From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 232: Charity party (1)

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   Jian Yiling received a message from the agent of the old gentleman:

   Jian Yiling’s reply is concise and concise:

   Because Jian Yiling has been helped by this old gentleman twice, it is time for her to fulfill her promise.

   So the old gentleman's request, Jian Yiling agreed without hesitation.

   That charity dinner hosted by Qin Shixuan’s wife?

   Qin Shixuan had invited Jian Yiling before, but Jian Yiling refused.

   But since the old man wanted to meet her at the charity dinner, she had no reason to refuse.

   Jian Yiling replied.


   Qin Shixuan’s wife Yujia hosted a charity dinner in a hotel under the name of Yu’s family, inviting people from Hengyuan City who had a good face and were willing to participate in charity.

   The entire hotel lobby was wrapped up, and under the golden lights, every guest present was dressed up.

  Because I belong to the Qin family in Beijing, many people came to Mrs. Qin’s charity dinner, but all she invited were there.

   He Yan received this precious invitation three days ago and came to the banquet as she wished. Because her husband Jian Shuhong was in business, she pulled her elder son Jian Yumin to accompany her.

   Jian Yumin agreed. Although he always gets his mother right, He Yan is his mother after all, and Jian Yumin will still agree to reasonable requests.

   "Yu Min, pay attention to you later. Mom heard that there will be a very heavyweight old gentleman here today."

   So when she came over today, she could not only see Qin Shixuan and his wife, but also a more important old man.

   Today’s trip is very worthwhile.

   He Yan dressed up today.

   She who was a smash hit actress in the past, her looks and temperament needless to say.

   gave birth to three sons. She looks like she is in her early 40s because of proper care.

   And Jian Yumin, who was in a formal dress, was also very eye-catching. Many young ladies who were present couldn't help but cast their eyes on him.

  When many famous ladies saw He Yan, they took the initiative to greet her, and He Yan responded happily.

   In her free time, He Yan couldn't help but look at the doorway, paying attention to the newcomers.

   looked at, the heavyweight didn't see it, but He Yan saw Jian Yiling.

   He Yan suddenly turned her face, wondering in her heart, why did Jian Yiling appear here?

   Is the warmth also coming?

   He Yan had inquired before coming, saying that Wen Wen did not receive the invitation letter because Wen Wen had explained his situation to Mrs. Qin in advance to avoid embarrassment, so he did not ask Mrs. Qin to hand her the invitation letter.

   Sometimes He Yan is angry and warm for no reason.

   Everyone is the daughter-in-law of the Jian family, but the warm social circle is obviously much better than that of He Yan. For a person like Mrs. Qin, He Yan wants to break his head.

   and warm? She has her own channels to get in touch with Mrs. Nengqin.

   Jian Yumin saw Jian Yiling, his eyes lit up, and he walked directly towards Jian Yiling.

   He Yan did not stop, but followed Jian Yumin to Jian Yiling.

   He Yan still wants to maintain the face of Jian's family under the public. The latest chapter address of the female partner: she became the boss Full text reading address: The female partner became the boss txt download address: The female partner became the boss Mobile phone reading: For the convenience of reading next time, you You can click \"Favorites\" below to record this) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Please recommend this book to your friends, thank you for your support! !

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