In this way, the old priest successfully took up his post in the Western Expeditionary Force.

A massive reorganization began.

The young ratmen were divided into teams of five hundred people, and young ratman priests were organized into the teams one by one to serve as commanders and tool men to boost morale.

After taking office, the old priest squeezed his former colleagues even more harshly.

Almost all the young rat priests in the entire outpost were gathered by him, but he wisely only gathered the young rat priests.

Even though they were dissatisfied, the slave-catching priests finally swallowed their breath.

With so many Skaven priests joining, even if they are just young Skaven, the Western Expeditionary Force no longer lacks Skaven priests.

The joining of a large number of rat priests prevented the birth of such a role as a war supervisor in this western expeditionary force.

However, supervising the war team is a helpless move. If Rat War has so many rat priests, then Rat War probably won't have a war supervising team.

No matter how severe the oppression is, it is definitely not as effective as the priests who wield divine magic.

But correspondingly, this also has shortcomings. No matter how young the rat priest is, he will always be a rentier in the rat kingdom.

If you want these guys to do their jobs properly, it's definitely impossible not to give them enough blood mushrooms.

Most of the resources will be shared by these priests.

After all, as priests of the gods, they are not bound by the rules set by the rat warlords. Even if they escape, they will not be beaten into slave rats.

This is why Rat War fought a round with the lizardmen in the wetlands and suffered such heavy losses in the army, but the priests who accompanied the army suffered basically no casualties.

And if most of the resources are to be given to the priests, a problem will arise.

This Western Expeditionary Force, which was composed of a large number of priests, was simply unable to support the meritorious reward system established by the Rat War.

The old priest was very disdainful of the rat war, and naturally felt that it was nothing.

Sheng Qi did have some ideas. After seeing the elite rat army in Rat War, but unfortunately, without the large number of rat warriors and senior rat warriors as the backbone, it was impossible to simply rely on the accumulation of young rat warriors. Build a complete army.

This kind of mixing was quickly completed, as was the mixing of young ratmen.

Sheng Qi didn't pay much attention to this noisy group of guys. After losing the merit system, the rat warriors were destined not to be the support of this army.

He must find other breakthrough points.

But obviously, it's not easy.

This was the first time he was truly troubled as a commander.

Even though he often talks big words, Sheng Qi will clearly know that he is talking big words when he does so.

He clearly knew his own weight. Compared with the obvious talents of White Rat, Spear Rat, and Rat Zhan, although Sheng Qi was also a smart rat man with talents, he seemed ordinary in comparison.

Therefore, rather than relying on intuition and instinct, this young ratman priest values ​​​​thinking more.

What a strange thing, a less crazy rat priest.

And luck is good, Sheng Qi's luck is indeed quite good.

If it weren't for Long Claw being unable to use his hands recently, then the position of commander of the Western Expeditionary Force would definitely not be up to Sheng Qi.

Long Claw, a guy who has become more and more perverted and indifferent recently, is much more crazy than Sheng Qi, and he has even vaguely begun to embark on the path of a hero.

If this increasingly perverted guy is allowed to take charge of the army, I am afraid that one hundred thousand young ratmen will soon be used as the basis of flesh and blood by him to tinker with some evil things.

That extraordinary talent is also the fundamental reason why the white mouse is willing to support the long paw.

To a certain extent, in the current rat kingdom, the only guys that white rats are attracted to have long claws and fight with rats.

Most of the other rat priests, warlords, and others can be counted as chess pieces.

And Rope Seven is one of the chess pieces that is useful at a certain moment, a lucky chess piece.

The reason why the white mouse pushed Rope Seven to meet the long claws was just to achieve the opposition and balance between the rat battle and the long claws.

Even though the deeds of Sheng Qi, this lucky talker, made the white mouse feel a little interesting, it was only a little interesting.

Of course Sheng Qi doesn't know this.

At this time, this young and lucky guy was squatting on the low stone pillar that could be used as a bench, thinking hard about how to maximize the effect of the troops in hand.

Sheng Qi really wanted to win this war. Only by winning this war could he prove himself and truly secure his current position, instead of being the lucky boy favored by the long claws.

Soon, in the flickering light, an idea jumped out, and a smile appeared on Sheng Qi's face.

"That's right! Running Knight!"

During that siege, the image of the slave rats of the slave-catching team throwing out the net and rope appeared in Sheng Qi's mind, giving him inspiration.

What will happen to a team of giant rat knights running like the quilboar knights, throwing out nets and ropes?

Sheng Qi thinks this is very interesting.

Soon after, various mixed rumors appeared among the young rat-men gathered because of the young rat-men who kept missing.

But no one paid attention to such rumors and the disappearing rat men.

In a dark corner of the outpost.

A terrifying flesh-and-blood incubation pool appeared, and a steady stream of young ratmen were pushed into the surging incubation pool. If they survived, a giant rat would crawl out of the incubation pool in a short time.

On the contrary, it sinks into this pool of squirming flesh and becomes a part of it.

This is the real use of the long claws to give the deformed flesh.

Using this distorted flesh and blood as the basis, constantly filling in fresh flesh and blood, in a short time, an incubation pool is born. However, this kind of incubation pool has a time limit. While it is constantly mixed with flesh and blood, it is also a process of being gradually contaminated. .

The giant rat crawling out of the incubation pool has begun to gradually become violent, and some obvious aberrations have appeared.

This hatchery tank has reached the end of its life.

After taking a look, Sheng Qi waved his hand, causing the rat man who was busy in front of the hatching pond to stop. The young rat man who had survived the disaster showed an expression of ecstasy on his face.

But what he didn't know was that the end of the life of the hatching tank did not mean relief.

Soon another hatching tank would be established, and adhering to the principle of no waste, he could try new ones.

Sheng Qi is indeed not as crazy as most rat people, but this does not mean that he will give up his obsession. The flame of desire has already been ignited.

He Shengqi will become a big shot, and in order to do this, he will not skimp on means.

Not long after.

The busy ratmen here left in a hurry, and a flame was ignited on these deformed flesh. When the flame disappeared, all traces would be erased.

And in a new place, a new cycle begins.

The unlucky guy who survived the disaster was the first to be baptized.

Giant rats began to be born continuously, becoming the power controlled by Sheng Qi.

It’s all about becoming somebody.

It’s all about becoming a big shot!

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