From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 205, Groundhog Man

Sheng Qi still sneers at the so-called ore spirits that these guys are pursuing so fervently.

If tossing those broken stones can bring blessings from the great gods, then why did they have to go to the depths of the grassland to fight bloody battles with the heretical coalition forces.

Everyone has already gone to dig rocks.

However, although he sneered, Sheng Qi still did not stop the actions of these guys. After all, those powerful war machines still relied on these guys to provide them.

And if you allow them to engage in this crap, you can gain their loyalty. Even if the temple guards find out and come to the door, at worst, he will just shirk it and say that he doesn't know, and push these weird big-clawed priests out.

It's not a loss no matter what, Sheng Qi naturally turns a blind eye.

In fact, this temple does not have excessive taboos about touching the rat people. After all, no matter how inconsistent the ore spirit these guys worship is, they still prostrate themselves under the truly great god.

This ore spirit is not a real god, but an abstract interpretation of the oracles of great gods. This situation is very common.

From the rat statues made by the rat saints to the vague patterns drawn with blood in the corners of the rat city, they are all worshiping great gods, but the great gods they worship are all slightly different. Same.

But these things are not recognized.

This so-called ore spirit is also something like this.

Sheng Qi didn't take it too seriously, and with his connivance, a strange-looking temple dedicated to giant gears was born.

In exchange for the loyalty and hard work of these guys, this secret city relying on the sacred oak tree has developed rapidly.

This will be the bargaining chip and foundation belonging to Shengqi.

Of course, there are risks.

It carries great risks, because this blood pool was left to him by the temple guards.

A city that is temporarily unrecorded can certainly avoid the arrival of the Skaven Lords and the appointment of the Skaven Council, but this also represents a problem.

The temple guards can also take it back at any time. With a simple record and report, the so-called secrets of the city of Shengqi are just a joke.

But Sheng Qi still did this, because of the situation in the Ratman Kingdom at this time, he bet that even if he fell out with the temple guards and the matter was brought to the Ratman Council, it would not be ignored for the time being.

What's more, this group of temple guards are not anxious, at least not as eager as the group of senior rat priests.

A part of the army and most of the Great Claw priests were left behind for the construction of the city.

Sheng Qi began to prepare the army, and he will continue to advance with the Western Expeditionary Force.

After being tricked once by those damn rat priests, Sheng Qi certainly wouldn't let everything fall on those temple guards.

It's not that there is no solution to the matter. At least now, he has the confidence to support a war on his own.

There is no need to have no choice but to package and sell the sacrifices together.

What if he could also get the attention of the gods?

God-given Shengqi is a good name.

Casting his gaze towards the end of the rolling hills, Sheng Qi felt a little more hopeful.


Faced with this anxious situation, a meeting was held within the Western Expeditionary Force, where all the leaders and kings of various races gathered.

The casualties in the past few days are far from being unacceptable to them, or to a level that is unacceptable to those powerful races, because most of the cannon fodder pushed to the front line to die are warriors of some weak races. .

Rabbit people, fox people, and dog people, these weak races with strong reproductive abilities and scattered like weeds all over the grassland, were pushed onto the battlefield as vanguards.

Their leader was also seated at the end of this meeting, with a sad look on his face, and there was even an empty seat. The leader of a group of bunnymen died in that cruel war yesterday, and his flag was taken away. The birth of a Skaven warlord.

The discussion did not go smoothly. There were too many voices in the coalition, but it did not reach the point of breaking up because of the presence of the gods.

Finally, a plan was given. The huge grassland coalition army was divided into two parts. The main force continued to besiege the large army of rat men stopped here, while the branch army was separated to cross the deep pit dug by the rat men. , launching an attack towards the rear of the Rat Man.

The wolf orcs shared their knowledge and intelligence about the rat people, and the underground tunnels were also discovered by the grassland coalition forces.

The grassland coalition forces began to search for the underground tunnel connecting this deep pit, and they had some clues, but there was one problem.

None of the powerful races in the grassland alliance have the talent to fight in narrow underground tunnels.

Even if the underground tunnel dug by the rat people is discovered, who will cut it off?

This was a problem. The powerful race sitting in the front row of the meeting kept looking back, until it landed on two uneasy guys.

There are not many guys in the Prairie Alliance Army who are proficient in underground combat, only two of them.

One group is the rabbit people. The rabbit people have the habit of digging caves.

As for the other one, it's just a bit playful, because it's also a ratman.

A rat man who was stared at by the leaders and kings of many powerful races with incomprehensible eyes felt a little more uneasy and tried to shrink his body behind him. However, he was able to hide in this narrow meeting place. Where is it.

There are also rat people on this grassland. It's not surprising. The rat people's adaptability is not weak.

Moreover, this rat-man has some specializations compared to the normal rat-men, with larger and sharper teeth and a fatter and taller body. Compared with the rat-men, it has a more appropriate name for them.


They are a bit stronger than ordinary ratmen, but they are still ratmen after all. The trainee god who chose these guys as his dependents is also an unlucky guy who has failed to anchor several times in a row.

But he is not powerful. He is not as powerful as Du Yuan, and the woodchuck men under him are far less powerful than the rat men under Du Yuan.

Although it is a bit embarrassing that even if Du Yuan's Rat Man Kingdom has gradually expanded to the point where it can take turns to fight against the powerful coalition formed by the grassland tribes, in terms of individual strength, an ordinary Rat Man warrior probably cannot defeat an ordinary Rat Man warrior. of the marmot warrior.

But in terms of overall strength, this group of marmots cannot even compare to the Ratman Kingdom.

Relying on their own weakness and the habit of hiding underground, these guys, together with the trainee gods who anchored them, managed to survive until now, and then were discovered by the grassland gods.

Of course, upright confrontation is the main body of war, but occasionally some strange tricks are also used.

The war continues.

The real main body of the grassland coalition army, the armies of those powerful races began to set foot on the battlefield.

A huge group of centaur cavalry broke away from the grassland coalition and ran towards the rear of the rat men.

At the same time, the underground tunnels built by the rat people were also excavated.

Simply burying them cannot effectively block the underground tunnels dug by the Ratmen. For the Ratmen, this is just a matter of detouring the underground tunnels.

The priests of the Big Claw are very skilled in their craftsmanship. After all, their main occupation is digging holes and tunnels. Even if you keep an eye on these underground tunnels and even use special means to monitor them, it will only make the rat people dig more and more underground tunnels. The deeper you dig, the more complicated it becomes.

The half-elves had not failed to prevent the ratmen from digging, and the result was the intricate underground network that still remains at the roots of the sacred oak tree.

As for going underground to fight these rat people in person, their warriors are equally elite.

However, in the battle in the underground network, the half-elves were defeated steadily.

In order to completely defeat the Eastern Expeditionary Force led by Shu Zhan, the grassland coalition gave two directions. One was to continue the strong attack, and the other was to cut off the rear.

When cities are being swallowed up one after another and the rear is in ruins, can the rat people continue to provide reinforcements to this battlefield?

At the same time, the Rabbitmen were expelled into the underground tunnel to fight the Ratmen. They did not expect this group of weak Rabbitmen to be able to cut off the Ratmen's underground tunnels.

To cover the progress of another matter.

The rabbit men who were expelled into the underground tunnel faced a group of young rat men in fear. There was a brief commotion and the two stared at each other. The big-clawed priest did not expect to encounter such a scene.

There was a lot of glaring between the two sides.

Until this group of young ratmen gradually realized a problem. The group of guys on the opposite side seemed to be very scared. The group of guys on the opposite side seemed to be afraid of them.

Gradually, there was a little more commotion.

Ratmen are indeed cowardly, but the prerequisite for cowardice is facing those who are far more powerful than themselves, and rabbitmen are not among this group.

The young ratmen took the initiative to attack the group of rabbitmen, and the two sides fought together. The young ratmen confirmed their suspicion that this was a group of cowardly guys, and they excitedly began to kill brutally.

This group of bunny warriors shouldn't be in such a panic, at least not when facing the young rat men, but they are too nervous and frightened.

The battle ended quickly.

The young ratmen excitedly searched for the loot, but they were whipped by the Big Claw Priest, driving them forward.

In the panic, a young rat man bumped into a tall figure.

After getting up again, he felt a little more angry and waved his arms, but he saw a tall figure.

The movement paused.

There was a little more confusion in his eyes.

Why is this guy so tall?

The anger on his face disappeared unconsciously, and he squeezed out a trace of flattery. The whip from the big-clawed priest behind him came and hit the young rat man who showed a flattering expression. He screamed in pain and ran into the big tree not far away. The troops disappeared.

The Great Claw Priest's eyes turned to the tall rat man blocking the road.

The tall rat man's body became a little more stiff, and even started to tremble. The big claw priest did not pay attention to the strange behavior of the tall rat man, and became a little more confused.

Did I take such a tall young rat man with me?

A doubt arises.

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