From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 245, Novel Giant Rat

Running all the way, from a distance, I could see a vague outline in the darkness.

With the light of fire, this was good news, which cheered up the captain of the Holy See Knight.

There are still people alive, which is inspiring.

The Holy See knights sped up and ran towards the village in the distance.

It's just that such signs are not normal. In this area close to the forest, traces of rat men are everywhere. How can a village survive?

Just as they got closer, the Holy See Knight Captain noticed something was wrong.

This village obviously responded to the incoming rat people, with many intertwined wooden walls and towers.

The effect is good.

You can see some abandoned rat-men corpses in front of the wall, but this alone is not enough to resist these rat-men surging in the dim light and darkness.

The wall was stained with blood, and the gate was broken from the middle. A huge gap appeared, and it fell to the ground. All the sentry towers were knocked down, and fine footprints appeared on the knocked down wooden gate. The traces were fresh.

It seemed that it was too late, but there were still flames rising deep in the village, so there was no hesitation.

The captain of the church knights led the church knights behind him and broke into the unknown village in front of them.

The entire village was extremely quiet. The captain of the church knights rushed forward eagerly, but this silence made the other church knights behind him hesitate.

Passing through the low house, the burning flames came into view, as well as the terrifying scene.

On the simple altar, figures of all sizes were hung high, staring with red eyes. The guy who did this seemed to have some obsessive-compulsive disorder. The faces of these hung corpses were also oriented. All were turned in one direction.

This is a sacrifice.

Those figures who were hung up were the original owners of this village. Regardless of their age, male or female, old or weak, they were all uniformly hung high.

There is nothing wrong with this, the rat people have always done this, and this sacrificial ceremony is not even over yet.

The eyes between the eyebrows of the Nether-Eyed Humans have not yet been taken out. These are precious achievements and will never be abandoned. However, before taking hold of their own achievements, the rat men who conquered this village chose to win first. Dedicated to the great god.

The rat people have not left yet and are entrenched in this square. The bonfire in the center of the village was also lit by the rat people. This team of Holy See knights obviously made a common sense mistake. After seeing the flames, they rushed over in a hurry. But the flame doesn't mean anything.

The rat people are also an intelligent race, and the rat people also have their own civilization. Even if the civilization is distorted, the ability to control fire is still the most basic ability.

This group of ratmen were celebrating their victory. Various utensils rummaged from the village were placed on the blazing bonfire.

Imitating the actions of those farmers, I added water to the soup pot, and added various strange things, such as dried meat, leftover food, pig swill, various fresh grass blades, tangled worms, and The mushroom dug out from the base of the wall.

After capturing the next village, the rat people obtained a large number of strange tools, but it was simply that this time they finally did not put these stew pots on their heads and use them as helmets.

Or maybe it's because during the recent period, I was a bit dazzled by the sudden abundance of food, so I started to learn cooking and started to try to add more complex flavors to my food.

Although they obviously still have a little understanding of the cooking techniques of the Youyan people, at least the mushrooms at the base of the wall should not be added to the cauldron for stewing.

The blood-stained spears were used as spoons to stir wildly in the soup pot. The rat men gathered around the soup pot were a little impatient. Regardless of the boiling heat of the soup pot, they stretched out a paw and plunged into the soup pot. They were burned. He yelled, but was unwilling to let go, and picked up a piece of dried meat from the stirring stew, which caused great dissatisfaction with the rat-man chef who was stirring the stew.

With a sharp scream of anger, he suddenly pulled out the spear from the soup pot and used it as a stick to swipe at the glutton. The hot soup was taken out and splashed everywhere, scalding the gathered rat people. Yelling and dodging in a hurry.

The gluttonous guy ran away in embarrassment, but he was unwilling to put down the dried meat in his hands and stuffed it into his mouth. The angry rat-man chef wanted to chase him, but in the corner of his eye when he turned his head, he saw more people ready to move. Guy, turned around, roared sharply, and the greedy guys dispersed in a hurry.

This was a banquet, a lively banquet, a rat-man banquet, but it made the captain of the Holy See Knight almost break his teeth, his eyes were red, and he roared loudly, almost without caring. Launched a charge.

The rat man who was silent in the banquet was obviously not prepared for the sudden attack. The Holy See Knight single-handedly slammed into the rat man. The rat chef was unable to dodge and was pierced through the body and raised high.

He didn't die immediately and struggled on the spear in fear.

The captain of the Holy See Knights must have misunderstood something. He felt that the group of rat people in front of him were defiling the corpses. This was a bit of an injustice to the rat people. They were indeed not taboo about eating corpses, but they ate more of the corpses of their own compatriots. Rats There are indeed ratmen in the human diet, but except for the ratmen, other intelligent races are really not on the diet.

Most of the time, sacrifices are not confused with food.

They are very principled.

However, it is normal for the captain of the Holy See Knights to have such a misunderstanding. Just thinking about the Rat Man's banquet will not be a good thing, but a blasphemous carnival that challenges any concept. This is a stereotype.

Although the rat people who hung the dead sacrifice accurately facing in one direction are worthy of such a stereotype.

The rat people fled in a hurry, away from the dangerous guy who suddenly broke in and picked up the rat chef.

But there was an accident. The gluttonous guy, the gluttonous guy who fished out the dried meat from the cauldron, staggered to the ground with a confused expression. Obviously, the mushroom should not be added to the soup. .

Soon after, he was the next guy to be impaled by a spear.

The angry captain of the Holy See Knight threw the two still-dead guys into the hot soup pot. The screams echoed, but soon there was no sound.

This was not the end. Soon, the fleeing rat people came back again.

A flag appeared on the field, and a rat man carrying the flag nimbly climbed to the bottom of a low house.

It's the flag.

This village had just been captured by him, but it received a visit from the Holy See Knights, which was regarded as a provocation.

The flag roared loudly and shrilly on the rooftops.

Countless rat men appeared from the darkness one after another, and pairs of red eyes appeared in the darkness in front of the Holy See Knight Captain.

Amidst the rustling sound, I caught my sight.

The rest of the Holy See Knights rushed behind them, and the Holy See Knight Captain recovered some sense from his anger. There was no one left here who could be saved, and it was pointless to waste time with these rat men.

I thought of quitting.

It was not that easy to just interrupt this grand banquet and still want to leave. Qi started waving the spear in his hand angrily.

as a calling.

The rat people are constantly emerging from the darkness, and the silence is just a manifestation. This area has completely become a paradise for the rat people to torture.

The captain of the Holy See Knights drew his long sword. What followed was a surprise attack. The gathered rat people had blocked all the exits of this abandoned village. He had to rush out.

This team of Holy See Knights should be the last human force active in this area.

In the chaotic shouts of killing, the two sides collided with each other, and in the crazy fight, the rat people in this village finally did not leave the team of Holy See Knights, or in other words, only one was left.

This giant rat is a good card that Hata has only recently acquired.

With everything being supplied to the maximum extent, the giant rats are naturally constantly delivering various materials to the main continent, and are even put on the merit exchange table by Rat War. Of course, the ordinary rat team is It is absolutely impossible to form a regular rat knight like Rat War or those big shots, but it can still be done by gritting one's teeth and forcibly exchanging a giant rat.

Giant rats are a very dangerous deformed creation. Well, not really. Giant rats that are deformed from ordinary rat people are not very powerful. In addition to their powerful recovery ability, they can be used in single-on-one or multiple-on-one situations. Even those serious ferocious beasts cannot be defeated.

But the giant rat also has its advantages. It has strong recovery ability, is not afraid of simple penetration and tearing damage, and is extremely capable of restraining archers. Even if it is hit by a powerful crossbow, the arrow penetrates the flesh and hits the squirming internal organs. These are all It won't be a fatal injury. As long as it doesn't hit the heart directly, it won't die immediately. The sharp claws and wide incisors can penetrate steel and quickly break doors that are not hard enough.

Although these characteristics are not so outstanding on the battlefield, after all, in the cruel confrontation, even these tenacious giant rats are just more tenacious consumables.

The scattered team of ratmen cannot support the ratman knights, but a single giant rat is perfect as a mobile siege machine.

On this small-scale battlefield, it is indeed extremely adaptable and useful to attack the Youyan human villages one by one.

The giant rat that suddenly rushed out knocked a Holy See knight off his horse. The huge giant rat easily tore the throat of the tall war horse. The Holy See Knight captain wanted to rescue him, but the rat warriors who came behind him couldn't. In an instant, this unlucky guy was overwhelmed, and they made a decisive choice. The Holy See Knights broke through the blockade of the rat people and disappeared into the golden field.

Faced with this situation, Qi could not stop him. He could only watch the group of Holy See knights go away. However, he did not gain anything. His eyes fell on the Holy See knight who was drowned and tied up by the rat people and was struggling on the ground. .

Soon, another figure wearing exquisite armor appeared in the square in the center of the village. It was obvious that Qi wanted to make progress. He did not even take off the equipment of the Holy See knight, but added it to the tribute. During the sacrifice.

But just being a Holy See knight is obviously not enough to support his progress.

This area has been completely occupied. Soon, he should also be heading deeper into the hinterland of the Youyan Human Race. He needs more meritorious deeds. He really wants to make progress.

But before that, let’s take a sip of soup.

I took out a bowl from the boiling hot soup pot. It was just a mouthful. In an instant, the intricate taste in the entrance made Banner's eyes light up. It tasted pretty good, quite meaty. It came from the love between the rat chef and the gluttonous rat man. Devotion is just a little weird and a little dizzy.

Soon after, a large and small group of rat warriors lay down on the square in the center of the village. They came from the dedication of the rat chef and the power of the mushroom.

If the captain of the Holy See Knights had arrived later, the conflict might not have happened, as long as they were not curious enough to try the boiling pot of soup.

On the golden field, the knights of the Holy See were even more sad because of the departure of their companions.

It's just that, good luck always flashes suddenly, while bad luck always continues.

This team of Holy See knights had been wandering in this area for too long, and it had attracted the attention of some more dangerous guys.

Amidst the dull sound, huge figures appeared in outline in the darkness.

Accompanied by the harsh ringing of the bell, a huge rat man appeared in front of the Holy See Knight, a huge rat man with strange characteristics.

The huge body is almost as shoulder-length as a war horse, with bulging muscles, gray-black hair, and red eyes, but I don’t know why, but it’s a little inconsistent and weird.

Especially when this giant rat was compared to a dangerous and crazy rat priest who was leaning on a wooden staff and wearing a small bell on his waist. He had a stooped waist and a weird smile on his face.

The giant rat-man standing next to the rat-man priest did not look like a rat-man, although he was obviously a rat-man. His indescribable weirdness may have something to do with his gratuitous honesty.

What does this feel like? Like that dog among the wolves!

Yes, that's what it feels like.

Recently, a new type of strange guy has appeared in the Ratman Empire, an extraordinarily tall Ratman, a strange Ratman that was launched from the breeding houses in many Ratman cities on the grassland.

They are very popular. Although these guys have not really participated in the war, there is no doubt about their huge size, strong muscles, and huge strength. As soon as they appear, they are designated as candidates for powerful rat warriors. Ratmen. Many forces in the empire were attracted by these giant rat men.

It even included temple guards and rat wars, but it was a pity that these giant rat men who had just appeared were captured by the rat priests one by one.

Exist as a guard.

It's just that these guys seem to have some problems, problems that can't be explained, and using them as guards may not be a very good choice.

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