From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 263, The power of killing

The nobles who rushed out of the city encountered some special rat people.

A silent guard appeared in front of them, one of them with a black flag waving.

Obviously, there will be a little trouble, or a big trouble is going to happen.

In the chaotic city, a group of people gathered together, with a limping knight as the vanguard. They held messy things in their hands and without saying a word, behind the knight, they began to rush out of the city. .

The rat people are hunting those fleeing guys, or in other words, the rat war is hunting those fleeing guys. Even if the duck in the mouth just takes off some feathers, this is a bit unacceptable.

Now is a good time, a great time.

A terrifying explosion appeared outside the city, rising in the dark tide of rat-men. The group of mages still had something that they had not used, so they left something behind.

But in comparison, Shu Zhan also saved a hand, many hands, and the scarlet shadow was stretched out in the crowd.

Huge puppets made of rocks rose from the ground, and knights shimmering with brilliance rose into the sky. The two sides fought each other. These guys wanted to drive back the rat war, and they did not intend to fight with this crazy man in this endless dark tide. Guys fighting

Shu Zhan personally stepped onto the battlefield, carrying the flag on his back and holding the scarlet spear in his hand. With a maniacal laugh, he climbed onto the huge rock puppet. He nimbly dodged the attacks and climbed up, aiming for the rock puppet. The group of mages gathered at the top.

They are the core of this rock golem.

All kinds of magic fell, but they were all shattered by the shaking of the flag behind Shu Zhan. The knight in the sky swooped down, but the sharp sword was easily blocked.

The fierce knights rushed from a distance and collided with the magic knights.

These magic knights are equally powerful, but when faced with the collision of violent knights, they perform less well than the Holy See knights. It is not surprising that these guys are better at serving as commanders and are not so good at facing the situation as a group. Such a brutal fight.

The Rat Man Supervisory Team was pressing forward. This group of solemn guys raised their spears high and began to press forward.

There is even a team that is faster than the rat war team, a group of more elite rat war teams. Indeed, the rat war guards are just some of the more elite war team. I didn't notice anything.

Just moving forward, just pressing up, that's all.

The noble guards were gradually overwhelmed. These guys looked nothing like the rat warriors who made up the pitch-black rat tide. The contrast was extremely extreme.

Just the pressure of the spear, the cold spear, made it difficult for them to deal with it, and they gradually became overwhelmed.

In the eyes of these rat warriors, these noble guards of the Dark-Eye people, these humans, heretics, and enemies, there is not much difference between them and those rat warriors.

In other words, there is no big difference for them between killing the humans in front of them and pushing the rat people forward.

The rat people would be afraid, frightened, and retreat when facing them, but these humans would grit their teeth, arrive, and then be killed by them.

Now is a great opportunity.

The miserable guy trudged along the open city gate. It was not that easy, and there were still unresolved grievances.

The dark rat man came over and came to the pitchfork knight, with dangerous eyes flashing in his eyes.

Watching the Pitchfork Knight not far away.

The current situation is in chaos. The poor guys gather in groups and move forward very hard. Their performance is not bad. At least they have the qualifications to hold the weapons in their hands tightly. These humble humans, residents of the slums.

But facing the endless rat-men in front of them, there were still too many of them.

He kept dying, being dragged into the rat tide.

The Pitchfork Knight once again stayed at the back of the team, once again holding the pitchfork in his hand tightly, and getting out of the way of the swarming ratmen. This time it was no longer to consolidate his authority, nor to want to Something to prove.

This dark ratman just wanted to kill Pitchfork Knight himself.

He held a brand new sword, a more beautiful and more luxurious sword, but the Pitchfork Knight still only had a pitchfork in his hand.

There was no difference from the last time he faced the situation. The jet-black rat man rushed towards him and raised his sword high. The Pitchfork Knight was still on defense. In the collisions again and again, the jet-black rat man All attacks by the rat men were blocked.

The two sides fought amid the pitch-black rat tide.

The development of the situation was no different from last time. The pitchfork in Pitchfork Knight's hand was cut off again. He retreated in embarrassment and gasped for breath. The dark rat man opposite did not hide the malice in his eyes and looked at Pitchfork Knight. Everywhere on the body is falling.

He raised the big sword in his hand high, stepped forward, charged, and fell heavily.

Unexpectedly, Pitchfork Knight made an unexpected move. He held the sword with his left arm, and a bloody arm flew out.

But in exchange.

The broken pitchfork in his hand was also sent into the chest of the dark rat man. The scarlet eyes of the dark rat man were obviously stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect such a scene to happen.

He fell to the ground. This guy was too arrogant. He didn't know if it was a bad habit he learned from Shu Zhan. In short, such arrogance cost him a heavy price.

Pitchfork Knight gasped for air on the battlefield, and the surrounding ratmen caused an uproar after a brief silence.

In the distance, commotion was spreading, and it was getting closer.

Rat Zhan easily killed these mages and those knights hanging in the sky. Although this guy was also illiterate, as the killing continued, a different power was also mastered by him.

The power of killing, the spontaneous appearance of scarlet light on his body, this is the blessing given by Du Yuan, a blessing shared by all rat people, but today, now, Rat Zhan is the first Become exposed to such power.

The blessing given by Du Yuan was very simple and unpretentious, or perhaps it was broken into too many pieces by Du Yuan, and there was no such magical and magnificent power coming.

Rat Zhan's power has become stronger, his physique has become stronger, and his speed has also become stronger. In short, Rat Zhan has become stronger, and this increase in power will continue as the killing continues. of enhancement.

This is a gift from Du Yuan, not generous, even a little stingy. This gift is too scattered and exists in every rat man's body, which is unfair to Rat Zhan.

Such a stingy gift makes it extremely difficult to activate. All the killing power created by the rat people during this period was not enough even if it was filled in. It was not until the fall of that majestic city today that this gift Blessings are revealed.

As for why the rat war is unfair.

You can understand that this blessing of killing is slowly starting to rely on the killing power created by the rat people. During this period, most of the killing behaviors of the rat people are directed at rat wars. The killing power created by these killing behaviors Power should have been the reward of the rat war, but most of it was taken away and fell on the perfection and activation of the main body of the killing and blessing of all rat people.

However, Shu Zhan didn't know about this. He was very excited now. He felt that he was stronger than before.

Above the sky, Du Yuan crushed the God of Stargazing in his hand. The scattered fragments of the law of power gathered in front of Du Yuan and condensed into a dazzling purple crystal, which was held in Du Yuan's hand. .

At this moment, Du Yuan was finally able to focus on the other human demigods in front of him.

Even gods become uneasy, faced with the prospect of extinction.

What's more, these guys are not gods yet, they are demigods who are still one step away from gods.

It's not that they didn't do anything, it's just that most of their attempts were suppressed by this scarlet realm. This is the power given by the battle priesthood. Du Yuan paid for these guys by committing himself to such a cruel death battle. Can't break free.

Scarlet cold eyes fell on the many demigods in front of him, and he also caught a glimpse of their movements.

A dazzling artifact shattered in front of Du Yuan, and the dazzling brilliance even caused the crimson that shrouded the sky to waver for a moment.

There is no demigod to escape, so the advantage brought by taking one more step upward is so obvious. Du Yuan is closer to the gods than them. The advantage brought by this is unparalleled, reflected in strength.

Although there is no essential difference yet.

If a real god is an adult, then these demigods are young children, and Du Yun is already considered a teenager.

However, because there was no essential gap, these guys were still able to shake Du Yuan's field of expansion with laws.

At this moment, these human gods briefly contacted the outside world.

Regardless of everything, a large amount of power was thrown into the mortal world and into the dim statue of the god. The priests who had lost their power because of the dimness of the god regained their power at this moment, and at the same time, in the falling brilliance.

There are many churches of gods located all over the continent with various doctrines and forms. Those who are still devout believers can once again listen to the will of the gods.

At this moment, all the human gods neatly gave almost unified instructions.

Do whatever it takes to defeat the invaders and the heretics who believe in the terrifying evil god.

In such a severe divine revelation, a divine war is about to truly begin. Originally, the rat people should be able to take advantage of this chaotic situation. No one can react, or in the fight between the short-sighted warlords. , sweeping across a large area until everyone had to face them and had to draw their swords towards them.

But at this moment, this possibility is shattered. At this moment, the major divine churches have regained their strength and are enlightened at this moment. They will also run for this matter.

The battle between the gods has already begun, and now these mortals will also fully follow.

Not only that, in order to deal with Du Yuan, or perhaps the fear brought by Du Yuan was too great, an equal god system was born. These human gods signed an almost harsh covenant and became a brand new one. The pantheon, a pantheon of equals.

The gods in the pantheon will bear witness to the covenant and will inherit the faith of the fallen god without reservation.

In layman's terms, this group of gods agreed with each other that even if only one of them dies in the end, as long as he survives, he will be responsible for picking up the beliefs of the fallen gods in other covenants again and protecting them from the prayers of believers. Returned.

This is undoubtedly an approach aimed at Du Yuan.

Obviously, they were not willing to be killed one by one by Du Yuan, which was not surprising.

There's just one problem. This fight to the death is still going on. Everything must eventually come to a point if you want to break free.

Only by killing Du Yuan can these guys end this deadly fight, but the problem now is that they can't kill Du Yuan.

Although Du Yuan will not kill them.

Both parties are anchored to each other in the moment.

The human gods also threw their chips to those mortal creatures, although they did not make such a decision voluntarily.

But now the situation has become clear. The fate of all the gods in the sky falls on the two parties in this small world, on the battle between humans and rat people, and on the conflict between the two empires. Win or lose.


Outside Mountain Dew City, Pitchfork Knight covered his bleeding arm and stood blankly on the messy battlefield. The smell of blood around him was getting stronger and stronger. The group of poor people brought out by Pitchfork Knight were... Being massacred.

In the distance, a messy sound of horse hooves sounded.

A group of embarrassed knights broke through the surging gray-black tide and appeared not far from the Pitchfork Knight. The two sides met their eyes, but the Holy See Knights did not come to rescue the Pitchfork Knight.

Instead, they ran away wildly. The Pitchfork Knight was in too bad a condition now, and these Holy See Knights were also in such a hurry, with a bit of panic.

It just doesn't matter, the direction these Holy See knights left is also the direction those people left.

Yes, those people, Pitchfork Knight does not think those residents of the slums are despicable and sinful. After all, he was just a farmer not long ago, and it seems he still is now.

He didn't feel that by putting on this old armor, he really became a noble knight.

If this group of Holy See knights are willing to help, those people will be saved.

Thinking this way, his current situation is not good at all.

The ratmen around him smelled the diffuse smell of blood and saw his embarrassed appearance, and they were getting ready to fight. He was ready to fight again. Instead of reaching for the broken pitchfork, he held on to it. He picked up the big sword left by the dark rat man.

But suddenly, the commotion among the rat people around them subsided. The faces of these guys showed a bit more complex expressions of excitement, fear, awe, and admiration, with various emotions, because of the arrival of a pitch black flag.

A dark flag broke into Pitchfork Knight's eyes.

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