From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 371: Memories of the bracelet (1)

The first time the program was aired, it worked well, especially Mo Shiyun.

   This program is a test of the guests’ wisdom and ability to survive in the wild.

   Mo Shiyun's performance in this aspect far surpasses other guests.

   The hardships she had with her mother since childhood and the life skills she learned came in handy at this time.

   From the choice of equipment before departure, to various survival skills in the wilderness, as well as cooking, to solving the puzzles arranged by the program group, Mo Shiyun performed well.

   therefore attracted a large number of fans, and its popularity rose further.

   According to this situation, Mo Shiyun will soon be in the front line, and the future will be even more promising.


   Jian Yumin is uncomfortable.

   It’s not that he performed poorly. Although his performance on the show was not outstanding, he still made fans scream with his upright personality and abdominal muscles.

   The response from fans was very good, and the agent praised him for it.

   But Jian Yumin feels uncomfortable, he doesn't want to lose! What a shame!

   Of course you have to win when you play games, so what is the loss?

   "Brother, calm down, the audience reacted very well like you, everyone likes you like this." Jian Yujie persuaded Jian Yumin.

   "No, I want to win." Jian Yumin didn't want to be so miserable in the second week, which was not what he wanted.

   "But big brother, you have no advantage over IQ, and you don't have an advantage over life skills." Jian Yujie unceremoniously demolished his brother's desk.

   His elder brother is the most dominant in appearance + singing voice + dancing + figure.

   Jian Yumin said: "In the next episode, the program team wants us to bring a family member, and I want to bring a high IQ!"

   "Brother, do you want to take me? I'm not free."

   "What do you think? Who is taking you? Is my IQ higher than mine? Of course it is your second brother!"

   "Big brother, second brother, he is not here, don't you want to call him back?"

   "It's not impossible. How can my second brother say he is a person who has won many prizes in Go, and being on this show can also increase his popularity!"

   Jian Yumin did what he said and called his second brother Jian Yubo directly.

   On the phone, Jian Yubo's voice was always low and unwavering.

   "Sorry, I'm not free recently."

   "Okay, then I won't disturb you."

   Jian Yumin didn't tell Jian Yu Hakata either, he said he didn't have time to force it.

   Jian Yubo, who hung up, was in a hotel in Hengyuan City at the moment.

   He was standing in front of the French window of the hotel, his upper body had not been put on after he had just showered.

  The light hit a very obvious burn on his strong back.

   He picked up the bracelet he took off in the bath and put it back on.

   The thumb habitually whirls over the different bead.

   His eyes flashed, and a scene from a long time ago appeared.

   On a sunny spring afternoon, in the courtyard of Jian's house, the sun shines through the bushes and hits the ground, casting mottled shadows of trees.

   The handsome and young boy is sitting on the grass with his back leaning against the tree trunk.

   is holding a heavy book in his hand.

   A little girl walked over with short legs, pouting her mouth:

   "Brother Yubo, have you seen my headband? That is my favorite headband. I like the little rabbit and beads on it."

   The little girl's hair is loose, and her hair is fluffy and softly draped over her shoulders.

   Little mouth pouted slightly, a little unhappy.

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