From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 358, a cesspool full of life

Perhaps Sheng Qi is the first ratman to create a political show.

But it must be admitted that such an action is not completely useless. At least at this time, when Sheng Qi urgently needs to gather some of his own power, such a show can indeed bring some surprises.

Perhaps it cannot be called a surprise, but there is no doubt that Sheng Qi is really hungry now.

When the extremely humble guy, who was full of stench and whose hair was tangled and stuck together, pushed away the ratman who was blocking him in front of him regardless of everything, knelt in front of Sheng Qi, and shouted loudly about his greatness.

Sheng Qi was very happy.

How to say it, looking down at the guy who knelt in front of him and didn't even dare to raise his head.

Such a scene is very familiar, but how to say it, in the past, for a long time, he was also the humble guy who bowed his head.

Sheng Qi gave this humble guy a chance.

He also listened to him tell his name again.

"Black Water!"

The big claw priest said to Sheng Qi with great excitement.

At this moment, he was even trembling with excitement, but he didn't notice that at this moment, Sheng Qi, who was standing in front of him, was not looking at him, but looking around.

He looked at the big claw priests and rat mercenaries.

This stinky, but sensible guy was undoubtedly a perfect target.

No group is monolithic. Sheng Qi now needs helpers and some guys who are willing to kneel down to him.

And now, in this dark and deep underground, at the bottom of the underground rat city where the light is always so dim.

Sheng Qi raised his head high.

Countless rats looked at him.

As if looking up to the great man, in fact, Sheng Qi was indeed a great man for them.

Heishui got a transparent glass bottle, in which some worms twisted their bodies unconsciously.

There was also a word of encouragement with this glass bottle.

"I'm looking forward to you bringing me more surprises."

At that moment, Black Water was particularly excited and excited.

Indeed, not long ago, he was a poor guy waiting to rot in the dirty pipe, and the next second he became an unusual guy who was encouraged by the high priest.

This guy is not a normal guy.

It can be seen from his subsequent actions.

He didn't pay more attention to those worms, but on that day, he used the name of Rope Seven.

In the bottom city, a weapons workshop run by a ratman freeman was threatened by Black Water.

He placed a very generous order, waving his arms, and the shiny glass bottle reflected the light in his hands.

"You must give me the weapons and don't delay the high priest's business, otherwise you will be hanged in your simple and shabby workshop tomorrow!"

If this is a normal transaction, then undoubtedly everything will go smoothly, but unfortunately, Heishui can't give any blood mushrooms now, and has no intention of paying for blood mushrooms. He plans to buy on credit, which is against the rules. No normal ratman will agree to such a request.

It's just a pity that facing the name brought up by Heishui, these ratmen freemen are not so confident.

In the end, Heishui got a batch of weapons that were not sophisticated, a batch of spears, and an attack occurred shortly after he got these spears.

An elderly big claw priest who managed the upper block was broken into by a group of thugs in his residence, executed on the spot, and hung high. The inferior iron spear inserted into his chest became the only clue.

How to say it, this is certainly not a big deal, after all, it was only a big claw priest who died, even if this big claw priest was a big claw priest who managed the upper block of the underground rat city.

But this made the temple guards who handled this matter extremely angry.

After the change of power, the underground rat city, this sacred city, was governed by the temple guards. During this period, they tried hard to maintain order.

Or, they have been trying to maintain order during this period. Such order is a rule that is extremely unfamiliar to the rats.

For a long time, even in the underground rat city, even in this extremely sacred city, murder is a common thing, even if such murders happen in public.

As long as all this does not get close to the great temple, nothing will be governed.

As for one's own safety, this is all provided by one's own strength and the guards around him.

Until the change of power, the temple guards began to actively suppress the commonplace murders, robberies, and thefts in this chaotic city, and everything changed.

Many rats are not used to such changes.

But it is the temple guards who push this point. For a while, even if they are not used to it, they can only learn to adapt.

Until this incident occurred.

Sheng Qi had never thought that the guy he had just picked up could cause so much trouble, and it had only been a short time.

The temple guards had already asked him to answer.

These guys gave Sheng Qi face, and there was nothing wrong with his etiquette, nor did they question him rudely.

They only talked about the black water and the big claw priest who died tragically in his residence.

This matter was put in front of Sheng Qi.

Obviously, it was time to make a decision. During this period, under the joint oppression of Sheng Qi and the rat priests, the temple guards finally agreed to release part of the blood mushrooms produced in the original temple and give up part of their share.

Now such a moth has appeared. It can be foreseen that once the two sides are deadlocked, the previous negotiations will undoubtedly be invalidated.

Sheng Qi had to make a choice.

Unexpectedly and not unexpectedly, Sheng Qi chose to protect Heishui. He made this choice not because he valued Heishui so much, but more to maintain his authority, which was already very little.

He was originally a high priest who was not looked down upon, and he made a promise and pulled up a target. If even these were so easy to fall, then Sheng Qi would really have nothing left.

Just think about the endless blood mushrooms that are about to enter his hands.

He made the decision almost with gritted teeth.

"He will not be sent to the altar, nor will he be hung high!"

He said this with difficulty.

The captain of the temple guard stationed in the glorious temple, the strict temple guard, looked at Sheng Qi and stood up.

"Okay, follow your wishes, great high priest!"

There is nothing wrong with his words, but there is no respect at all.

The captain of the temple guard strode away.

Sheng Qi in the room suddenly gnashed his teeth.

"Black water!"

Soon after, all the guys who had grievances with the tragically dead big claw priest were hunted down one by one and finally hung high, except for the black water hiding in the filthy pipes.

The temple guards are indeed pushing the new order to fall, but they push and maintain the order not by anything else, but by their own authority.

This order is not fair, it is just warning you not to do such things under the watchful eyes of these temple guards.

To some extent, the corpses hanging high up in the air can make the rats remember this more than anything else.

The authority of the temple guards has been maintained.

Heishui once again received the message conveyed by Shengqi. Obviously, after paying a huge price, Shengqi was a little angry. He was ready to let this damn guy stay in the place where the turbid sewage flowed forever and become a damn stink bug.

But Heishui did not reject this now.

He raised his new flag high, a flag with Shengqi's image printed on it, and raised it high in this filthy pipe, with a large number of defective rats holding inferior spears gathered behind him.

In this way, Shengqi had a force loyal to himself in the filthy pipes of the underground rat city.

This stinking place also ushered in the intervention of another force.

A cesspool full of vitality?

A strange state.


In that plain province, a heavy rain had just fallen, and everything seemed a little muddy.

After a period of repair, another unlucky guy took that position, and the rat army also made up for the original size.

Everything was ready, and the war was about to be pushed forward.

But when they were about to cross that boundary and move deeper into the human empire, they encountered obstacles.

And it was not an ordinary obstacle, but a serious setback.

The heavy rain was intermittent during this period, without stopping, even the sun was blocked, and everything was gray.

In the harsh shouting.

The rat warriors holding the spears in their hands poured out of the underground tunnels in waves, stepping on the muddy ground and running forward.

This was not a smooth run. The elemental chaos cannons kept falling, and the shocks kept burying the rats who could not get out of the underground tunnels.

The lightning cannons were repaired during this period and could play a role again. They were delivered to the army by the rat lords through the mature transportation network.

But the effect was not good.

It's hard to say who is copying. Anyway, a series of blue towers appeared in the positions of the Dark Eyes. These towers have the same effect as the messy stone pillars made by the rats.

Resist the attack of the lightning cannon.

The two sides are back to the same starting line again.

The rats should have the advantage. After all, the numerous war equipment is something that the rat army will never lack, and it is also something that this army supported by the rat lords will never lack.

But the result was not as expected.

Stepping on the muddy ground and running forward, the faces of these rat warriors were filled with fear that almost did not need to be concealed. Rounds of gray beams appeared from the front. Those things generously distributed by the parliament masters, those chain mail, mushroom leather armor, and even those dark full body armor, were not so reliable in front of the gray beams.

They were easily penetrated.

One by one, the ratmen fell down while running, falling on the muddy ground, without even leaving any blood. The wounds caused by these gray beams did not ooze blood, and some were just a big black hole with a burnt smell.

Of course, sometimes such wounds were not fatal. Many ratmen fell to the ground after their hands and feet were pierced, but they did not die, and kept wailing on the muddy ground.

I couldn't see the opponent clearly, and couldn't even get close.

I walked onto the battlefield and started charging. From a distance, those deadly beams of light would pour down like raindrops, and then you could see the ratmen around you falling one by one, and the painful wails began to echo in your ears.

"Damn it, what on earth is this, what on earth is this!"

A ratman warrior with a pierced thigh, rolling on the ground in a mess, shouted in fear.

He was not the guy who led the charge this time.

In fact, he was at the very end. There were quite a few ratmen who were pushed onto the battlefield and ran wildly. They were a huge group, but they kept falling down during the charge.

How long did it take?

It was difficult to calculate. I only knew that shortly after the sharp roar, shortly after they started charging, the ratmen around me kept falling down in the rounds of beams. It didn't take long, it didn't take long before it was my turn.

He looked up in the mud, and his whole body was covered with wet mud.

This poor guy was not a naive guy who had just stepped onto the battlefield, otherwise he would not have been at the end of this charge team.

However, the experience accumulated in one war after another finally made him no longer afraid of war. When facing these beams of hot beams splashing over, he was so powerless.

He didn't know how to respond, he didn't know what it was, and he didn't know what the enemy had done.

Just like that, he fell down in the charge, covering his legs and wailing in such a mess.

Wailing hoarsely on this battlefield.

It's just a pity that his fate was doomed when he rolled to the ground in embarrassment.

Even if he didn't want to face death like this.

Another round of charge started, and this time it was also unsuccessful. More surviving ratmen appeared on the battlefield, and the desperate wailing never stopped.

The private army leader who commanded the rat army did not find a way to deal with the strange troops of the Dark Eyes.

The war was deadlocked.

He was not prepared to sit and wait for death.

He looked up at the still gloomy sky. He did not believe that such an attack could continue indefinitely. When the heavy rain stopped and the earth became suitable for running again, he would put all his strength into it.

As for those poor guys who were still wailing on the battlefield.

Obviously, no one was going to save them.

They would die in despair in the heavy rain.

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