From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1318: Is humble love love?

But at this moment, Qin Chuan suddenly understood.

No matter how he changes, things that have changed will never come back.

This Mo Shiyun, in any case, will not be the Mo Shiyun of the previous life.

She's not even the same inside.

Mo Shiyun turned back abruptly and met Qin Chuan's gaze.

Seeing Qin Chuan's eyes full of disappointment.

Yes, it is disappointment, not pity and distress.

Mo Shiyun came to ask Jian Yiling. She thought that even if Qin Chuan did not support her behavior, she would at least understand that she was doing it for him.

She humbled so much for him, shouldn't he be moved?

But he didn't expect a disappointed expression on his face.

Mo Shiyun was shocked, terrified, and terrified.

Qin Chuan turned and left.

"Qin Chuan!" Mo Shiyun stumbled up from the ground and went to chase Qin Chuan.

"Are you angry? Is it because I came to beg Jian Yiling?"

Mo Shiyun still didn't know why Qin Chuan was angry or disappointed.

Qin Chuan did not respond, but his expression made Mo Shiyun guess that she was right.

"Do you think I'm embarrassing you by doing this?" Mo Shiyun asked anxiously, "Qin Chuan, I was wrong, I asked Mo Shiyun for you! I care about you! I'm afraid they will hurt you! I really care about you so much!"

Mo Shiyun explained to Qin Chuan while running.

"I know you like Jian Yiling. I know that even though she is married, you still care about her in your heart and can't forget her. So I know you don't want to be an enemy with her, so I want to ask her to give in. of!"

Qin Chuan finally stopped.

She knew he liked Jian Yiling?

Qin Chuan didn't know when Mo Shiyun discovered it.

But since she knew it, she chose to live peacefully beside him, and even went to ask Jian Yiling.

Did she treat him because of love?

Anyway, what Qin Chuan saw was not the greatness of Mo Shiyun, but the ugly side of her heart.

Because it is not true love, it is possible to compromise in this way.

"Mo Shiyun, what you love is not me, but your life now."

"No, I love you, I love you! I have fallen in love with you since I first saw you in Shenghua High School! Five years! For five years, I never forget Pass you!"

"I don't know if you used to like me, but now you are definitely not because you like me." Qin Chuan said confidently.

"No, no, not like this!" Mo Shiyun desperately shook her head and denied desperately.

But no matter how she denied it, Qin Chuan still wouldn't believe her.

Finally Qin Chuan got in the car and let the driver drive away without waiting for her to get in the car.

Mo Shiyun collapsed to the ground in horror and burst into tears.

"No, don't leave me, Qin Chuan don't leave me, I can't lose you, I really love you! I came to ask Jian Yiling for your own good... It's really like this..."

Mo Shiyun was afraid and hesitated.

She couldn't lose Qin Chuan. When she thought of the life she might face after being abandoned by Qin Chuan, her body couldn't help shaking.

"No, no, I don't want to go back to that kind of life, I love Qinchuan, I love him! He is everything to me! I can't lose him, I must stay by his side!"

Mo Shiyun muttered to herself, stood up from the ground, then stumbled to the side of the road, and stopped a taxi to chase Qin Chuan.

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