From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1361: Cute, i'm sick

Zhai Erye pulled the steel rod, drew the **** toward him, followed the other hand to hold the bastard's wrist, and turned his arm.

As soon as he heard "Ka", the gangster was dislocated.


The gangster screamed, and the steel rod in his hand fell to the ground.

The other gangsters were taken aback when they saw it, and then someone yelled "Go together".

Then a dozen people swarmed up and collectively waved their weapons to attack Zhai Erye.

Zhai Erye stood still and didn't move, facing the gangsters coming up, he was not nervous at all.

There is no extra action, one hand and one foot, fists to the flesh.

No fancy, no dazzling moves.

There is only the crushing of absolute strength and speed.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen thugs lost their ability to resist, either their hands were dislocated or their legs and feet were broken.

One by one they screamed pain.

They looked at Zhai Erye with horror in their eyes.

This is not a person!

A dozen of them abused by one person is like cutting vegetables!

Who is so sturdy? !

And Zhai Erye stood where he was, neatly dressed and a straight suit.

It seems that nothing happened.

Long Yuetian's face was full of surprise.

He... is so strong.

I never knew that Zhai Erye had such a high level of force in addition to the tricks on the market.

This is not worse than his nephew Zhai Yunsheng, right?

Is this Zhai family so strong?

At this time, Zhai Erye turned his head and said to Long Yuetian, "I will send you upstairs."

Due to Long Yuetian's personal safety considerations, it is necessary for Zhai Erye to send her to the company before leaving.

His face is still calm and steady.

The scene that happened just now had no effect on him.

I am probably used to such small scenes.

This time Long Yuetian did not refuse.

She has always been arrogant and independent. Today, in front of Zhai Erye, she was a rare little woman.

And it feels like... it's a bit sweet.

Although she knew that Zhai Erye was only purely to complete the task assigned to him by his father.

Adding to the fact that she was a friend of Baby Yiling, he took care of himself a little bit, and had no other meaning.


After returning, Long Yuetian locked herself in the office and concentrated on working, but she didn't know if God had done the right thing with her, and the busy business actually had contact with Zhai Erye's Tianxing Group.

This made Long Yuetian had to think of Zhai Erye again.

Thinking about it, the picture of him blocking her in front of her to deal with the gangster came to mind.

The action is straightforward, domineering and tough.

Realizing that he was thinking about Zhai Erye, Long Yuetian felt that something was wrong with him.

It's over, she is poisoned!

She actually missed men while working!

Long Yuetian put down his work, took out his mobile phone and sent a distress message to Jian Yiling:

[Lovely, I'm sick. 】

Long Yuetian's friends are mostly business partners.

There is only one Jian Yiling who is a little girl, and the only one of her female friends with love experience.

Jian Yiling quickly replied: [Let the driver take you to the Beijing Branch, I will be there in 20 minutes. 】

Long Yuetian hurriedly explained: [Not that kind of disease. Don't set off, wait and don't move, I am not a physical disease. 】

Jian Yiling: 【Luo Haisen has a psychology department. 】

Long Yuetian: [Not that kind of disease. 】

Jian Yiling: [? 】

Long Yuetian: [That's...that's when I suddenly felt the heart beating like you told me about a man. 】

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