From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 300, Shu Zhan's greetings and humiliation

Rat War is not invincible. In fact, it is difficult for a general to win every battle. Even a powerful god of war will have a time of failure.

Moreover, for Rat War, the troubles at this time may come from both inside and outside.

An irregular letter was sent to the central camp of the Youyan Human God War Army.

Unnoticed by everyone, it suddenly appeared like this, an irregular letter.

The letter paper, the envelope, and the wax seal, these three things came from three famous nobles, but they were put together at this time, forming such an irregular letter, and were sent to the prince.

Does this represent a kind of union, a union of the three noble forces?

No, it doesn't.

In fact, these three once-prominent noble families all suffered the same fate.

They were destroyed in the invasion of the rat people.

The three destroyed noble families jointly handed him a letter.

This is not the most horrifying situation.

Open the envelope, unfold the letter, some crooked paragraphs appeared in front of him, it seems that for the existence of writing this letter, this is a difficult and arduous task.

The handwriting is more like a twisted claw mark engraved.

This is the first feeling of the prince when he looked at the letter.

In the Rat Empire, a group of guys have not shown up for a long time, a group of dangerous guys hiding in the dark.

Put down the letter in his hand, stand up, the armor on his body makes a crisp and coherent crackling sound at this moment, open the curtain of the tent, what comes into view is not the terrifying darkness, this camp is very lively, various scattered lights drive most of the darkness.

But an inexplicable chill appeared on the prince who stood upright.

In the interlaced shadows of the light, there seemed to be some strange rustling noises inexplicably.

It makes people more uneasy.

The prince did not spread this matter everywhere. In the tent, this strange letter was ignited by the flames and turned into a pile of ashes.


Rat Zhan, who was marching in the wilderness, determined what he was going to do next.

He held up a map marked with the words of the Ghost Eye people and made up his mind.

In fact, whether it was the lower class of the Rat Empire or the great commander like him, they were more or less influenced by the Ghost Eye people in the battle with the Ghost Eye people.

The lower class of the Rat People showed their cooking habits and their acceptance of various tools, while for a guy like Rat Zhan who was high above.

They would only accept some more sophisticated things, such as the map of the Ghost Eye people, which clearly marked various terrains and showed detailed information of large areas. Even the arrogant guy like Rat Zhan had to admit that this map was excellent.

In the past, the Rat People did not draw maps.

Although there were similar things, the Rat People's skill in stacking sand tables was excellent, and each piece of sand table could be stacked exquisitely, but this skill was difficult to be used in the ongoing war, and was more often placed in the Rat City.

Rumor has it that in the hands of the white rat is a detailed sand table that is still expanding and covers the entire territory of the rat empire.

Maps and sand tables have their own advantages and disadvantages, but in war, maps are obviously more convenient and applicable.

The rat priests have already explored the standards for drawing human maps. It won't be long before these things will be fully borrowed by the rats.

These big figures among the rats have been angrily denouncing the ghost-eyed people as blasphemous heretics and disdainfully resisting the creations of the ghost-eyed people, but they can't stand this set of mapping specifications and standards.

But making some changes slightly, making some changes, this has become a kind of transcendence, what reference, where is there such a thing as reference.

Shu Zhan's hands are about to collect a map covering the entire territory of the ghost-eyed people.

This has brought him great convenience, allowing him to run wildly in the ghost-eyed people empire like a fish in water.

As more and more guys chase him behind him, sometimes there will be some troubles, just like this time.

Shu Zhan was not far from the capital of the Youyan people, but the human army behind him was about to stick to him. These guys were as difficult to deal with as dog-skin plasters, but Shu Zhan had no good way to deal with them.

The most important thing for him now was to go a distance deeper into the human empire to take over the sea road of Shoushengqi.

This was a very important matter. He was indeed reckless, but not stupid. The still huge army in his hands was the capital to let the enemy be restrained.

After all, no matter how fast the rats ran, how could they outrun those knights who came and went like the wind?

Although these knights dared not come forward to bite him even if they could catch up with him. The knights were out of touch with the team behind, and the rat army gathered in Shu Zhan's hands was so huge.

The continuous pursuit made Shu Zhan inexplicably annoyed.

Arriving at the fork in the road, the reason for being chased madly might be that Shu Zhan was too close to the prosperous and dazzling city.

He only needed to run a little further and eat Shengqi, then everything would become clear to Shuzhan. After all, Shuzhan had no plan to attack the capital of the Youyan people.

But Shuzhan was inexplicably annoyed at this moment.

He felt that he had to teach those guys who were constantly chasing him a lesson. On that day, the rat army began to rush towards some dangerous areas, and the royal knights chasing them were thrown off.

Such things happened many times during this period.

There was a game between the two sides, because the Eastern Expeditionary Army was not really running away. In fact, the ambush of these royal knights following them had happened many times when the rats disappeared briefly in dangerous areas.

Dare not chase rashly.

This area is too important, so they immediately began to search along this area.

Not long after, these royal knights once again found the traces of the rat army.

This group of royal knights breathed a sigh of relief and continued their mission, continuously passing the information of the rat army to the main force behind, the God War Army that was chasing them.

But in this darkness, they did not notice that a dark flag disappeared from this still huge rat army.

Taking risks is a common thing for Shu Zhan. He is not going to fight to the death with the capital of the Ghost Eye People, but he does not need to do this to humiliate the guy who is overconfident and extremely persistent in pursuing him.

Kill some people, pile up a small tower with their heads, and place it in front of the city that makes the damn guy extremely nervous. This is a suitable sneer.

Shu Zhan is going to do this.

In fact, it is not difficult to do this. Shu Zhan even has to do these things personally, with his own guards, probably with some inexplicable emotions, or simply Shu Zhan himself wants to do this.

One of the worst guys in the Rat Empire.

A bad guy who never hesitates to do extraordinary behavior within his ability, and is radical and adventurous.

Although this time the provocation of this bad guy may not be so smooth.

Just as he was preparing for a surprise, a team of cavalry also left the camp and began to run wildly in the dark.

This is a team of well-equipped royal knights. In addition to holding their lances tightly, each of them also held a torch high in their hands. The knights of the large group dragged a strip of light in the darkness.

The accompanying mage was speechless.

In fact, it is not so troublesome. Only a satellite light is enough to illuminate the team of knights running wildly. There is really no need to make such a big scene. In any case, he actually wants to complain, whether in his impression or in the various biographies he has read.

There is no picture of knights representing justice holding torches and running wildly in the dark night. Such a picture only appears in the team of bandits preparing to plunder the village.

The mage really wants to remind the prince who led the team and remind him of this.

But in the end, he didn't say it. Let the prince be happy. After all, his busyness during this period was also seen by him. In addition to always having some unrealistic and weird ideas about certain aspects, the prince really assumed the role of a qualified leader during this period.

Many people know that His Highness has a knight fever.

The existence of these royal knights is the best embodiment of this point. In fact, this group of guys has existed for a very young time. In the past, there was no such thing as royal knights.

The royal family of the Dark Eyes only has four knight groups that have sworn allegiance. Well, it can also be called a large number of direct nobles who have obtained royal fiefdoms and united under the banner of the imperial family.

Looking up, in these long years, there are also many armies named after the royal family, and even teams with the title of royal knights.

But these have not been passed down.

The current royal knights are indeed a very young team, an army born because of knight fever.

Some child's play, the birth of these guys, and even the guy who came up with such an idea, are quite child's play.

It even became an anecdote circulating in the aristocratic circle.

It's just that at this moment of wind and rain, it is that unreliable guy and the young knight in his hand who are running wildly in the dark night.

It is indeed quite unexpected.


Shu Zhan and his guards appeared outside the capital of the Youyan people, a rather dazzling city.

There was no mistake, this city was particularly distinctive and eye-catching.

From a distance, Shu Zhan squinted slightly.

Various magic element lamps, this technology has been rampant in this city to the extent that it can be called abuse. Shu Zhan was a little unable to open his eyes, and the actual impact was not just as simple as dazzling.

The elements in this city and its surrounding environment have gradually become thinner and thinner.

I am afraid that if it is not restrained, a city with a magic-free area due to too many light bulbs will appear.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Shu Zhan. After slightly adapting to the extremely dazzling light, Shu Zhan opened his eyes, waved the black flag, and began to run towards the overly dazzling city in front of him with his guards.

Shu Zhan's purpose of coming here is not that complicated, and he does not care about the future direction of this place. He is here to create killing.

Amid the twisted roar, Rat War and his guards ran faster and faster. A surprise that came unexpectedly was about to be presented to all the residents of this dazzling city.

In fact, even though the rats came around and the news of their approaching here was sent here early, the residents of this city did not show too much panic.

It felt like they should do whatever they should do. In fact, it was not surprising that these guys showed such a reaction. After all, in the previous terrifying turbulent years, the terrifying war launched by various magic associations finally stopped in front of this capital.

They were not afraid, or they were very calm.

In fact, they could have been so calm. After all, even if Rat War roared through this area with a huge army, he had no intention of attacking this city at the beginning, and he should not have been able to take it down at all.

Those calm residents in this city would not have suffered the direct baptism of war.

It was just a pity that they met Rat War.

A guy who doesn't play by the rules, who could have thought that Rat War would go to such great lengths to provoke a more intense response from the Dark Eyes people in this area, and the reason for brazenly attacking this shining city was just to carry out appropriate humiliation.

I'm afraid a large number of residents will have to pay the price for their rudeness.

Yes, this city has tall and solid walls, which are even much stronger and taller than the Golden Province's Surf City. The defenders on the walls also began to prepare when the news arrived not long ago.

After all, this is the capital of the Dark Eyes people.

As long as the gate is closed, it can basically be declared that the attacking party will return empty-handed.

But Rat War is not here to attack the city, but to kill people.

The height and solidity of the city wall cannot withstand some not-so-legitimate industries that fall outside the city and the determination of some careless guys to take care of poor girls as usual.

This matter is related to the Church of Light in the City of the Sun. The Church of Light showed great determination in clearing out the improper industries in the city, and in order to win over the Church of Light, the old emperor also chose to support this sweeping action.

As a result, the improper industries quickly disappeared in the City of the Sun, because they quickly continued their business outside the city walls.

Even those churches that strictly enforce dogma have to learn to adapt appropriately.

Now, these girls who need help and those gentlemen who generously donate money may have to experience some bad scenes.

It's not a big deal, but the heads may be taken off and piled into a tower.

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