From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 214: Sister Eun "hero" saves the beauty

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   Hu Jiaojiao was terribly scared, fear, humiliation, despair, a series of emotions swallowed her.

   At this moment, an abrupt voice appeared.

   "What are the dead dogs doing? The old lady beats up your dog heads!"

   is a woman's voice, domineering and powerful.

   stopped following the men who were trying to bully her.

   Then there was the sound of fighting.

   Then Hu Jiaojiao heard the screams of men and the sound of objects hitting the wall heavily.

   The men wailed in pain, one after another.

   Finally the man holding Hu Jiaojiao's hand was also pulled away.

   Hu Jiaojiao quickly took off the bag she put on her head, and at the same time she fell to the ground because of collapse and fear.

   Hu Jiaojiao looked in front of her eyes and found that there were a few gangsters all around, their hands and feet tied up, and they were moaning in pain on the ground.

"Are you OK?"

   After Hu Jiaojiao took off her headgear, Luo Xiuen discovered that this little girl who was being bullied had met her, she was a classmate of Jian Yiling.

   Luo Xiuen took off her windbreaker, wrapped it around Hu Jiaojiao, and wrapped her trembling body.

  Hu Jiaojiao looked at Luo Xiu'en blankly, and suddenly burst into tears.

   Hearing the desperate cry of the little girl, Luo Xiuen became angry again, and turned his head and walked towards the three **** bastards.

   stomped wildly at the three of them, and thumped.

   "Sister, please spare me, spare my life..."

   "Sister, we didn't think about what to do to her, we frightened her, really..."

   "Yes, sister, we know it was wrong, we just want to teach her a little lesson, we will stop soon if you don't come!"

   The gangsters on the ground quickly begged for mercy and explained that they only wanted to scare Hu Jiaojiao today, and did not intend to do anything to her.

  They are just ordinary punks. It's okay to scare people. How dare you really do anything substantive.

   They thought it was a relatively simple task.

   scare this little girl who was not so courageous.

   Generally speaking, after this little girl is so frightened by them, she will be far away from the one named Jian Yiling.

"Spare your mother's life! Dog stuff! I didn't think about being merciful when I was bullying. I only thought of it when I was being bullied, I'm okay! Can I have an X face? Something is sickening!"

   Luo Xiuen spit on the stars at the three of them, and then stepped on the fragile part of the man with another foot.

   On the basis of not causing deaths, a lot of effort was used.

   Make sure that the pain goes deep into the bone marrow and will never be remembered forever.

   Luo Xiuen did not favor one another, all three of them stepped on it.

   For a while, the three men were crying from the pain on the ground, sucking in the air-conditioning, and couldn't even scream.

   Luo Xiuen felt that it was not enough, but when he heard Hu Jiaojiao's sobbing, he came back to calm her emotions.

Luo Xiuen is not very good at comforting people, and can only do his best to: "Sister, don't be afraid, I am here, they can't bully you! I remember you, you are a classmate of my sister Yiling, do you remember mine? ?"

   Hu Jiaojiao sobbed and nodded.

   She still remembers Luo Xiuen.

Luo Xiuen comforted Hu Jiaojiao and said, "This is the matter today. Since sister met, she will take care of it to the end. You don't have to persuade them. These bastards, sister makes them regret how much pigs are growing!" Become a gangster, the latest chapter address: female matchmaker, she became a gangster full text reading address: female matchmaker, she became a gangster txt download address: female matchmaker, she became a gangster Mobile reading: for the convenience of reading next time, you can click below "Favorites" to record this reading record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Please recommend this book to your friends, thank you for your support! !

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