From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 277, Furious Rat War

Ah, the dazzling prince, the prince with expectations, the future king.

Carrying too many expectations, I have known what I want to do since I was a child.

This is an opportunity.

A good opportunity.

Point out the most dazzling knights, point out the most noble knights, point out the real knights.

Everything will be pulled back to normal, always have to have confidence, no one is willing to witness everything in front of them collapse like this, even if this country once heroic all passed away, decayed, stinking, rotten.

A new era is coming, a new era is coming, but not everyone is willing to witness the arrival of that new era.

The Royal Knights, the Royal Knights, lined up in neat squares, not afraid of darkness, showing their strength.

They are real knights, adhering to their principles, with their own glory, justice, bravery, fearlessness, kindness, mercy, compassion, and loyalty.

So glorious, but, but also the most stubborn goalkeeper of the old era.

This decadent empire, this decadent empire.

Collapse should be its best ending.

But there are always people who desperately pull, pull the crumbling building, and try to save the rotten one.

That glorious prince with a bright smile is even willing to bend down and kiss a dirty and smelly child.

At the departure ceremony, when the streets are covered with flowers, at the most glorious moment of his life, he is willing to bend down and take off the delicate wreath on his head.

Is he a good man? Yes.

Is he a knight? Yes.

Is he a hero? Yes.

But, why, why does he want to save all this rotten and smelly thing?

It is unknown, and there is no way to know.

Countless beautiful girls gathered on both sides of the street, beautiful flowers were thrown wantonly, bold girls shouted loudly, and young girls were also not stingy in showing their beauty.

Such a scene, how dreamy, seems to be often only witnessed in picture books and novels.

This may be a scene that the knights in countless picture books can only witness twice in their lives.

But now, it actually appeared in this city named the Sun.

But stories are always stories, even if it is done by heroes, it is hard to say that it is true, well, it cannot be said to be wrong.

There is only one thing that is certain, the river of time always moves forward in the flow.


Shu Zhan's march to the plateau encountered unprecedented challenges, perhaps it can be called frustration.

Shu Zhan, this arrogant guy, has never really tasted the taste of failure many times in his life. That is a very rare number, but today it has increased again.

The barbarians on the plateau showed their figures in front of Shu Zhan for the first time.

Shu Zhan was very sure that when he climbed up, everything would be over soon, but there was only one problem, he had not climbed up yet, or he might not be able to climb up.

Ice-blue lizard, huge ice-blue lizard, ice-blue lizard as huge as a battleship.

The scales are as big as a shield, the eyes are as big as the head, the teeth are irregular rhombuses, and the sharp claws can easily pierce the rocks and climb on this steep cliff.

It looks like a giant gecko, a giant ice-blue gecko.

Not only a giant gecko, but also the extraordinary beast ridden by the plateau people.

It seems that these plateau people have received the first wave of benefits from the elemental tide, which is not a good thing, especially for the current Eastern Expeditionary Force and for Rat War.

The rats didn't even have a chance to resist, they kept falling down, and desperate screams came one after another.

Unable to stand, unable to raise weapons, even if there were more rats, there was no way.

Climb up, as long as you can climb up, it's fine, it's fine.

But they couldn't climb up, these sturdy extraordinary beasts were rampaging on this steep cliff.

Rat War was unwilling to give up, his eyes were red, he tore off the white fur shawl on his body, took off the scarlet spear on his back, and the hairless rat ran wildly on this steep cliff, rushing towards the guy led by the plateau people.

Can Rat War save all this?

Facing the charge of Shu Zhan, the huge ice blue lizard stepped heavily on the cliff under its feet, and the ice began to spread. The smooth and cold ice was difficult to grasp. Shu Zhan did not stand firmly and fell to the ground.

There is no doubt that if it was on flat ground, even if it was just as cold, even if the ice lizard was twice as big, there would be almost no suspense about the final winner, it would definitely be Shu Zhan.

It’s just a pity that this is not a flat ground. Falling from the steep cliff, with that sharp cry, rolling like a wheel.

Shu Zhan hit a rat warrior who was climbing up hard. Suddenly, a chain reaction occurred. The rats rolled into a ball. This was an extremely chaotic scene.

The Eastern Expeditionary Force ushered in a rout.

Shu Zhan did not even really climb up the plateau.

His vitality was strong enough. In the continuous rolling, he still responded and stabbed the scarlet spear in his hand deeply into the cliff, and finally stopped himself with great reluctance.

Anger, boundless anger brewed in Shu Zhan's eyes, and his eyes turned blood red.

Then, then Shu Zhan saw a spectacular scene.

The rats were extremely chaotic when they fled.

The environment was so bad at that time that the plateau people didn't even pursue them too much, and not many of the dead rats really died at the hands of the plateau people.

Crowding, collision, rolling, and then chaos.

On the steep place near the top of the plateau, the shrill screams continued.

The rats climbed up with difficulty and retreated in a hurry and panic.

A biting wind blew over, and Shu Zhan, who was hanging on the cliff, shuddered.

Shu Zhan can be regarded as an absolute strong man in this world, but sometimes he still has to learn to respect nature.

The rats' march to that plateau was a complete failure.

The Eastern Expeditionary Force and Shu Zhan returned in defeat. If this hairless rat had any absolute weakness, it was fear of cold.

He couldn't move forward step by step on this plateau. The extreme cold was simply unbearable for Shu Zhan.

That's why he was so anxious, but facing this high and cold plateau, being anxious is not a good idea.

Rat Zhan had no other choice.

He led the Eastern Expeditionary Force to retreat to the foot of the mountain in a panic, angry, resentful, and irritable. During this period, Rat Zhan had hanged many ratmen outside his tent, not just to intimidate the ratmen in his hands.

More importantly, he was really going crazy.

He was blinded by anger.

But what can resentment do? He really had no way to deal with this tricky plateau.

The black dragon beast brought him almost irreversible damage, which even blood mushrooms could not make up for.

He thought of the damn red lizard again.

Because it was in the battle with the red lizard that he was engraved with a shortcoming of fear of cold, an indelible mark.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

He roared angrily in the camp every day.

The Rat Empire, which had invested everything in the war, did have considerable room for war.

Even if Rat War failed and a large number of ratmen turned into fuel that coated the rock wall, it was not a big deal. Even such a mistake was not enough to hold Rat War accountable.

The big claw priests were still bringing teams of young ratmen to fill the Eastern Expeditionary Force.

This was not a big problem, but Rat War was extremely irritable and out of control.

During this period of time, another thing happened, a not particularly big thing.

The human coalition arrived.

A huge coalition was formally formed in the running of various churches.

And officially arrived at the battlefield.

It should be pressed forward soon. The target should be the place where Rat War settled and the Eastern Expeditionary Force was stationed. Pushing back, the great nobleman who was closest to the battlefield did not want this war to happen on his territory. He offered a very high price and paid a huge price in exchange for the coalition's forward pressure.

These great nobles will fight with Rat War's Eastern Expeditionary Force on this land occupied by Rat War.

Maybe they shouldn't be so anxious.

After all, a war requires too many things, and there are also many things to pay.

The rules of the nobles are negotiation or negotiation, exchange, and interests.

Don't look at their various messy etiquette rules, which are so many, in fact, the most important one can never be ignored, interests, but the nobles' demands for interests are packaged by various rules, which appear to be taller and more threshold.

The nobles who are closer to the rat people need to give benefits, the nobles who are further behind have more bargaining chips, the nobles who tend to be independent need to be won over, and those who are close to the royal family need to be guarded.

The church is a very good force and cannot be ignored, but everyone is afraid that they will return to the previous strong posture that can force everyone to compromise.

They are more anxious, so they have to give more power.

These messy things are negotiated every day, and they are pulling every day. Of course, they will not be so rude and uncivilized. Everyone is a decent person, one banquet after another, one letter after another, and one ambiguous word after another.

These are what are going on, and this is what they call rules.

Until a variable appeared.

The prince who set off and the dazzling knight team finally brought a little uneasiness to these nobles. It was funny to say that even if two provinces fell and one province was mostly corrupted, such a situation did not make these nobles anxious. Instead, it was the prince's trip that prompted this alliance.

But there was nothing strange.

After all, no matter how these nobles pulled, they were all seeking their own interests, and the prince was probably seeking everything on this continent. After all, everything on this continent was inextricably linked to the crumbling and corrupt empire.

Rat Zhan did not understand why this group of heretics would provoke him at this time, but he seemed to have to thank them.

The appearance of the noble coalition made Rat Zhan get out of that manic state. Rat Zhan, with red eyes, was ready to climb the plateau that made him fail again. This was not wise, but it was indeed something Rat Zhan could do.

But it was unwise.

At this time, the human coalition played a role in diverting attention.

At this time, Rat War was particularly manic. For several days and nights, his eyes were so red.

Like a madman, or this guy is a madman, a manic madman.

While the flag was waving, Rat War in this state did not give any temptation, no rules, only fierce attack.

Countless rats appeared from various places.

All kinds of strange war equipment were pushed out.

Rat Knights and Fierce Knights appeared in this war at the first time, and even those rat runners began to take on the responsibility of pioneers.

Other things are hard to say, but the rat runners must be unwilling to take the lead. This group of guys can be said to be the ultimate old fox of the rat army, but they still appeared at the forefront of the team at this time.

There is no way, no rat will be willing to face the crazy rat commander at this time. Even if you don’t think about it, you should make a decision instinctively.

Never disobey the commander at this time, he is very unhappy now.

Crossing the battle lines that had not yet been dug, the ratmen runners threw the short spears behind them one after another.

As the most experienced among the experienced, they knew better than anyone when to fight hard and when to work without effort.

Behind them, the dark flag disappeared in the darkness, and the furious commander was watching everything on the battlefield.

The ratmen runners did not even wait for the short spears behind them to be thrown, and rushed into the front line in a violent manner.

Their strength was not weak. Even as the vanguard, they did not show too much effort. At least these ordinary militiamen who were listed at the forefront were just some weak guys who could be killed at will for the old ratmen runners.

But the premise is that the opponents are just these ordinary militiamen. It is not enough, not enough. These old guys began to actively look for the magic knights who were scattered in the militia as commanders.

They could not be eaten steadily. It often took three or four ratmen runners to barely equal a magic knight.

They acted very bravely, worked very hard, and really fought hard.

Because if they didn't fight hard now, they would really die.

This was an extremely reckless way of fighting.

After noticing the presence of the noble coalition, the rats almost ran wildly until they officially collided with each other.

But there was no way, don't look back, the commander-in-chief is watching everything, don't retreat, the commander-in-chief is watching everything, he is very angry, he is really angry.

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