From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 859: Wen Family

His wheelchair is a customized high-tech product with the function of going up and down stairs.

Nevertheless, he still needs an exclusive person to take care of his daily life.

And he didn't like people approaching him very much, and he didn't want to be taken care of as waste.

In the gentle room, she was lying on the bed with a quilt covering her head.

The curtains of the room were drawn and the room was completely dark.

The second elder Wen did not open the curtains until he came in.

Seeing Wen Ruo's haggard, pale and lifeless appearance, the second old man was distressed.

"Ruoruo, you are cutting meat on your grandparents' hearts like this!"

Mrs. Wen looked at her granddaughter like this, her eyes immediately turned red.

"Grandma..." Wen Ruo snuggled into the old lady's arms and sobbed softly.

"My Ruoruo..." Mrs. Wen couldn't stop her tears.

"Grandma, I know I was wrong, why my cousin and aunt just refused to forgive me..."

Wen Ruo cried so sad that it hurts people.

"If you don't cry, grandma will shed tears when you cry."

"Grandma, what shall I do in the future... I am ashamed to meet people."

"Nonsense, as long as you reform yourself, you can prove yourself, and no one will look down upon you!"

Mrs. Wen held Wen Ruo and cried for a long time.

Wen Yan was at the door, looking indifferently at the crying people in the room.

It seemed that the people in the room had nothing to do with him.

Since the car accident, he has been like a different person, not caring about anything, as if he had no emotions.

Old man Wen and Mrs. Wen comforted Wen Ruo for a while before leaving Wen Ruo's room.

Relying on her personal connections in the circle, Mrs. Wen helped her granddaughter as much as possible to quell the influence of the cheating incident on her.

But it can only be restored, and it is impossible to not affect it at all.


Jian Yiling received a warm call.

"Xiao Ling, your grandfather and grandmother have come to Beijing, and they are now at your uncle's house. They called and asked me to take you there."

The warm voice hesitated.

She didn't seem to be quite sure about whether or not to take Jian Yiling there.

"Got it." Jian Yiling answered very simply, without hesitation.

Jian Yiling was about to hang up, warm and busy said:

"Well, Xiaoling, don't worry, mom will take care of anything."


Jian Yiling's reaction was dull.

"Xiao Ling..." There was concern in the warm voice.

"If it's okay, I'll hang up." Jian Yiling is not good at chatting with people, even less good at chatting with warmth.

"Okay, then pay attention to your body. It has been cold recently, so don't catch a cold."

Warmth took the time to say a few words of concern.


Hanging up the phone, Zhai Yunsheng said next to him: "I will go with you."

"It's okay, I won't be wronged."

The old lady and the old lady of the Wen family are not jackals and tigers, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Zhai Yunsheng: "You will not be wronged and I understand that you will not be wronged are two different things."


"Did they say that you don't take it seriously?"


I knew it would.

"So no, I have to accompany you."


"It's okay for me to accompany you."

"I will go by myself." Jian Yiling insisted on going by myself.

She can't rely on him too much.

Zhai Yunsheng could only rely on Jian Yiling: "Well, please call me if you have anything to do."


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