From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 292, Ratman's Industrial Planning

Finally, after completing the sacrifice, Qi, who fled in a panic, seemed to exist as a pledge.

Well, maybe not a pledge, the pledge should still be the reckless and aggressive Rat War.

But Qi's name also left a name in this history.

The last few words of a long paragraph.

The temple guards have recently been engraving a set of coherent stone tablets to record everything about the gods, and also record the history of the rat people in disguise. They did it in unexpected detail.

Even the figure of the spear rat appeared on the stone tablet.

Perhaps it came from the rigor of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Qi was left with a little space, holding up a spear by the river.

Of course, Qi would not let his hard work finally fade away in obscurity.

He tied up several big claw priests, the consuls from various rat caravans, these poor guys accompanied Qi to run wildly in Lianyan Province, waiting silently in the mud.

They are witnesses and preachers.

This is a bold move, but it is not a big problem. The big claw priests in these caravans, backed by the rat lords, seem to be high and mighty, but in fact, these guys are still the big claw priests, just useful tools.

Qi did not touch the goods in these rat caravans.

Under this premise, these big claw priests have no ability to resist Qi, the rat warlord, even if Qi has been the rat warlord for such a short time.

How to prove and how to publicize it may be a difficult problem for other intelligent creatures in other places, but in this deformed country, it is not complicated and difficult for rats.

Just in the name of God.

Whether it is the rat priests or the big claw priests, these guys are crazy about chasing other things and no longer attach importance to the belief in God, but they still retain the awe of the great God.

Well, it seems a bit awkward, but it is not strange, or they may have always been so pious, but excessive pragmatism, utilitarianism, and the flames of desire are too hot, which distorts their piety.

Offering sacrifices to the gods to accumulate merits is piety, so does hoarding a large number of blood mushrooms representing merits not represent piety?

The rat priests have always been pious, and they dare not tell lies in the name of the gods.

This group of cunning and greedy guys are the best witnesses to some extent, as long as these things involve the gods.

After Qi crossed the lines of defense in a panic and arrived at the metal fortress at the junction of the two continents, his deeds were recognized by the temple guards, and it may be that he finally became valuable.

Qi was received by the guy deep in the temple.

The temple guards became more and more dissatisfied with Rat War. This guy's radicalism indirectly led to the fall of the Golden Province. The magnificent city of Surf City was recaptured by these guys again, and the human army was already heading towards this steel fortress.

This made the guards of the God's Mansion particularly anxious. In this context, the temple guards did not mind supporting a rat warlord who did not belong to Rat War. This was a choice.

In the temple with flickering firelight, in the corner of the sacred hall, a guy tapped his left side with his sharp claws while looking at Qi.

"Of course, we are willing to help you."

The words paused at this moment.

Qi fell into silence, but after just a moment of thinking, Qi quickly made a choice.

Qi's goal has always been so clear, upward.

He completely turned to the temple guards, and in exchange, the temple guards were naturally willing to endorse Qi's achievements.

And this was just the first link in a series of exchanges.

Adventure, busyness, this difficult journey, Qi finally got the reward.

That simple pattern engraved on the stone slab, a small paragraph about him engraved at the end of a long history.

A good start.


Everything was accelerated.

Major events are constantly happening, and the rat war running wild in the human empire is like a catfish, stirring up this not calm pond.

The destruction of the village and town was not a big deal worth paying attention to. The fall of the city and even the death of a great nobleman attracted much attention.

After breaking through the blockade, the bold guy Shu Zhan did not go away at all, but hid in the dark. He really seized the opportunity and ambushed a great noble who was in a hurry to return to his territory.

The great noble was killed on the spot and hung high on a dead, rotten and smelly tree.

There was an uproar, but what else could they do except an uproar.

After the noble coalition gained a foothold in the fierce city, it continued to march forward, and then was stuck by the metal fortress.

The elemental annihilation cannon was blocked by the shaking skeleton bell, and without the opening of the artillery fire, it was really difficult for people to think about how to capture such a metal fortress.

What kind of fortress is this? The base color of the fortress is dark gray, and there are mottled and uneven joints all over it. They are mottled by batches of molten iron during the pouring process, like the uneven fish scales spreading on the outer shell of the fortress, forming such a strange shape.

Even in the stage of war, outside the fortress, the enemy is watching everything.

The repair of the fortress did not stop.

The uneven places were polished with all their strength, following a strange principle, not polishing them flat, but making these uneven places more beautiful.

Well, this is something that is difficult to understand, but as religious lunatics, the temple guards do this kind of thing.

During this period, the temple guards faced many problems.

The fall of the Golden Province brought many problems. The noble coalition in front of them was just one of the many problems, or that one was not the most difficult problem.

The rat farmers who had originally purchased land fled back to the fortress in a panic, and they gathered in front of the temple.

These guys bought land from the temple guards, but at this time the land was snatched back by humans again. This matter is also easy to deal with. After all, rat farmers, rat farmers, to put it nicely, they are called rat farmers, to put it bluntly, they are pariahs. Have you ever seen rat priests talk to these pariahs?

But the temple guards could not do so.

The system they had built with great difficulty was still so immature, so land certificates began to be issued. This was a land certificate with a time limit, and it was also the first collateral to appear in the Rat Empire, a collateral for land.

In fact, before this, there were also transactions, but the transactions of resources and land were concluded in the high-sounding negotiations between the big men, and this method was not effective for the rat people.

Now, it is the temple guards who are the guarantors to issue such certificates.

How to say it, if the temple guards are the guarantors, it can indeed restrain most of the rat priests and rat warlords, and ordinary rats can use such certificates to protect their own things.

But it seems that it is of no use, because these guys do not value the land that is not worth much blood mushrooms at this time.

Giving such a certificate guarantees the ownership of the land. As long as the Golden Province is taken back by the rats again, these lands will still belong to these rat farmers who have no plans, and the matter will be settled like this.

As the superior party, it is a very rare thing that the temple guards are willing to make a promise to them. Otherwise, what else can they do? Do they still want compensation?

The noble coalition was firmly stuck in this fortress and could not move forward at all. This fortress is so desperate that the current noble coalition cannot shake it at all.

This node is firmly in the hands of the rats, so it is doomed to be impossible to drive the rats out of the main continent.

Instead, they dragged themselves into a deadlock. The noble coalition could not leave. After leaving, they would leave this place to the rats again. The invasion would start again soon, but if they did not leave, they could not move forward at all and were stuck here.

However, the logistics of the noble coalition did not need to be the responsibility of the nobles themselves.

A steady stream of supplies continued to come to Lianyan Province through the river. The sudden attack of the flag burned most of the supplies on the dock, but it was soon replenished again.

Leaving these nobles and their armies here to resist the rats was originally a good thing for the imperial family.

There was only one problem. If the prince could really stop the rat war, after the noble coalition was firmly stuck here, the only flag still standing in the human empire was the prince alone.


Sheng Qi finally waited for support, but unexpectedly, the support that came here might not belong to the Western Expeditionary Force in his hands.

Or it was not entirely his Western Expeditionary Force, after the failure of the march on land.

More power and attention were invested in this endless river, and invested in this bitter and salty waters.

The rats began to march towards the ocean.

And it happened that not only Sheng Qi had wandered into the human empire and completed the landing, but the Great Claw Priest in the Western Expeditionary Force also had a rudimentary technology line in his hands, about the ocean technology line.

For a time, it seemed that as long as the power was invested, it would have an immediate effect.

All this was naturally logical.

How can I put it? These guys, these guys who believe in the spirit of ore, have successfully led the entire Rat Empire's ocean technology tree astray.

Bathtub battleships, bigger bathtub battleships, bigger bathtub battleships, bathtub battleships loaded with weapons, bathtub battleships loaded with more weapons, bathtub battleships loaded with more weapons.

This is really a situation that is difficult to describe.

Bathtub battleships are rapidly going to sea.

Deep in the rolling hills, in the coastal area, towering furnaces and simple structures made of metal appear here, and ports built by big claw priests.

The Ratman's port is very peculiar.

It is built up by a large number of metal pillars, pipes, gears, various chains, a large group of slave rats, and the most important, the most critical, metal bell. Every industrial area of ​​the Ratman cannot be without a bell. This is necessary and certain.

The bells were struck regularly, the sound of the chains shaking was as clear as the sound of the Great Claw Priest whipping the slave rats, the gears creaked, the complex metal pipes in the ratman's dock moved and connected in the pulling, the hot blast furnace poured out boiling molten iron, flowed into the pipes, and finally flowed into a platform supported by metal pillars.

The ratman's casting technology has reached a very mature level.

It won't be long before a bathtub warship is formed in this ugly and complex dock in an hourglass day. Such production capacity is not the limit. In fact, with the expansion of the dock and the deployment of more slave rats, the Great Claw Priest will soon expand the production capacity at an extremely exaggerated speed.

The ratman parliament made a decision, perhaps a big plan, the ratman version of a naval power.

Well, at least for now, the rats don't pay much attention to this endless bitter and salty river, but are just looking for a new way because of the stalemate of the land war.

This situation may change with the exploration of the ocean. The vast ocean has enough benefits to change the rats' minds, especially when the territory of the Rat Empire is about to reach its limit again.

The special tunnels that run through each city are becoming increasingly incapable.

Even if the most tireless giant rat wants to run all the way back to the Desolate Mountains from the steel fortress at the edge of the Rat Empire, it is a long and arduous journey.

As the capital of the Rat Empire, the Desolate Mountains is too remote.

The rats do not urgently need a new way to connect the empire now, and there is no urgent need for this now, but it is a matter of time.

Perhaps this vast bitter and salty river can solve this problem that will be put on the table sooner or later.

A round warship fell from this strange dock platform and hit the sea heavily. The violent shock caused huge waves. Chains and aerial platforms spread down from the platform, and a large number of slave rats climbed and gathered on them.

At this moment, these guys are dodging the huge waves in a panic.

The production of a bathtub warship, no, it should be said that the round warship has reached the end. The waves have subsided, and the round warship is no longer shaking on the sea. The slave rats climbing on the iron chains and perched on the platform swarmed up. They have a lot to do.

For the repair and polishing of the round warship hull, the installation of gears, power structures, and finally war equipment.

After completing this series of processes, the round warship will be officially completed.

Then fill in enough biological power modules, load enough rat warriors, and sail to the sea under the command of those unreliable big claw priests.

This is the reinforcement that Sheng Qi has been waiting for.

One by one, the rat warriors are like crowded sardine cans floating on the ocean, or the kind with the cans opened, the rat fleet.

The expression is very complicated.

Sheng Qi doesn't know what expression he should make at this time, and he doesn't know whether this scene is a good thing for him or a nightmare that has not yet ended.

The Ratman's ocean pioneer, Lucky Man, commander-in-chief of the Western Expeditionary Force, Rope Seven, at this moment revealed a complex and painful emotion.

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