From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 15, Rough Structure of the Skaven

At the edge of the forest, some wooden sentry towers have been erected. Scattered lizardmen stand on the sentry towers, looking in the direction of the mountains from a distance.

At night, in the direction of the mountains, pairs of eyes lit up, and began to take advantage of the night to approach the forest. However, at the moment of approach, the sudden flames suddenly broke the courage of these mice to approach.

They ran away in all directions, disappearing into the darkness.

On the other side of the hillside, the Spear Rat watched this scene from a distance and waved the spear in his hand angrily.

"These, damn, damn, damn cowards!"

A large number of rat-men gathered behind him, and from time to time there would even be rat-men trekking from the depths of the mountains.

The grumpy Spear Rat finally gave the order!

"Push it to me! Charge it to me! For the sake of God!"

Driven by the spear rats, a large number of rats began to charge towards the forest. Under the bright moon, they rushed towards the lizardman's sentry tower like a tide.

Facing the charges of the rats, a group of lizardmen warriors rushed out of the forest and faced them in formation without fear, as if they were facing a rock facing the tide.

Soon, the collision between the two began, but the rats did not have any advantage. Even though the rat people still dominated in number, many rat people began to flee with their eyes flashing.

The Spear Rats once again organized a war team, and the fleeing Ratmen were captured and executed on the spot.

When the rat crowd collided with the lizard warriors, three different fighting situations occurred.

Ratmen and lizardmen, ratmen and ratmen, ratmen and ratmen oversee the warband.

These newly grown ratmen may be more violent because they have eaten blood mushrooms, but this is not a good thing. Their characteristic is that they collapse at the first touch.

The even more violent new-born rat-men did not dare to point their fingers at the lizard-men in front of them when they fled. Instead, they violently tore out the throats of the rat-men blocking the road behind them.

Then, he met the more violent supervisory team and was executed on the spot.

The battlefield was indescribable chaos. Under the absolute disadvantage of numbers, lizardmen kept coming out of the forest and joining the battle.

Finally, in the chaos, the spear rats who feel they are outmatched will make a sharp cry. At this time, the rat team will put down the spears in their hands, and the rat people can escape towards the rear as if they have been granted amnesty.

The lizardmen did not pursue them, but watched from a distance as the group of ratmen in front of them fled.

It was a brutal battle, with hundreds of corpses left behind by the Skaven, and five or six Lizardmen also died during the siege.

Judging from the battle loss ratio, this was a resounding victory, but there was no joy on the faces of this group of lizardmen, because such attacks had almost never been interrupted in the past few days. The number has never decreased.

On the hillside, the end of the battle was in progress. A large number of rat men were found by a one-eyed rat man leading the battle team and were knocked to the ground on the spot. They were strung up on a rope one by one like cargo.

These are the ratmen who fled in the battle, and the ratman who hunted them was a squad leader appointed by the Spear Rat. He was called Good Eyes. The reason for his appointment came from his name. This one-eyed ratman had a particularly good look. Eyes.

It can help the spear rats keep an eye on and remember the rat people who flee during the battle.

Even if the Skaven Supervisory Team has firmly guarded the rear, there will still be many fish that slip through the net. They will flee to the surroundings, and then return again when the Skaven retreat.

This kind of ratman will be remembered by good eyes, and will be found during the finishing stage after the battle, knocked to the ground, and tied together.

Soon after, the spear rats launched another wave of charges by the rat people. This time, the corpses of the dead rat people and some corpses that the lizard men had not had time to clean up were snatched back by the rat people.

When the battle subsided, a rat man with a wooden staff arrived with a group of black little guys, and brought with him the cave mushrooms carried on the backs of the little guys.

This rat-man didn't find the spear rat, but found Good Eyes first.

He counted the number of rat people tied together behind Good Eyes. After counting, he took out a box and handed it to Good Eyes in front of him. Without stopping, he took out another blood. Gu Lai, his good eyes did not look at the box given by the wooden stick rat man, but focused on getting the extra blood mushroom.

The monkey was so anxious that he wanted to snatch it away.

But he didn't grab it. The wooden stick rat withdrew his hands and took the blood mushroom back.

"Long tail, what do you mean!

Didn't you say that I would catch ten more ratmen for you every day, but you would also give me a blood mushroom every day? "

"Not enough! Not enough! You are missing three this time! There are only nine ten, seven more rat men, this is not enough!"

Looking at the blood mushrooms in the hands of the wooden stick rat-man, his good eyes soon focused on the few rat-men huddled and resting under a boulder not far away. After a while, he managed to collect ten ten There were a lot more ratmen. In exchange, Good Eyes also had an extra dark-colored blood mushroom in his hand.

The wooden stick rat-man left, taking the rat-men tied with ropes, the corpses of the rat-men and lizard-men, and leaving behind the little guys he brought.

After the wooden stick rat man left, Good Eyes couldn't wait to eat the blood mushroom in his hand. Along with a sound of joy, the hair on his body became a little more shiny.

He also felt a little more greedy about the box in his hand. He shuddered when he thought of something and didn't dare to make any decision. He hung the box on his tail and ran towards the top of the hillside.

Soon after, the box was handed over to the Spear Rat.

Spear Rat opened the box in his hand, which contained a box full of blood mushrooms, including one or two particularly bright blood mushrooms.

But even so, he still cursed fiercely.

Cursing the white rat for being a bastard and stingy.

There was no other action from the Skaven today.

Until daybreak, the lizard people walked out of the forest, and some logs were pushed out. They were building a wooden wall.

Deep in the barren mountains, in a cave.

Long Tail brought back the corpses of ratmen and lizardmen, as well as the group of ratmen tied to ropes.

The corpses were quickly thrown into the blood lake to cultivate more blood mushrooms. The tied rat men were not sacrificed by the white rats, but were driven deeper into the cave.

There, many ratmen were working hard to cut rocks and dig caves under the watchful eyes of the ratman priests.

From time to time, whips would be drawn, causing these rat men to let out piercing screams. From time to time, rat men would fall down, losing their lives due to fatigue. They would not be wasted, but would be thrown into the lake of blood as sacrificial materials. As a seedbed for blood mushrooms.

With Ratman's efficient iteration speed, the effects of the three divine cards were quickly revealed.

A twisted set of processes was also established.

Under Du Yuan's oracle to dig caves and plant more cave mushrooms, the ratmen who fled during the battle would be sent back to the caves and become slave rats that were generally used as consumables on the spot. The sharp claws also mostly appeared on slaves. Rat group because of that long digging.

The rat men who were able to survive on the battlefield were left behind by the spear rats and became rat warriors. The rat warriors would master tail-wielding weapons after surviving a large number of battles.

As for the priests, they are jointly selected from the slave rats and the rat warriors. Only the rat warriors who devoutly believe in Du Yuan can take up the post of priests and master the divine arts. They will be accepted by the white rats and become a member of the rat priest group.

With that long tail, he was a rat warrior who had mastered the weaponry of his tail before he took up the post of rat priest.

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