."

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