From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1306: Budokan Competition (4)

Chen Lin thoroughly revealed all his skills, and everyone realized that Chen Lin didn't use his skills just now.

Jian Yiheng couldn't stand it anymore.

After a battle, he was completely defeated.

But Jian Yiheng is not a person who readily admits defeat.

Even after a few kicks, instead of shrinking, he even began to look bloodthirsty and excited.

This Jian family man is simply a pervert!

Others get more and more decadent as they fight, but he is just the opposite!

Moreover, Chen Lin was keenly aware that Jian Yiheng had grown up during the fight.

He is studying!

This is a guy who is strong when it comes to strength!

The potential of this man is terrifying!

When Chen Lin was lucky, he met Jian Yiheng too early, and he hadn't grown to a situation where he couldn't handle it.

Otherwise, if the outcome of today's competition is difficult to determine, then he will be embarrassed.

Chen Lin pays attention to face and will never let this happen to him again.

He still remembers the only time he lost.

Everyone looked at him in this light.

It is the one who is called the Black Hades by those on the Tao.

The losing test became a stain in his life, and every time he thought of it, he felt very upset.

Chen Lin once told himself that he would never make the same mistake again.

Seeing Jian Yiheng who was beaten up with blood in his mouth but still refused to admit defeat, everyone in the Jian family was in a hurry.

Luo Xiuen was so anxious that he rushed to the center of the stadium to drag people back: "This fool, if you lose, you will lose. You don't want to tell him that you will come down if you lose. Why do you hold on!"

Before today's competition, the family discussed countermeasures.

Jian Yiheng would lose within their expectations.

They analyzed Chen Lin and knew that it was impossible to defeat Chen Lin with the current Jian Yiheng.

Jian Yumin was also anxious, but still had to stop Luo Xiuen: "This is Yiheng's test. We must respect him. He knows what he is doing."

[] Luo Xiuen stomped: "I'm afraid that he will be up there, and I don't know what he is doing!"

She was so violent, she really couldn't bear it, her nose was blue and her face was swollen.

Luo Xiuen probably forgot that when she went up to fight with others on her own, it would not be any better than Jian Yiheng.

The Loyalty Alliance is secretly rejoicing.

"Sure enough, Jian Yiheng can't compare with Senior Chen." Sheng Yingying's expression was a little smug.

"Don't be eager to be happy, wait until Zhai Yunsheng also loses." Qu Zhen is relatively stable.

"Jian Yiheng and Zhai Yunsheng, isn't it that Jian Yiheng is better?"

"It's hard to say, if it was Zhai Yunsheng before, it is indeed not as good as Jian Yiheng, but you know that Zhai Yunsheng's last competition, he doesn't know what, and his strength has made a big breakthrough." I still can't underestimate the enemy.

"Then wait and see." Sheng Yingying was confident in Chen Lin.

Whether it's Jian Yiheng or Zhai Yunsheng, it's the same.

Jian Yiheng is still being beaten, his body is already colored, and there is blood on the corner of his mouth.

It looks so distressing.

But Jian Yiheng seemed to be addicted.

As long as he does not admit defeat, or is not knocked to the ground, the competition will continue.

His body will continue to be severely injured by Chen Lin.

"Enough! He lost!"

Suddenly, a soft voice interrupted the competition.

Jian Yiling said to Jian Yiheng, who was on the verge of madness, "If you continue to fight, you can't eat if your jaw is dislocated."

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