From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1257: As long as I can stay by his side

The news of Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling's wedding date was fixed.

The headline used by the media turned out to be [The Dean of Luohaisen Hospital will marry the capital's wealthy Zhai Shao next month]

Marriage means that in everyone's eyes, Jian Yiling's status is higher than that of the Zhai family.

Generally, female celebrities marry giants.

But when Jian Yiling married the Zhai family, the media agreed that it was a marriage.

I still remember that when we got engaged two years ago, the outside world had a completely different attitude. They all thought it was the Jane family who got lucky and made it to the big giant Zhai family.

In just two years, the wind direction has changed.

Immediately afterwards, the news spread that President Sophia and chief designer would personally design clothes for Jian Yiling on the wedding day.

And Zhang Lao of Xuming Medical directly announced to the public that after Jian Yiling is married, Xuming Medical will be formally handed over to her.

There are also big blessings from all walks of life for this wedding.

The wedding has not been held yet, and there have been seven or eight hot searches.


After the birthday party, Qin Chuan was as busy as ever, and Mo Shiyun also became a virtuous girlfriend at home every day as he had done for more than a year.

Qin Yufan saw her not pleasing to her eyes, but she couldn't fault her, so she could only continue to stay in this home.

That night, Qin Chuan came back later than before, and was still drunk.

Qin Chuan is an extremely self-disciplined person in his life. He never drinks too much when he goes out to socialize and drink, to ensure that he can stay sober.

But today I don't know why, he was so drunk that his assistant sent him back.

Mo Shiyun got Qin Chuan into his own room upstairs with the help of the housekeeper.

Mo Shiyun used a warm towel to wipe the sweat on Qin Chuan's face briefly, then took off his suit jacket and covered him with a quilt.

When Mo Shiyun was about to leave, Qin Chuan suddenly grabbed her first.

"Don't go."

Mo Shiyun was startled, followed by infinite joy.

There were few physical touches between the two, and the most was when she held his arm in front of outsiders.

In private, even the hands are rarely touched.

This time, he took the initiative to grab his hand.

Mo Shiyun was unwilling to take her hand out, so she stood in front of the bed and looked at Qin Chuan.

He is usually alienated and indifferent. When he is drunk, he loses that alienation, and is more like him when he was young.

"I'm here, if you don't let me go, I won't go."

"Xiao Ling..."

Qin Chuan said the name of Mo Shiyun that was not unfamiliar at all.

Mo Shiyun was taken aback for a moment.

A frustration flashed across his face, but he soon cheered up again.

"Qin Chuan, it doesn’t matter if you like her. I won’t be jealous of her anymore. I know she’s very good and excellent. You should also like her. I don’t want to replace her in your mind. I just hope to be able to Continue to be by your side like this."

Mo Shiyun knew that Jian Yiling belonged to Zhai Yunsheng, and the two of them would not separate easily after so many experiences.

And they will get married soon.

Even if Qin Chuan liked Jian Yiling, he would not be with Jian Yiling.

She doesn't expect him to pretend to be her in his heart.

As long as she can have a place by his side like this, she is very satisfied.

Mo Shiyun squatted down and slowly brought her face close to the back of Qin Chuan's hand, feeling the temperature of his hand and the touch of his skin.

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