From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1345: Granddaughter-in-law is treasure, grandson is grass

"I have eaten you." Zhai Yunsheng lowered his head, and in turn took a big bite on Jian Yiling's cheek.

Followed Zhai Yunsheng to continue questioning Jian Yiling: "You mean, I buried your past life?"


"Speaking of which, no matter what in your life, you should marry me, because you owed me in your previous life, and you have to pay it back in this life."


"Don't think about Qin Chuan's good."

Zhai Yunsheng was tough.

"I didn't think he was good." Jian Yiling argued for himself.

Following Jian Yiling's plan to get up, Zhai Yunsheng's arms circled and did not move.

"Sleep a little longer."

Zhai Yunsheng circled Jian Yiling and closed his eyes.

Jian Yiling turned to look at him beside her.

When he was asleep, he seemed to have lost the usual Jie Li and Xie Ning, more like an insecure child.

Jian Yiling stretched out his hand and gently stroked his face.

Did he think she didn't sleep well with Qin Chuan last night?


Jian Yiling did not move, and quietly accompany Zhai Yunsheng to sleep for a while.

Only ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

At the same time, there was also the voice of Elder Zhai urging to get up: "Smelly boy, get up!"

It's nine o'clock, the brat is still up, what do you want to do?

Elder Zhai was afraid that his grandson would just have no sense of temperance.

The grand-daughter-in-law just got pregnant, so she can't be so messy.

As soon as Zhai Yunsheng squinted his eyes, he was woken up by his grandfather.

Jian Yiling wanted to get up, but was stopped by Zhai Yunsheng.

Zhai Yunsheng hugged Jian Yiling and did not let go, but let her continue to lie on the bed like himself.

"Just ignore him."

Elder Zhai knocked on the door for a while and didn't get a response, so he shouted at the door: "Smelly boy, you must not mess around with my baby grandson and daughter-in-law, don't hurt my baby great-grandson!"

Zhai Yunsheng's eyelids twitched twice.

Jian Yiling's face blushed again.

Why is Grandpa Zhai... he wants to be crooked...

Zhai Yunsheng's face was thicker, and he was indifferent to how he wanted to be crooked, and he continued to sleep with Jian Yiling in his arms.

After a while, there was no movement outside the door.

I thought that Elder Zhai had given up.

But he didn't want to, after a few minutes, Elder Zhai returned and brought home the keys.

Enter after opening the door and drag people directly.

I'm really not afraid of ruining the good things of my grandson and granddaughter-in-law.

Father Zhai was relieved to see that the two people on the bed were just hugging and sleeping and did nothing that shouldn't be done.

Although he knew it was a misunderstanding, Mr. Zhai did not feel embarrassed at all.

"Smelly boy, get up, what time is it, you still depend on bed. You are not hungry, Xiao Ling should also get up for breakfast! Don't be hungry for my great-grandson."

Zhai Yunsheng got up from the bed unhurriedly.

Following the old man Zhai, he said softly to Jian Yiling: "Xiaoling, if you feel still sleepy, you can sleep for a while, but you have to eat something first. What do you want to eat? Grandpa asks the kitchen man to get it for you. come."

"I'm not sleepy anymore."

Jian Yiling quickly got up from the bed.

I am very sorry.

Zhai Yunsheng looked at the shy little appearance of his little rabbit, and the anxious appearance of running to the bathroom in a hurry, and the corners of his mouth rose.

Elder Zhai gave me an angry look at his shameless bastard, and while granddaughter-in-law was in the bathroom, he warned Zhai Yunsheng: "Smelly boy, during the first few months of her pregnancy, you can give me peace of mind. I If your great-grandson has something good or bad, you will be spoiled!"

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