From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 236, Du Yuan’s choice

Under the pull of the spell, the whistling arrows no longer twisted and began to be accurately thrown towards the incoming rat people.

The nervous ordinary militiamen tightly grasped the long wooden guns in their hands. In front of them was a shield wall composed of shields standing on the ground.

There really is no strategy on the Rat Man's side.

It just roared and rushed in violently.

The crossbowmen knelt on one knee and began to aim.

The mages began to bless various auxiliary spells, and there were even blessings similar to the killing aura.

It's just that the motivational spell used by the human mage is much gentler than the killing aura of the rat priests.

The militiamen, recruited from the farmers, blushed.

I have a little more courage and am no longer so afraid.

A rat man carrying a flag rushed over, and the desperate Rat Zhan had no choice but to start being a vanguard.

Jumping high on the shield, he almost rushed into the human camp with an unparalleled bravery.

The scarlet spears killed these weak militiamen at will. The courage that the militiamen had just raised disappeared in the ferocious killings of the rat war.

The rat war provoked a brave man who dared to challenge him, looking sarcastically around the ugly hairless rats in front of him.

The guy he provoked was still alive and howling in pain.

Naturally, this arrogant guy also got attention.

The knights wanted to step forward in the commotion, but were stopped by the middle-aged man, who patted his breastplate.

He said to the knight behind him.

"You are no match for him, let me do it."

There was some hesitation among the knights, but in the end they didn't say anything.

The middle-aged man stopped pausing and drew out the long sword from his waist. He felt threatened by Shu Zhan, like the overlord of the forest.

Both sides were silent in the war, but they ignored the changes in the world.

There was a weird lag in the blue sky of the small world.


In the sea of ​​chaos, something unexpected happened.

A dazzling beam of light burst out from the broken world again.

It gives this broken world a shaky illusion.

The world began to burn.

The dazzling beams of light burst out through the layers of broken planes, locking onto an inconspicuous small world. Such a sudden change attracted the attention of the gods wandering outside the world.

The burning of the world left this big world with no power to block the prying eyes of the gods, and all the things in it were manifested.

There are all kinds of things that are so precious even to the gods, such as high-concentration elemental environment, divine mineral veins, quietly suspended temples and the powerful authority and priesthood shining with misty spiritual light.

These are the things that every god dreams of, and their value is inestimable, but now they are all starting to burn.

Because of a figure.

A figure lingering at the entrance unwilling to leave.

Du Yuan didn't care what was in this world, nor what this world could bring to him. He had to leave.

But as soon as he entered this broken plane, he was pulled tightly.

He had indeed picked up something remarkable.

A real key.

That mottled colorful line is very important to this broken world, or in other words, it is very important to the guy hiding in this world.

He is indeed unable to perform any struggling movements, he is just a demigod.

But sorry, the right to choose is no longer in the hands of the sneaky guy. He added spirituality to the mottled colorful lines.

Transformation is underway.

This is a transformation that is not understood.

Relying on this transformation, Du Yuan resisted the force that pulled him, and struggled to step out of the world before the door of the world was closed.

He has broken his promise once and he needs to get out of here now.

But he was pulled tightly, unable to break free at all, until the door was completely closed, until Du Yuan was completely trapped in this broken world.

In indescribable irritation, Du Yuan let out an inhuman roar, and even his eyes turned red.

If that damn guy wants to find him, let him find him.

The mottled colorful lines are stuck in the process of transformation, it seems because of the too high level.

Du Yuan was dragged to an extremely prosperous and grand palace, and a message was conveyed to him in a blur.

Promising a gift, priesthood, authority, artifact, and even the family or the world, all of these can be given and obtained by Du Yuan. This is a great temptation and a gift that is difficult to refuse.

Even when this message flashed out, a stone statue kneeling in the hall was broken, and a creature sealed in it was revealed, a succubus with snake hair.

Medusa, a legendary creature, knelt down and worshiped Du Yuan at the moment the seal was broken, offering her faith. It was true faith, and it was felt by Du Yuan in an instant. And such a stone statue still exists in this hall. There is a densely packed area.

Du Yuan set his sights on the ancient hall in the center of the hall and began to take steps.

The vague handwriting floating in the air was a little more excited, as if he was excitedly waiting for Du Yuan to make a choice.

In other words, what choice does Du Yuan have? The price he offered is already so generous, and Du Yuan is just a demigod.

What choice can he make?

Yes, what kind of choice can Du Yuan make?

The eyes were already stained with blood.

The inspiration failed, and the twisting colorful lines gradually stopped moving. A trace of desire was conveyed, and it seemed to be eager for more.

But the appetite was bigger, too big, much bigger.

What he had to offer was not enough, his entire talent had to be offered up, and even Du Yuan had to think about whether it was worth it at this time.

The gifts given in front of him were not false, authority, strength, artifacts, divinity, and dependents. The essence of these things was not concealed and was easily perceived by Du Yuan.

As long as he nodded, it seemed that he could easily touch her.

But what choice will he make?

The humble ratman seemed not worth mentioning, and that small world was just a small stage. It seemed clear at a glance how to make the choice, and every god could make the choice easily.

Take one step after another.

Du Yuan didn't know what these mottled colorful lines were. Its essence was too high, and the price to pay for giving it spirituality was too high.

If you want to give him enlightenment, your own talent will also be shattered in this enlightenment. Without your talent, what is the difference between you and other gods?

Without talent, can I still go on?

Confused thoughts emerged in Du Yuan's mind.

But when he stepped onto that high platform, and when Du Yuan stood in front of that ancient altar inscribed with history, everything was answered.

He is not a qualified god.

He brought endless suffering to the Skaven.

At the beginning, I was not satisfied with this group of rats.

A choice was made.

Du Yuan has already made his choice.

In the dark, something precious was broken by him on his own initiative. At this moment, his soul seemed to be missing a corner, and boundless pain surged in, but it did not make Du Yuan's expression change again.

The irritability was suppressed and he became calm and indifferent again.

Mottled colorful lines appeared in Du Yuan's hands.

Fall towards this altar.

Dazzling light burst out from this ancient altar, and vague writing flashed in front of Du Yuan at an extremely fast speed.

Du Yuan's guess was correct. It was indeed the treasure that was chasing the key, or in other words, it was the treasure box that was chasing the key. This box was used by the deceased Lord God to carry the treasure. This broken world had a will of its own.

He couldn't understand what Du Yuan did.

The words flashed in front of Du Yuan eagerly.

But Du Yuan ignored it.

The rising beam of light reached all over the sky and the earth, even illuminating the dim sea of ​​chaos for a time.

So dazzling, so bright.

The small world floating in the sea of ​​chaos was caught by this beam of light, pulling towards the upper level of the sea of ​​chaos and towards Du Yuan's position.

Standing in front of this simple altar, Du Yuan's expression was so calm and indifferent.

Around him, the world began to burn.

He has made his choice.

Of course, at the moment when he made his choice, the one who was most surprised and panicked may not be the gods floating in the sea of ​​chaos.

It was the demigods who were locked together with the small world by the dazzling light pillar.

It felt like the sky was falling.

Damn, what happened! What happened!

Brothers, I know you think I’m doing a bad job, well, that’s possible, after all, it’s really not good to stay up late every day coding, but wrongly, it’s also possible that I’m doing a big job!

A new era is about to set sail!

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