From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 332, Ascending to the throne of God

On this day, Du Yuan ascended to the throne.

This not-so-grand sacrifice finally opened.

It was brought forward a little, perhaps because the old high priest was no longer able to resist the passing of life, or perhaps because the devout believer did not want to be unable to even stand on that day, revealing such a miserable appearance.

Time, time, is the most merciless.

But what is precious is that one can face death calmly.

One by one, the ratmen gathered in this small temple, and Sheng Qi finally caught up and stood on the periphery of the temple.

One by one, the ratman lords, the ratman guys who presided over many affairs of the underground rat city, the ratman priests of the parliament who were loyal to the white rats, and the big claw priests.

The temple guards stood solemnly in this sacred temple.

Every day, there are sacrificial ceremonies in this sacred temple, and today is no exception. A ceremony, a ceremony that is not grand, but it particularly attracts attention.

A staggering figure stepped into this sacred temple, step by step.

Under the gaze of all the ratmen on the field.

One step, one step, as if he had walked countless times before, finally, he stood in front of the altar of the god.

He raised his arms high, with some effort, but the enthusiasm on his face remained, and he shouted loudly.

He sang the greatness of the god.

"Great God, great God!"

He knelt down with a bang, without any reservation, crawling in front of the altar that had been stained with a trace of red blood, and kneeling in front of the ancient pillar engraved with complex patterns.

"Great God!"

The white rat has done a lot in his life. As a ruler, he is not qualified. The twisted ratman kingdom was almost created by him.

But he also almost single-handedly pulled the ratmen from the barbaric tribal era to the ratman kingdom, and then to the ratman empire.

As a leader, he is not so perfect.

He is also ambitious, anxious about the dissatisfaction with God, and jealous of other ratmen who have received the blessings of God.

But it was also he who started with two or three believers and built such a huge religious country, and finally, pushed his great god to the throne.

To many extents, Bai Shu is not perfect, but there is one thing that is beyond doubt.

His piety.

His piety has never changed.

At the last moment, Bai Shu raised his head. Once upon a time, when he was young, he was also so fanatical when he prayed in front of this stone pillar covered with intricate patterns for the first time.

Shouting loudly, shouting desperately, his old and turbid eyes seemed to ignite flames at this moment.

"Great God!"

He died just like this, and he offered everything to Du Yuan.

He died just like this, the most devout believer of Du Yuan.

He died just like this, the high priest who almost ruled the rats for an era.

He died just like this.

The ascension ceremony began.

The incomparable vast light rose from this small temple.

It was Du Yuan's luck to have a believer like Bai Shu.

His long-standing entanglement with the gods of mankind is finally coming to an end.

He has a good believer. Even though he has not given any gifts for a long time, almost all the shouts and whispers in this twisted kingdom belong to him.

Until this moment, until this moment.

Everything is ready.

The sacred kingdom, Du Yuan's kingdom of God began to manifest in this boundless faith.

This is Du Yuan's throne.

Everything went smoothly and was noticed by other qualified guys in this world.

The winner has been decided, and there is no need to struggle.

After the surprise, there is endless panic.

A group of demigods can fight against a powerful demigod, but no matter how many demigods there are, they cannot fight against a real god.

A feeling of despair arises spontaneously.

Panic, despair, sluggishness, of course, these all belong to the losers.

The scarlet realm is collapsing, because the call of the kingdom of God that gradually rises to the sky because of the world's rejection, even Du Yuan cannot resist the call of his own kingdom of God to himself.

The Kingdom of God rose to the sky and left this small world.

Du Yuan finally escaped from this long bloody battle. He saw what happened and the white rat kneeling in the temple.

Feeling the pull of the Kingdom of God from the world, Du Yuan paused for a moment. Perhaps he was too embarrassed now, his body was broken, and he was almost completely turned into a ball of mottled flames. Or maybe he was looking for something.

Found it, a ball of misty spirituality came into Du Yuan's hands.

The misty spirituality left by the craftsman's heart.

It can guarantee the long-term survival of a soul.

Ignoring the human gods who were scattered and collapsed in front of him, Du Yuan took steps towards the sky step by step.

The boundary of the world, one step out, a world that gradually took shape appeared in front of Du Yuan.

Scarlet color, death, war, struggle, desire, all these things are materialized, and have become a kind of materialized landscape in this world.

Dark red earth, countless broken weapons, a sky made of mottled flames, and a throne made of piled bones. Countless bones of various kinds seemed to be alive, struggling on this throne.

This is an extremely empty and dead world.

It is extremely depressing.

Du Yuan could not help struggling. In just a moment, Du Yuan appeared on the throne of bones.

This world finally welcomed its master.

At this moment, an endless and terrifying scene appeared. The dark red earth began to ooze blood, the broken weapons were stained with rust, the sky turned into mottled flames rolled, and the throne, the countless bones on the throne of bones seemed to come alive, and began to struggle and climb constantly, wanting to get out of the throne, but they couldn't do it. They couldn't do it no matter what. They began to wail, and began to wail in despair, endless wailing, noisy and terrifying.

Du Yuan was pulled by this world and his kingdom of God to sit on the throne of bones. The transition to God began. Everything was expanding, power, status, authority, everything.

It was a wonderful feeling, as if he could hold everything, but Du Yuan was not addicted.

His sight fell on the distance, on a figure.

With sparse hair, hunched waist and staggering steps, he stepped across the dark red empty land step by step.

Everything has a price, everything has a price.

So what is the price Du Yuan paid for ascending the road to the evil god?

A price that seems insignificant.

Du Yuan's kingdom of God, Du Yuan's path, can't even tolerate the existence of a fellow traveler.

Or, in other words, Du Yuan's deal with the rats still brought him a price.

Most rats believe in their own desires, don't they? They crave status, power, survival, food, blood mushrooms, and gifts.

They believe in their own desires and greed.

It just so happens that all of this can be pointed to Du Yuan.

Because of the fire of rats' desires, the kingdom of God was born and turned into Du Yuan's throne.

The old white rat, Du Yuan's most devout believer, walked towards Du Yuan on the throne step by step, staggering, devout, and fanatical.

Mottled flames appeared out of thin air on his body, burning his soul, but he was indifferent to it, step by step, and came to Du Yuan.

He crawled down to Du Yuan.

At this moment, Du Yuan wanted to stand up from the throne, being pulled by this newborn country, but Du Yuan did not hesitate to break free from such restraints.

He stood up.

The broken body of the god was mostly restored in this ceremony, but there were still faint cracks.

Step by step, Du Yuan came to the white rat.

He came to the rat man who bent down and crawled in front of him.

The white rat raised his head at this moment.

Countless times, he wanted to really meet his god, until now.

Excitement, enthusiasm, and perhaps more.

But Du Yuan was a little speechless at this time. Well, he didn't know what to say as a god at this time.

But the white rat seemed to be satisfied, kneeling heavily in front of Du Yuan.

The ceremony has come to the final moment, and the white rat ends the ceremony with his kneeling.

This is a very strange promotion.

No matter from which aspect.

But the final result is correct, Du Yuan is promoted to a god at this moment.

But Du Yuan still can't escape the price.

Maybe in many aspects.

The rats still don't have an accurate doctrine for their belief in Du Yuan, or their most ardent desire is the driving force that drives them to offer their faith.

So far, there is no accurate description of a very ordinary thing.

After death, you will ascend to the kingdom of the great god.

This is a very incredible thing, but it is true. The rats don't think they will come to Du Yuan's kingdom after death.

And no rat is looking forward to this happening.

Whether it is those dazzling rat heroes or those humble ordinary rats, it is the same.

Rat Zhan doesn't expect what he will do after his death. In his life, he raised his head in arrogance and carried out the brutal killing.

Long Claws didn't expect to do anything after his death. He had been obsessed with power all his life.

But these were not the main reasons leading to that consequence.

Even if they didn't expect the possible existence of the kingdom of God, Du Yuan, as a god, if Du Yuan was a normal god, he would be able to pull the souls of these guys back to his kingdom of God.

Unfortunately, Du Yuan was not normal.

Or Du Yuan's kingdom of God was not normal.

The kingdom of God, which was composed of the fire of desire, would not bring peace. This hot and chaotic flame would only bring endless pain.

Du Yuan's path was no longer the same as the road that many gods walked on at this moment, and there was a deviation.

The white rat seemed to have fulfilled its wish, and the true spirit began to slowly dissipate.

Kneeling in front of Du Yuan, in the end, Du Yuan did not take out the hazy spirituality in his hand.

Even if he tried to retain it, it would not bring peace.

The last bit of the white rat's true spirit dissipated in front of Du Yuan, leaving nothing behind. Du Yuan witnessed this scene.


A sigh echoed in this empty world.

Returning to the terrifying throne of bones, he sat down like this. All he saw was a desolate and dead silence, a blood-red earth, a sky made of flames, a forest of rusted weapons, a throne of bones that never stopped wailing, and a god sitting on the throne of bones.

Leaving the souls of believers, leaving the souls of those chaotic guys, and inflicting this eternal torture on them can bring Du Yuan more powerful power.

Turning this blood-red world into hell completely, witnessing his ascent in the wailing.

This is definitely something that other evil gods cannot refuse.

But Du Yuan finally chose to let go.

This is not a wise choice, but it is Du Yuan's choice.

Perhaps in the longer time, Du Yuan can experience it more deeply, and can also learn to get used to being a lonely god.

A lonely guy leaning on this throne of bones.


In the desolate mountains, the underground rat city, and the original hall.

The ratmen present were waiting for something. They did not notice the vast brilliance, which was not something that ordinary things could see.

Waiting for something more obvious and more representative.

God's gift, will God's gift fall?

These overly pragmatic guys are really too realistic. Or maybe these ratmen priests understand what their high priest is looking forward to.

Of course, it is not just the white rats who are looking forward to the response of the gods. They are no exception. The great gods have not shown miracles for a long time.

No wailing, no crying, no immediate chaos.

These guys seem to have no idea what they are going to do.

They just stand there and wait quietly.

It's like they are stuck.

Will there be a blessing? It has been a long time since the gods showed miracles. Will the gods who are getting higher and higher give blessings?


Du Yuan spent some time preparing for this blessing. One by one, crystals of various colors fell from the sky.

At the same time, the connection between the priests and their gods in the churches of the human empire was cut off.

The goddess of joy, the god of light, money and trade, the forest..., the fate of these messy guys had already fallen when Du Yuan ascended to the throne, without any struggle.

It just took more effort.

All fell.

So far, Du Yuan has completed the control of this small world.

This is really not an easy thing.

But now Du Yuan does not seem to be very excited.

The figure appeared in the sky above the Desolate Mountains, a hazy and illusory shadow.

After truly ascending to the throne of God, Du Yuan's body was completely rejected from the material world.

One by one, crystals of various colors shattered in the sky above the Desolate Mountains, turning into various blessings and falling.

This is the blessing given by Du Yuan.

In the future, such blessings will fall less and less.

This is beyond Du Yuan's mind.

The world resists every true god.

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