From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 36: Make mistakes

I was confused, but I finally freed my hands.

Du Yuan came to the listless Rule God Eye and grabbed it. The Rule God Eye that had just been taught a lesson by the Divine Core was also unusually obedient and was honestly caught by Du Yuan.

Under the guidance of Du Yuan's divine power, it turned into a group of graffiti-like eyes and fixed on Du Yuan's forehead.

The special treasure of the God Eye is not like the God Card that can only be effective on the family. The God Eye is a treasure used by the gods.

Du Yuan has completed the control of the Rule God Eye at this time, but the graffiti eye on the forehead can no longer be hidden.

Even though Du Yuan subdued the Rule God Eye through a beating with the Divine Core, as Du Yuan is an apprentice god, he has no way to completely control the God Eye, so this graffiti eye will appear.

It is subdued, but only roughly, but for the time being, it can only be done to this extent, that is, let him do it.

The problem is easy to solve. When Du Yuan's rank goes up, this problem can be solved naturally.

But before that, Du Yuan looked at the busy rats below him, but he was not very satisfied. During this period, the rats developed very rapidly, and the number of slave rats was rapidly expanding.

Almost nine-tenths of the rats became slave rats, working in this mountain range.

The mineral veins were also mined very quickly.

The rat army swept through the forest non-stop.

Even the priests of his own clan were pious and fanatical in preparing to give themselves a gift.

Everything seemed to be thriving, except for some minor problems.

Du Yuan cast his sights to the depths of the eastern forest not far away.

In a corner explored by the rats, on the edge of a vast swamp wetland, the traces of old friends appeared.

Some scattered lizardmen appeared in it.

There is no doubt that that is the direction Li Sheng retreated.

On the other side, on the west side of the long forest, some strange shadows appeared.

Because there were still a few ratmen active in that direction, Du Yuan was not sure about the specific situation there, but Du Yuan had a hunch that it should also be a student.

And these ratmen were indifferent.

The ratman warlords were constantly chasing soft persimmons for more blood mushrooms, and had no interest in paying attention to the strange shadows in the far west. The priests also ignored the lizardmen who retreated into the wetlands under the pressure of sacrifices and white rats.

It is hard to say whether it is arrogance or taking care of their own affairs and not wanting to touch those troubles.

This is a big problem.

Although it is also a bitter fruit that must be eaten, when Du Yuan accepted the greedy faith of the ratmen, and when the ratmen rushed to the theocracy slavery under the impetus of blood mushrooms, the bitter fruit was brewed.

The greedy rats only care about their own interests, and the pious ratmen fanatically please the gods.

For these two things, everything else can give way.

This is a difficult problem to correct, but if you think about it from another angle, this problem can also be transformed.

Since it is theocracy slavery, let's just turn it into a fanatical theocracy military slavery.

The devout fight for their faith, and the greedy fight for their interests.

Although the road was wrong from the beginning, it might as well be wrong.

But before that, Du Yuan decided to do one thing first. God is not always as vast and kind as the earth, but as unpredictable as the ocean and as difficult to approach as a storm.

In short, the unhappy Du Yuan wants to show his anger to the rats.

Looking at the slowly stacked pyramid under him, the gift prepared for himself.

Du Yuan will accept this gift, and at the same time let this group of cunning, cowardly, greedy, and crazy rats understand what they should do.

Very calmly, Du Yuan accepted his identity as an evil god, perhaps because the big trouble he had recently got made him more urgently need power, or perhaps because he really had no backing and no sense of security.


In the academy, a hooded figure who looked a little suspicious stood in the corner, waiting for something.

Soon, the person he was waiting for arrived, a young man with hurried steps, although he showed some hesitation on his face when he saw Du Yuan.

"Brother Du?"

He shouted with a little hesitation.

"What's wrong? I just wore a hat, so you can't recognize me?"

After hearing Du Yuan's voice, the young man hurriedly explained.

"No, no, it's just that there are rumors in the school recently that you are being targeted by Li Sheng as a stepping stone!"

"That, that's a small matter, but I do have some small troubles recently. Okay, I didn't ask you out to talk to you about this."

Du Yuan just said a few words casually, skipped this matter, and then took out a stack of cards from his arms.

"I haven't been free recently, please help me deliver these things to the hospital."

Du Yuan gave a stack of faith god cards. Judging from the thickness, it is estimated that there are about 3,000 cards, and stuffed them into Liu San's arms.

No more words.

Du Yuan turned around and left. After Du Yuan left, Liu Sandu was still holding the Faith God Card in his arms, feeling dizzy.

This was a huge sum of money for ordinary students.

But since Du Yuan handed it to him, he naturally trusted him. Soon Liu San woke up and stuffed the magic card in his arms. After thinking for a short time, he looked at Du Yuan and left with a bit of worry. direction.

As a child who came out of the orphanage with Du Yuan, he certainly knew Du Yuan well. In his opinion, Du Yuan had probably converted his faith to the God of Faith card because he was pushed to the limit by Li Sheng. Out.

However, he couldn't help Du Yuan anymore, and Liu San felt a little sad for no reason.

Although being favored by the God Academy, successfully becoming a trainee god is already beyond the reach of many people. If there is a choice, who would choose to be a god of war?

But in fact, the hardships are hard to explain, especially for people like him and Du Yuan.

Don't you see, Du Yuan, who is as tough as Du Yuan, was inexplicably used as a stepping stone by the children of that family, and was forced to give up the path of gods in desperation.

The road was long and difficult. Inexplicably, Liu San had some strange insights and determination, until he was interrupted by news brought by a young man who was also in a hurry.

"Liu San, Liu San, Brother Du won! Then Li Sheng was defeated miserably in the hands of Brother Du!"

"you sure?!"

"This matter has spread in the academy, and the eldest sister is ready to take us back to admit our mistake to Brother Du!"

In a daze, Liu San, who had just realized something, showed a strange expression, and perfectly expressed his current complex emotions in one word.


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