From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 315, Massacre, Destruction, Burning

A plague broke out in the camp of the Eastern Expeditionary Force.

Their stomachs swelled, their flesh and blood shrank, and they became weaker and weaker, and that was not all.

This was a terrible plague. Facing such a plague, living was a torture.

The Rat War did bring out a powerful army of ratmen. Due to the cruel selection and the abandonment of countless blood mushrooms, these guys with tougher constitutions, even though they wailed day and night after being infected with the plague, never decisively went to death.

It just brought them greater torture.

As time went by, while wailing, their flesh and blood had already dissolved, and there were too many parasitic monsters in their bodies.

You can see the outlines brought by the wriggling parasites from the undulations of their skin.

At this point, there is no need to save them. What supports these ratmen warriors to live now is not other things, but the parasitic monsters that are twisted and twisted in their bodies.

If these parasitic beasts are killed, these infected guys will die on the spot. If these parasitic beasts are not killed, it will not take long before these guys who are struggling to hold on will be completely devoured by the parasitic beasts.

Rat War noticed the outbreak of this plague early.

A large number of rat priests in the Eastern Expeditionary Force provided considerable help.

Measures were taken to deal with it.

A large number of rat supervisors were stationed near the camps infected with the plague, isolating, guarding, and killing.

All the guys who wanted to escape, whether they were infected with this terrible plague or not, had missed the best opportunity. The tall sentry tower was erected, and the indifferent executioner had already taken his place.

One by one, the rats who wanted to escape were executed. The rat supervisors never needed any special reasons to deal with their compatriots.

The bodies hung high swayed in the distance.

The rats who were blocked in the camp ushered in the real hell.

Endless wailing lingered in his ears all the time. One by one, the ratmen fell to the ground while struggling. A large number of milky white worms crawled out of their corpses. Food was no longer supplied to the camp.

They wanted to save themselves in despair.

But what they wanted to do was anticipated long ago.

Ratmen priests continued to cast earthquake spells on this area. The pits dug with their big claws collapsed quickly under the effect of the spell, burying the diggers underground.

A ratman priest with a flattering expression on his face wandered around Shu Zhan.

But Shu Zhan was not in a good mood at this time. It seemed that the damn lucky guy still gave him a surprise, which made him very angry.

Shu Zhan, carrying the black dragon flag, boarded the outpost outside the isolation camp under the escort of his personal guards.

The ratman priest next to him was still chattering.

Standing on the top of the outpost, leaning on the guardrail with a faint smell of rot, the scene in the camp in front of him was taken in.

The trees that died in the long night, even if the trunks were not all rotten, the wood had an indelible stench.

The rat priest beside him was still chattering, and his continuous sharp words gradually made Shu Zhan more irritated.

This guy did have some ability. At the first moment of the outbreak of the plague, he noticed the existence of those parasitic monsters.

But he did not fulfill his boast to Shu Zhan. During this period, he did not find a way to solve the plague.

It will take some time. After all, these parasitic monsters are not ordinary. The idea is somewhat similar to the way Sheng Qi dealt with these parasitic monsters.

He tried to use pollution to deal with these wriggling insects, but he did not use black blood mushrooms, but the life pollution accumulated in the swollen rats.

It's not that there is no effect, but there is a small problem. Most of the parasitic monsters will die in the life pollution, while a small part can survive the severe deformation.

This made him very excited.

He kept emphasizing to Shu Zhan that, compared to honestly curing this dangerous plague, he wanted to rely on these parasites to tinker with something more wonderful and turn these things into weapons.

He wanted to get Shu Zhan's investment.

There was just one problem. Shu Zhan was not satisfied with his chattering.

Suddenly, the rat priest who was about to say something was strangled by an ugly hairless arm.

The excitement and enthusiasm in his eyes faded away and turned into a kind of horror.

He wanted to beg for mercy, but it was a pity that his noise really made Shu Zhan unhappy.

Maybe he was a capable guy, but his vision was really bad. How could a rat priest dare to take the initiative to find Shu Zhan to attract investment?

Besides, he had not yet completed what he promised to Shu Zhan.

You must know that in the entire rat kingdom, the guy with the most grievances and entanglements with them is Shu Zhan.

It is really not a very wise move.

A clear voice echoed, and the expression of the rat priest froze at this moment. Shu Zhan loosened his arms, and the rat priest fell down limply.

It was like crushing a cockroach to death, which was indeed not an easy task.

Shu Zhan withdrew his sight from the camp in front of him.

He was going to start dealing with this plague, and in fact, things were not that complicated.

At least it wasn't that complicated for Shu Zhan.

Shu Zhan turned and left, not looking at the camp in front of him.

At this time, in the center of the camp, an infected rat warrior had just reached the end of his life. He was a very tough guy. As a gift, these parasitic beasts also brought him the most complete torture.

He fell to the ground, and his swollen belly seemed to have reached the limit in this collision. A strange sound appeared. He couldn't describe what the sound was like, but he knew that his stomach seemed to be broken. He was going to die, but he didn't want to die. He saw something, and his face was hung with excitement. He raised his head high and stretched out his arms.

He raised his head high regardless of everything.

But what fell into his sight was a dark flag that was going away.

Desperate wail.

"Grand Commander!

Grand Commander!"

It's a pity that their Grand Commander has never been a kind guy.

The number of ratmen who died in Shu Zhan's hands is too many to count.

And now Sheng Qi's revenge only adds a tiny bit of blood to the hands of Rat War.

The Ratman Supervisory Team stationed outside the camp began to act, efficiently cleaning up all the living guys in the area, killing one-sidedly, and finally ending with the blazing flames.

The hot flames burned everything.

The fall of all this was not a complete end, but the way to deal with the last batch of implicated people was also not complicated.

After doing all this, the weapons in their hands kept dripping with blood, and they were also unable to escape the erosion of the plague.

It was hard to tell whether they were indifferent or stunned, anyway, they did not leave the blazing flames.

This was the last order they received.

In the end, the hot flames engulfed the group of executioners together, destroying everything.

Even though these parasites had completed their metamorphosis and were no longer ordinary creatures, they were equally fragile in this flame.

The fire burned for several days in a row, and nothing was left. Countless white ashes were blown everywhere by the sea breeze.

The plague in the Eastern Expeditionary Force was not completely eradicated.

After all, the camp was too chaotic. It was just this horrible plague. The parasitic beasts did not spread until they disappeared in the Eastern Expeditionary Force.

There was no other reason. Every time there was a sign of the plague spreading, a cold executioner would arrive and ignite a big fire in the cruel killing. These parasites, along with the infected and uninfected ratmen, turned into the scattered white ashes.

As for how many ratmen died in this plague, it can only be said that during this period, the white ashes fell like snowflakes.

The plague was finally quelled in the Eastern Expeditionary Force.

Sheng Qi did not make any more noise. In fact, what he did before made him anxious during this period.

The numerous ports in the rolling hills brought strong support to Sheng Qi's Western Fleet, and also allowed the rat lords to successfully expand their influence to the rolling hills.

This is a matter of gain and loss. Without the intervention of the Rat Council, he might not win the sea war, but after the intervention of the Rat Council, he will inevitably be dragged by these Rat Lords.

This is a matter of gain and loss.

Sheng Qi started negotiations with these Rat Lords, and the Rat Caravan was the first to resume operation.

During this period, a group of young Ratmen who were so thin that their bones could be clearly seen were sent to Rat War.

It’s not that the Rat Lords were so crazy that they deliberately starved these young Ratmen to earn blood mushrooms, in order to lose weight and to cram more young Ratmen in the Rat Transport Ships that had all their weapons removed.

In fact, this was completely starvation.

After all, the Big Claw Priests mixed in the young Ratmen were almost in this state, looking like skin and bones.

These guys were the unlucky ones who were thrown on the deserted island by Sheng Qi, and were dragged to Rat War by the way after being found by the Rat Lords.

After all, no matter what, it's better to sell it for a little. If it's not sold, what else can we do? If it's not sold, all these unlucky guys will starve to death on those deserted islands.

It's also a waste utilization.

After the rat lords started negotiations with Sheng Qi, this sea area returned to peace, a rare peace, whether for the Eastern Expeditionary Force, Sheng Qi, or those rat lords.

But it was only a short-lived peace.

The war is coming.

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