From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1223: Brothers are sad, angry and helpless (2)

When Jian Yiling saw Zhai Yunsheng again an hour later, both he and Jian Yuncheng were sweating.

It seems that Jian Yuncheng is more tired.

After all, Zhai Yunsheng had undergone intensive training by Old Man Sun, and now even Jian Yiheng may not be able to match it. It is very difficult for Jian Yuncheng to fencing with him for an hour.

Of course, Zhai Yunsheng didn't really follow Jian Yuncheng during the whole process.

"What did you do?" Jian Yiling asked.

"Nothing, just compare fencing." Zhai Yunsheng replied with a smile.

Better than fencing?

Why suddenly think of it better than fencing?

Jian Yunnao knew that if his eldest brother couldn't compare with Zhai Yunsheng in terms of force, then the two of them were not fencing.

It's a pity that Zhai Yunsheng is now much stronger, and most people are not his opponents.

Before leaving, Jian Yuncheng said to Jian Yiling: "Your second brother and mother miss you very much, and they will go home for dinner tomorrow."

All foxes are thousands of years old, can Zhai Yunsheng not know what Jian Yuncheng means?

Knowing that he couldn't really interfere with the two of them, but he was unwilling to let Zhai Yunsheng eat too much, so he made it difficult for Zhai Yunsheng.

Not long after Jian Yuncheng and Jian Yunnao left, Jian Yiheng knocked on the door again.

It wasn't for a midnight snack, but for Zhai Yunsheng to compete.

"Cousin Yi Heng is so intrigued, he's going to challenge me at night?"

"My brother at home wants to watch the live broadcast of our competition." Jian Yiheng said and took out his mobile phone.

I am playing group video with my family.

Therefore, Jian Yiheng also acted "on decree".

After Jian Yuncheng and Jian Yunnao left, they talked about the matter in the [Kill Wolf Association].

The Jian family brothers unanimously asked Jian Yiheng to take the lead.

"Are you hurt or I hurt a Ling, are you sure?" Zhai Yunsheng asked.

"End, don't hurt me or you."

"Can they be satisfied this way?" Zhai Yunsheng asked.

"They only asked me to fight you all night."

Fight all night?

Is this preventing Zhai Yunsheng from sleeping?

So the purpose is not to teach Zhai Yunsheng, but to make Zhai Yunsheng unable to climb into Jian Yiling's bed tonight and do bad things.

Even if he couldn't drag Zhai Yunsheng all night, he could exhaust Zhai Yunsheng's physical strength and make him fall asleep when he returned to the room, without thinking about other things.

The live broadcast is still in progress, and Zhai Yunsheng is not facing a Jian Yiheng, but the many brothers of the Jian family who look like tigers.


Zhai Yunsheng could only accept Jian Yiheng's challenge and go to the gym next to him to fight this fight.

This one did not last long, because Jian Yiling appeared to stop it.

"Brother Yiheng is late, and I will exercise tomorrow."

After that, he brought a supper prepared for the two of them, and asked them to eat the supper first before going to bath and sleep.

Facing the little sister's soft request, Jian Yiheng couldn't refuse.

So put down his fist, and Zhai Yunsheng went to the restaurant for a late night snack.

Jian Yiling sent out the door after eating supper.

Zhai Yunsheng took a shower in the bathroom.

When he came out of the shower, Jian Yiling was already asleep in his room, and the lights were off.

Obviously he sneaked into his room in the middle of the night yesterday.

It was good today, he didn't even look at his bed.

Zhai Yunsheng knew that Jian Yiling shouldn't be asleep yet, so he entered Jian Yiling's room with a towel in the bathroom.

As soon as the door opened, the little "mound" raised on the bed moved.

Obviously not asleep yet, but deliberately pretending to be asleep, trying to escape something.

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