From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 213, The Rat Priest Reluctant to Leave

After all, distributing this thing to young ratmen is not based on the expectation that their performance will be outstanding, nor is it pity for their lives.

It just means that whether it is the rat priest, the big claw priest or the temple guard, they are all showing their devotion to this war and their piety to the gods.

It is only by the way that it benefits young ratmen.

At this time, a huge army of young ratmen gathered near the fortress where the temple guards were stationed.

These guys wearing simple armor and wielding spears are indeed a little different from before. They have changed from a rabble to a better-looking rabble.

The Big Claw priests are taking the slave rats to maintain and debug the various huge war instruments that have been delivered.

This is not a good job, and the priests of the Great Claw would like to avoid this job if they can, but it is obvious that they cannot escape.

During the debugging process, an unlucky guy won the lottery. With a loud bang, a huge trebuchet disintegrated. The flying gears beat the unlucky big-clawed priest into a puddle of rat mud, and he didn't even have time to scream. Shout it out.

The Big Claw Priests fled in panic amid the huge noise.

Sometimes I really don’t know whether to say that the Ratmen’s industrial ability is strong or that their industrial ability is poor.

The huge series of war equipment they produced are simply moving bombs. Even if they have not officially started to use the brand-new ones from the factory, they are all like this. It is really difficult to call them industrially powerful.

But you can say that he is bad. They are able to tinker with these increasingly larger and more complex gadgets, and they seem to be quite solid.

The huge siege crossbow closest to the disintegrated huge trebuchet was affected by a huge broken gear, and hit the crossbow frame of the all-metal cast siege crossbow. Faced with such an impact, this siege crossbow The huge siege crossbow did not disintegrate, but its structure was slightly deformed.

Soon after, the frightened Big Claw priests returned to this area with a sigh and continued to start their debugging.

The deformation on the rack of this huge siege crossbow was also discovered by the Great Claw Priest.

With a sad face, he directed the slave rats to conduct the launch test. Unexpectedly, the activation went smoothly, and it seemed to be a bit smoother than before.

What some subtle creations.

The rat priests did not follow and gathered on the fortress, but first reached the besieged scarlet pit through the underground tunnel.

Helped Rat Zhan stabilize the shaky situation.

These professional guys are not the same as the half-baked group of Big Claw Priests. At the same time, the first batch of senior priests also officially arrived on the battlefield.

Although compared to the complex priest group of the Grassland Alliance Army, which brought together many gods with all kinds of abilities and magic, the rat priests did not know much, and their abilities were far less fancy, but the rat priests The human priests have an advantage that surpasses all the priests of the gods in the grassland coalition.


The first batch of official rat priests who arrived to join the battlefield reached a thousand. When these guys danced on the battlefield and cast various magical spells, they could really cover the sky. This was far away. Much easier to use than a bow and arrow.

Not to mention the senior rat priests who can compete with the high priests of various races.

The number of senior rat priests who arrived on the battlefield was not large, only five. Originally, the first group of senior priests to arrive on the battlefield should have been the rat lords on the grassland, but after that incident, a rat lord was The centaur knights killed one, and one was dragged onto the altar by the temple guards.

The panic slowed down the group of guys from joining the battlefield, but instead, the group of guys who were fighting against each other in the Waste City arrived at the battlefield first.

Instead of stopping at the fortress where the temple guards were stationed, they went directly through the underground tunnel to the scarlet pit that served as a frontal battlefield, and faced the old enemy Rat.

Both sides refused to give face to the other side, but the inexplicable rat war was indeed a little weaker in momentum and a little more bearable.

Just like Rat Zhan was sure that White Rat would not give up on him, these senior rat priests who arrived at the Scarlet Pit were also not afraid that Rat Zhan would take action against them.

Even though they were surrounded by the Eastern Expeditionary Legion commanded by Shu Zhan, these guys still showed a arrogant attitude.

What else can Shu Zhan do? What can Shu Zhan do? He doesn't want to lose face, but he does need the help of these damn priests.

The one thousand official rat priests also belong to these senior rat priests who arrived on the battlefield. In other words, it is because they set foot on this battlefield that these one thousand official rat priests appeared here.

In such complicated thoughts, Shu Zhan's momentum naturally weakened a bit, and it was difficult for this arrogant guy to swallow his anger.

The arrival of the senior rat priests immediately reversed the Eastern Expeditionary Force's long-range disadvantage, and not only that, they also brought another precious thing.

There are a total of three war flags blessed by the gods in the Ratman Kingdom. One belongs to Rat Zhan and the other belongs to Shengqi, but the other one has always been held by the Ratman priests, even if it is accompanied by the rope. With the inclusion of Qi, the issue of the battle was once completely entrusted to Sheng Qi.

The battle flag held in the hands of the rat priest has never appeared on the battlefield again, until now.

The leader of these five senior rat-man priests, a senior rat-man priest who holds a seat as a rat-man councilor, left Wasteland City, arrived at this battlefield in person, and brought the battle flag of the Central Expeditionary Force.

When Shu Zhan, who was swallowing his anger, saw this battle flag, his expression completely changed.

Gritting his teeth, he stared at the rat priest not far away who was raising a flag. The two sides have been fighting for years. The rat priest is naturally not afraid of rat wars. They looked at each other with sneers.

The erection of the flag is equivalent to a declaration that this war is not limited to the troops in your hands.

The reason why Rat Zhan swallowed his anger at the beginning was because even if these rat priests did not deal with him, they still had to rely on his Eastern Expeditionary Force to carry out the war on this battlefield. As long as this was the case, then No matter how hard these guys work, they are just working for themselves in disguise.

But the situation is different now.

Ordinary flags are really not enough to stand side by side with the black dragon flag of the rat war, but the problem is that the flag carried by the rat priest is not ordinary. This flag is also blessed by the great god. In terms of personality, it is Not much less than the black dragon flag of Rat War.

The rat-man priests successfully erected their own mountain. This senior rat-man priest who serves as a councilor used scheming. In order to obtain the gift of the great god, this is what every senior rat-man priest wants. of.

He is also old, and he also needs the God's gift. Although he has not reached the point where he has not much time left like the old Big Claw priest, who doesn't want the God's gift?

At the same time, there is another idea, and they want to rely on the rat war to reunite the senior rat priests who are divided. These five senior priests are the first batch of senior rat priests to arrive on the battlefield, and they will not They are the last batch of senior rat priests to arrive on the battlefield.

Everyone wants the gift of the great god, but before that, mutual grievances still exist. Rat Zhan will not take the initiative to stir up grievances at this time, and neither will they, but does this mean that the two parties can get along well? .

Compared with Rat Zhan, it can be predicted that most of the senior rat priests who arrived on the battlefield will gather in front of him, because the person opposite is Rat Zhan, and because he has also set up a flag.

He just didn't want to accept that the alliance formed by the senior rat people was torn to pieces. With this ending, he was immersed in the glory of the past and didn't want to wake up.

In the Ratman Kingdom, only they, the most devout believers of the great gods, can control everything, and only they, the most devout believers of the great gods, should dominate everything.

He sneered and looked at each other with Rat Zhan.

Shu Zhan showed a dangerous look. In this scarlet pit, if he wanted to kill this disgusting damn guy in front of him, it would be very simple and it would not require much effort.

But he still didn't take action.

The rat priest who held the flag was not afraid at all and was so confident. In the end, the livid Rat Zhan gave up what he was doing.

The rat priests were not willing to quit, or in other words, the most stubborn rat priest was not willing to quit, so he keenly seized the precious opportunity that might only be available once in front of him.

This war is very important, and it is precisely because of the importance of the war that the white rat will turn a blind eye to some things, or in other words, many things will be turned a blind eye to the white rat.

In the past, such a small move would have been torn to pieces by the white rat on the spot without leaving any chance.

But now, it is more feasible. The rat priests support the war more than anyone else. The rat priests will promote the war harder than any other party in the rat kingdom.

For another chance, they would still be in charge of everything, and they should be in charge of everything.

In this scarlet pit, a new flag rises.

Du Yuan's oracle and the pending gift completely ignited the surging desire in the Ratman Kingdom. In this rising flame, everyone wanted to seek something.

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