From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 311, Rat War's Glorious Deeds and Big Trouble

This was a particularly spectacular sacrifice.

The owner of Hurricane Island was pressed onto a high altar.

As the owner of this huge island, he should have been meticulously and solemnly dressed, but unfortunately, he was violently dragged by the rats along the way.

His luxurious clothes were stained with mud, his meticulous hair was messed up, and he had many scratches on his body, bleeding and causing continuous pain.

He looked miserable.

Two rather miserable rat knights were holding the former king of the sea.

The fight in front of the castle not long ago was quite tragic.

One of them had a right hand that collapsed as if it had no bones to support it, and the other had a broken sword tip stuck in his chest that had not been pulled out.

All the rats were looking forward to it, waiting for their own achievements and waiting for the convening of this grand sacrifice.

Rope Seven's appearance was not that domineering.

The huge warship could not get too close to this beach.

Arrived in a rocking boat.

To be honest, Sheng Qi is not that dazzling in the Rat Empire, but it depends on who you compare with.

Continuous cheers rang out.

Stepping onto the high platform step by step, the island owner still wanted to struggle, unwilling, with a look of fear and anger, but it was obvious that his performance as a sacrifice was not that outstanding.

Beheaded by Sheng Qi.

There was no surprise, and this sacrifice did not attract the attention of the great gods.

But it is not that nothing was gained.

In the grand sacrifice, Sheng Qi's prestige was unprecedentedly improved.

At this moment, countless rats cheered enthusiastically in front of him.

Sheng Qi raised his claws high on the high altar.

But it feels good.


Rat Zhan finally completed his feat. He broke into the human empire from the junction of the two continents, and today officially crossed the long distance, almost running through the entire human empire from the continent.

It was not easy, but Rat Zhan did it.

This arrogant guy witnessed for the first time today the vast and seemingly endless river in front of him, this bitter and salty river.

He stepped on a strange and sharp reef. Unfortunately, in this long night, everything was not so clear.

The waves hit the coast, and the crackling sound kept echoing in his ears. A trace of amazement hung on Shu Zhan's face, for the vast and unimaginable river in front of him.

It seemed that he had thought of something.

Relying on his own strength, Shu Zhan nimbly jumped on the strange and sharp rocks. Such an action was naturally dangerous, but it also depended on who he was dealing with.

For Shu Zhan, it was obviously nothing.

He stretched out his claws on a particularly low reef and scooped up some sea water.

After smelling it and tasting it, his expression twisted. The description of the big claw priests in the rat caravan was correct. The sea water was indeed bitter and salty.

It was very rare for Shu Zhan to make such a move.

It was strange, after all, this guy had almost waded through a bloody road to get here. The endless killing along the way was not enough for him.

At the end of this journey, facing the human army chasing behind, the number of ratmen in his hands became fewer and fewer.

But the more this happened, the more violent this guy became, as a response.

The weaker the Eastern Expeditionary Force in his hands, the more violent his attitude became, almost venting his anger by destroying the human cities along the way.

Although there were no magnificent cities like Jilang City among these cities, his attitude did scare many opponents. If he didn't act crazy enough, how could he rush through countless passes and reach the banks of the bitter and salty river?

I don't know how many Youyan people died under the watchful eyes of Rat Zhan.

And now, this terrifying skinless demon, the messenger of killing, the abominable and terrifying guy whose mere description was enough to make the children of the Dark Eyes stop crying, curiously scooped up a handful of sea water, tasted it, and put on a twisted expression on his face.

It was indeed inconsistent, but not surprising.

Although most of the life of this manic and arrogant guy, Shu Zhan, was filled with war, killing, destruction, red lizards, and white rats, it was not all these.

After all, the biggest single seller of those novel gadgets made by the rat priests was Shu Zhan.

During the time he was stationed on the grassland, Shu Zhan liked to swing those exquisite little things.

Although this scene was both unimaginable and difficult to describe.

This posture only appeared for a short while.

Shu Zhan no longer explored the endless bitter and salty river in front of him. In fact, he came here not only for the feat of running through the entire human empire.

Some more important things must be put on the agenda.

Looking up, on the shore behind him, pairs of scarlet eyes paused, staring at Shu Zhan's back.

This was a very horrifying scene, but it also depended on who was looking at it.

Shu Zhan just turned around slightly, and all those scarlet eyes in front of him lowered their heads one after another, and no ratman dared to look directly at him.

In fact, the great escape during this period was not without benefits.

At this time, the quiet and silent army gathered behind Shu Zhan is a harvest.

This endless running is like a big wave washing away the sand, and the unqualified guys are all eliminated. The guys in front of him are finally qualified.

You can get such an evaluation from Shu Zhan.

But the price of being qualified is only one in ten.

Shu Zhan needs to replenish his army, which is a very important thing.

After all, other people don’t know, as the general of the rat people, can Shu Zhan still not know what kind of virtue these guys in his hands are.

Even the qualified rat army needs quantitative support.

Although the concept of elite soldiers also exists among the rat people, it is a pity that the scale of the war that Shu Zhan will face later is estimated to be not small at all, and it is stupid to deal with it arrogantly at this time.

Shu Zhan does not think that relying on the little power in his hands now can support the upcoming grand battle.

Even if these guys are already qualified and can be called a barely acceptable rat army.

Fortunately, those rat priests did not give up, and did not give up the blood mushrooms in Shu Zhan's hands.

The caravans in the hands of these guys are still constantly coming to Shu Zhan's side.

They are now Shu Zhan's biggest reliance.

It's strange to say that both sides wanted to beat each other to death, but now Shu Zhan can only rely on these annoying rat priests.

How to say it, the feat has to be paid for.

Shu Zhan successfully angered the Ghost Eye People, angered those nobles, those churches, the royal family, that group of mages, and even ordinary farmers now want to eat his meat.

How to say it, this hatred is a bit too big, so big that Shu Zhan can't bear it.

Not far away, a string of long and endless firelight that has not completely fallen to the end of the sight is marching in a mighty manner.

There is no doubt that this is the trouble that Shu Zhan has caused, a huge team.

The Ghost Eye People have not been so united for a long time.

The royal family, nobles, mages, knights, merchants, civilians, mercenaries, churches, everything, everyone put aside their conflicts at this moment and moved towards unity.

This is how such a huge and unimaginable team was built.

Magic knights and church knights wiped their swords together, mercenaries and farmers carried their weapons and talked together, mages were maintaining the ferocious magic weapons that had just been launched from major workshops, church priests were watching, and nobles gathered together to toast each other.

There were not many things that could suppress all conflicts and bring these guys together.

Hatred, endless hatred.

Rat War did not do anything too immoral, but simply killed too many, destroyed and trampled too much, and created too much hatred.

Too much hatred, hatred that is hard to let go, hatred that is hard to let go.

A long team, countless people, either laughing, or tired, numb, and painful.

They held all kinds of things in their hands, long swords, scimitars, bows and arrows, giant axes, war clubs, pitchforks, sickles, staffs, and a mess.

This long team, countless people, in the mottled light of the torches, moved forward on this land. Everything around them was so empty and desolate, and there was a ruin not far away.

A large number of corpses were thrown casually in the ruins, and there was no need to question who did it.

Soon after, some figures appeared from the ruins or the wilderness, joining this huge team and joining this huge march.

In a sense, Rat War did do something difficult and remarkable.


A chaotic camp landed on a towering cliff on the coast.

This is a good natural port, and the sea behind the cliff is deep enough for huge warships to stop.

In fact, there are already ratmen here, and those ratman caravans have arrived, like hyenas smelling blood.

A road that spreads upward from under the cliff has been dug out.

The trade has already started.

The leading big claw priest is arguing fiercely with the leader of the guards of Rat War.

In order to get a more advantageous price, in order to get more.

These guys are negotiating sharply, but the effect is not very good. No matter how sharp the negotiation is, it seems so powerless after facing these dull guys with little fluctuation on their faces.

No matter what these big claw priests say, they will only be greeted by that dull and calm face and a price that will never change.

This is too frustrating, and some big claw priests often scream in anger.

Of course, this will not affect the final result of the transaction.

These rat caravans will never lose money. No matter how challenging the bottom line or how exaggerated the price given by Rat War is, they will not lose money. There is no other reason.

Those rat leaders have paid enough exaggerated margins.

The deal was done, a large number of captives, the spoils of the Eastern Expeditionary Force, the young, the old, the terrified, these sacrifices, were selected like livestock, of course, of course, the stronger ones were selected.

This long route plus the unreliable warships of the ratmen, these superimposed on everything, the losses brought about were extremely terrifying.

Healthy, strong, young, and in good condition, the big claw priests are selecting their goods.

Open their mouths and observe their teeth. Tender skin and flesh are not allowed. It is best to have some scars. Such goods can be boasted after they are brought back. With the name of a powerful warrior, they can be sold at a better price.

However, the quality goods are limited, and there is more than one big claw priest who participates in the purchase and selection.

The action is very urgent, and time is not lost.

Not long after, a large number of spoils were delivered. Some big claw priests were satisfied, and some were restless, but the exchange was not over yet. Next, more things were put out, dark blue eyes, objects with complex patterns, powerful warriors who were imprisoned alone, and a new batch of goods.

Shouting appeared.

The big claw priests were driving the goods they had selected to board the ship.

A woman hugged her child tightly.

The bad-tempered big-clawed priest waved the whip in his hand, with a terrible expression, which was not surprising, because he did not come so immediately, and did not pick any good goods, so he was a little impatient at this time.

During the whipping, the woman let go of the child in her hand.

Desperate cries and humility echoed at this time.

The rats drove these poor guys to the bathtub warships, and replaced them with a group of young rats with curious eyes.

The young rats poured into this place. Even though these guys had experienced the torture of a long voyage and almost crawled out of hell, their eyes were still full of curiosity.

Although they were still greeted by whipping, and the cold and terrible Rat War guards.

This was indeed an exchange. In fact, a captured ghost-eyed human could be exchanged for at least ten young rats. Rat War was in urgent need of replenishing its troops recently.

All units that only accepted young rats as the most recent trade.

However, such a long journey of transportation has become a hassle. In order to be more efficient, the Great Claw Priests will fill the warships with several times more young ratmen than the bathtub warships can carry.

So you can see such a scene, layers of young ratmen are piled up randomly and high.

This makes the carrying capacity of these bathtub warships reach a very scary number.

What is even more terrifying is the death rate of young ratmen.

Being transported like this is difficult for even the ratmen with strong vitality.

In fact, the young ratmen that can be exchanged for a ghost eye human captive are much higher than the transaction price.

If the young ratmen who died during the transportation are counted.

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