From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 229, Golden Province

Mountain Dew City, a newly renamed city, comes from the rulers of this area, the Blue Mountain Dew Family. It is a majestic city, somewhat crowded. This city has a long history and has existed for nearly 10 years. Half a millennium.

A rich city. Before the Blue Stirring family won the victory in the struggle for power, the name of this city was not a name that showed its belonging. It would be more appropriate, Yaojin City, derived from the dazzling golden color outside the city. Mailang.

The city, which is located in a flat basin, controls many nearby farms and manors, large and small, that seem to connect into a golden wave.

These farms and manors supported a large group of knights, and strong fortresses were dotted throughout this golden wave.

Of course, this year's barley has been harvested early, so we can't see the most dazzling moment of this golden wheat wave. What's left is just continuous yellow wheat stubble.

This period of time is the most leisurely time of the year for farmers. Supported by this golden wave, famine has not come to this area for a long time.

No matter what other parts of the empire call this province, the people living in this area can proudly tell themselves.

We were born in a land of harvest, a land of plenty.

Golden Province.

Although with the advent of gods, big and small, chaos also ensued. Small-scale wars broke out many times. Many strong fortresses and manors were destroyed in the war, along with those high-ranking nobles. and the knights were also led to the gallows.

But the fertile land tolerates these chaos, and if you tighten your belt, you won’t be particularly sad this year.

The priests of the great crown princes opened churches into manors and villages. Those crown princes were really amazing. Even the knight wanted to kneel before the statue of the crown prince.

Although this group of priests was not very united, the priests who came from behind burned down all the churches built by the priests who came before them.

But what does this have to do with me?

A slightly stooped middle-aged man staggered with a rough sack on his back and pushed open the low grilled wooden door. His face was a little rosy and he burped. The smell of low-quality alcohol lingered in his face. It is wrapped around its body.

Old Susan shouldn’t blame me. In a good harvest year, you need to drink beer! Just had one drink!

He had been thinking about this glass of beer for a long time. He went to the mill early to grind the wheat into flour, and he only ordered one glass of beer.

Old Susan will definitely not be angry. She has been reciting that hymn seriously these days, and she should not care about me.

The new crown prince is really generous. As long as he can sing the hymn fluently, he will receive a small bag of salt every week.

No, it seems that it's not the crown prince, but the disciple of the crown prince. Regardless, thinking about the messy relationships and titles of the crown prince, he just feels a headache.

He raised the wooden cup in his hand high.

He said that there was no point in believing that Mian Mian, after all, the sales and stargazing were just a blur.

Under the influence of alcohol, this ordinary middle-aged farmer did something quite extraordinary. He raised the wide wooden cup in his hand high.

"Praise to the harvest! The great harvest!"

Learn the verses of the poem and yell loudly. For ordinary farmers, nothing is more important than a good harvest. I just hope that he will not be visited by the old priest in the church tomorrow. .

Generally speaking, this year is a good harvest year. A good harvest can bring stability, and a good harvest can bring peace.

But in times like this, we have to be on guard against sneaky guys and cowardly things that appear from dark corners.

Those nasty rats.

Those rat men.

A pair of red eyes appeared in the shadow of this peaceful village, and one pair after another appeared in the shadow of this peaceful village.

The fearful gaze was directed towards the castle in the center of the village, falling on the ferocious crossbow imaginary in the gap in the castle, and on the vigilant guards on it.

This castle is a square castle from a backward era, not the cylindrical castle that has emerged among the Youyan people in recent years. Even though it is still strong, the structure has some blind spots on the four corners that are difficult to defend.

Sneaky figures running in the dark night.

This is a group of ratmen, a vanguard, an advance army, or a group of young ratmen who ran too fast and broke away from the team.

The restless young ratman always wanted to do something, running wildly in the dark night, trying to get close to the strong castle. He didn't know what these guys wanted to do, but no matter what they wanted to do, it was a little too unpleasant. Think of yourself.

Moreover, among this group of young rat-men there was also the one who was holding them back. A young rat-man was discovered by a hound while running, and his messy roar broke the peace of the village.

The young rat man was furious when his whereabouts were discovered. When the awakened villagers arrived carrying various things, they saw something weird.

It had red eyes, armor made of two pieces of iron, hunched at the waist, and ferociously tore apart a dead hound.

Scarlet eyes looked around at the villagers in front of him. This look made the villagers feel a little scared and took a step back.

Until a villager finally recognized this strange-looking thing.

Loud shouts.

"Damn it! It's a Rat Man!"

The villagers' fear dissipated at this moment, and angry voices sounded one after another.

"A damn Rat Man bit Old Bob to death!"

Somehow a dog got the name Old Bob.

Faced with this situation, this particularly irritable young rat man was still waving the thing in his hand, trying to intimidate the guy in front of him.

It's just that the villagers, who have had a lot of contact with the rat people, are not afraid.

The villagers holding various things came over angrily. Faced with such a scene, the young rat man wanted to show his teeth and claws.

A pitchfork was thrust out at the young rat man first, which angered this particularly irritable guy. He put down his hunting dog, waved the spear in his hand, and attacked the villagers in front of him, but he overestimated himself. .

Several pitchforks fell, and with the combined efforts of the villagers, the irritated young rat-man was lifted high into the air. He did not die immediately and spread his teeth and claws in the sky.

Listening to the violent roar, looking at the guy who was still struggling crazily even though his body was pierced and lifted high.

It simply didn't look like a rat-man. The villagers had never seen a rat-man like this before.

Fortunately, this dangerous rat man was killed.

The irritable young ratman was killed by them, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Is it just over?

It was also at this time that the group of young ratmen running wildly in the shadow of the village discovered something more interesting.

All previous plans and intentions were thrown away.

Bright flames rose up, and with loud shouts, almost the entire village was alarmed this time, even the knight in the castle was no exception.

On the east side of the village, there is a church that has just been built. At this moment, it is lit by flames, and some sneaky figures are dancing outside the flames.

Until the villagers arrived one after another, facing these villagers holding pitchforks, sickles, butcher's knives, and all kinds of messy utensils, this group of young rat people did not know the current affairs like that irritable guy, and dispersed suddenly. He just ran away without a trace.

Soon, the flames that ignited in the church were extinguished through the efforts of the villagers. However, after the flames were extinguished, every villager present felt a little more uneasy.

On the top of the church, on the church, a wide-eyed figure hangs, the white robe is stained red with blood, the eyes on the forehead are removed, the eyes are staring, and they are pierced by the sharp top of the church. Body.

Every villager who witnessed this scene took a breath, but this was not the end of the atrocities. In the flames extinguished and the charred church, the statue of the god was pushed down and shattered into several sections on the ground.

Subsequently, the guards who arrived drove away the villagers who were watching.

The joy of the harvest was interrupted by this horrifying scene at this moment, adding a bit of gloom.

Is it just the end, or is it just the beginning?

In a good harvest year, there will always be trouble from rat-men, although there may be a little more rat-men coming this time, and some may be much more.

Traces of the rat people began to appear in villages and manors outside the city.

as an omen.

Some more keen knights reported this disturbing scene to their lords, but unfortunately, the city of Mountain Dew was also in chaos at this time.

The death of the governor of the province brought chaos in every sense of the word.

Although this chaos was probably caused by the rat people, the spear thrown by Rat Zhan was really accurate.

A huge reward was issued for the corpse of the dead provincial governor. In the chaos, the noble coalition did not even snatch back the corpse of the provincial governor. Those magic knights who claimed to be loyal and powerful They also lowered their heads at this moment.

This was certainly a shame, but an even greater shame followed.

The body of the provincial governor has not yet been recovered, the threat of the unknown enemy has not yet died, and their relatives have just died. Revenge has not been mentioned first, but instead a terrifying power storm has entered the brewing stage.

Only a huge reward was announced hastily.

However, the reward was not without effect. A group of mercenaries were attracted by the series of zeros and walked out of the city.

Most of the people in this fertile region and the golden province did not really realize how difficult the problems they faced this time would be.

In the mainland corridor, the giant skeleton clock arrived and was erected high by the rat people. A huge bell tower was built by the rat people.

Today, this huge skeletal bell will officially fall and be officially rung.

A grand priest made things difficult for the temple guards. All the enemies on the grassland had been defeated by the rat men, and the accumulated corpses from the brutal fight not long ago were washed away by the waves again and again and sank into the sea. .

Relying on goblins alone is obviously not enough to support a huge priest.

The temple guards were really in trouble.

But during the time they were in trouble, the landfill project in this strait was gradually coming to an end, and a metal-cast avenue was about to be completed.

Even before the giant bell falls.

Amid the cheers of countless ratmen, the connection between the two continents was once again opened.

on the ocean.

Sheng Qi officially began his voyage. He pieced together a large fleet in a very short period of time, and started his route on the ocean amidst chaos and discomfort.

Of course, the rat people's current navigation level is far from enough to set foot in the deep sea, and they can only move along the coast.

This was a fresh experience, moving forward on this endless sea, but within a few days, after the initial freshness faded, Sheng Qi felt a sense of boredom.

Moreover, it is not safe to sail. It is a bit reluctant to call these bathtubs warships, especially when faced with those fishmen who are eyeing the fishmen. Although they are made of metal, these fishmen cannot penetrate the rat people at all. Battleships, but from time to time, these noisy guys will start climbing on the Skaven battleships.

The two sides changed from fighting on the coast to fighting on warships.

The disparity in strength has not changed, but these green-headed murlocs never seem to be intimidated or intimidated. Even though the rats killed them all, they still continued to fight.

For the first time, Sheng Qi was tired of these weak sacrifices brought to his door.

Especially on that distant battleship, accompanied by the pungent fishy smell and unstable environment, I felt an inexplicable nausea.

It seems that seasickness is not limited to one type of intelligent creature.

As the commander of this army, Sheng Qi has not been in good condition recently. He is a little seasick.

But he was lucky. During this period of time, except for the continuous attacks by the fishmen who had formed a relationship with them, no one attacked the army led by Sheng Qi. No, maybe it should be called the fleet fortress. Suitable.

At least it was much better than the twists and turns of the rat war. The Western Expeditionary Force was advancing steadily, and the reason should not be difficult to guess.

After all, this rat-man fleet is so ridiculous that it's hard for people to take it seriously.

It’s really hard for people to take a group of bathtubs together and float on the sea with their center of gravity shifted. By the way, it’s not just that. These bathtubs traveling on the sea are accompanied by accompaniments.

Amidst the harsh ringing of the bell, Sheng Qi, who was already a little depressed, became more and more unwell. He felt like his head was going to explode.

Damn it, that damn rat priest is still ringing that bell.

Sheng Qi floating on the sea showed an expression of despair.

Brothers, I want to change my name. Do you have any recommendations?

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