From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 375, Death Comet, Cruising Star Warship

Another blue comet streaked across the sky, bringing a lot of things.

The mages of the Dark Eyes were busy picking up the stars that fell to the ground.

Ordinary people closed the windows and began to tell the story of the evil god to the curious children in the house. Soon, the frightened children covered their heads with quilts, and the laughter of the adults echoed in the dark night. .

In the fortress on the edge of the empire, another sleepless night is about to appear. Outside the fortress, in the continuous tunnels and gullies, underground caves, the wreckage of war equipment, and every corner of this vast battlefield, the sharp roars of the rats appeared in every corner, and they did not stop for a long time.

One by one, the soldiers and warriors leaned against the city wall with tired faces, and they held the magic rifles in their hands tightly.

On the scarlet grassland.

The faint blue illuminated the grassland, reflecting the goblins running freely on the grassland, and also reflecting the slave rats working in every corner of the grassland.

A dying slave rat was carried out from a deep mine cave and piled up casually at the entrance of the cave. There were still many slave rats piled up here, and the smell of decay and fat maggots were crawling everywhere here.

He was abandoned on this pile of corpses, too weak to move, and the surrounding maggots were slowly crawling on his body. At this time, a faint blue comet passed in the sky, and the light shone into the mine cave and on the face of this dying poor guy.

He opened his eyes wide, as if he had witnessed divine revelation, and as if he had seen hope.

Some strength came from nowhere. Obviously, in the uninterrupted labor, he was as thin as a skeleton, and the maggots on his body were crawling slowly, as if waiting for his death.

He was also crawling slowly, wanting to take a look, to see the comet across the sky.

After all, in this life, the greatest things that a humble guy like him could see were probably the blue moon and the comet that passed through the sky.

He crawled a little bit, crawled hard, until he had no more strength at the end, but he saw that this poor guy could not crawl out of the deep mine, but at the entrance of the cave, he could still glimpse the blue light.

He saw the tail of the comet that passed through the sky, and he saw the blue comet that passed through the space!

A smile appeared on his face, and he died just like that, with maggots crawling all over his body.

Even if a miracle came, for the rats, there was a difference between good and bad.

The blue moon hung high in the sky every night and could be seen every night, but the comet with the same blue color often took a while to return and appear in the eyes of the rats again.

The rats admired the comet that appeared and disappeared at that time. For this group of overly pragmatic guys, things that could not be seen often were often more precious.

Among the numerous rats in the Rat Empire, the most enthusiastic about the comet that streaked across the sky were the slave rats, whose numbers were too numerous to count, but who were as humble as grass and looked down upon by others.

Their lives were short, and it was not easy for them to see a comet streaking across the sky, which was more than most of the slave rats.

Even if they knew about the faint blue comet, they heard it from the slave rats. If you asked the slave rat who vividly described the revelation and miracle of the gods, and the faint blue comet streaking across the sky in the dark night, where he knew about it, he would often be speechless and angry.

Most of them heard it from another slave rat through word of mouth.

After all, the rats lived deep in the earth, and the faint blue comet was high in the sky. How could they, the slave rats, see it?

Over time, the faint blue comet had a new name in the mouths of the slave rats.


Death Comet.

It's not that this sacred and great creation of God represents death, but that these lowly guys are looking forward to witnessing such a miracle before they die.

But no one cares about their expectations. The rat priests and temple guards soon gave this comet a new name in their arguments.

Eye of God.

It's hard to say which name is better. There are undoubtedly more rat guys who don't expect the death comet to pass through the sky again. There are many more.

The dark blue comet passed through the sky again, watched by countless mortals, but it never stopped. It was just a meteor, not staying for even a moment.

But it was precisely because it appeared so briefly that it overshadowed the soul moon that hung high in the night every night. Obviously, it was just some dust that Du Yuan sprinkled when he fabricated the soul moon.

Please witness my death, great, sacred creation of God.

The slave rats were madly chasing it in their short lives, chasing the meteor that streaked across the sky in an instant.


The two gods' creations that visited Du Yuan moved quickly. Almost as soon as the visit was over, a small accident occurred in a star field full of war.

They were two huge fleets that were sweeping the stars.

The war had reached an extremely intense level.

From the empty sea of ​​stars to the remains of the planet that was bombed into a dense meteorite belt.

The warships confronted each other, and the vast high-energy beams containing boundless dangers were shot wantonly in the empty sea of ​​stars, but the effect was not good.

Both parties participating in this war are already a standard cosmic race, whether it is the repulsive shield that relies on the gravity field to reverse the attack, or the subspace energy field that cuts through the physical universe and penetrates the subspace to derive huge psychic energy for defense.

These are all very effective in resisting the opponent's attack.

In the cold universe, a silent war is going on.

To be fair, the defense technology of both sides has reached a level that is difficult to break, and various rules represent the most fundamental of this world.

Even if there is still a huge consumption problem, when such a device is carried on a huge war fortress like a moving planet, this problem is not so big.

This will be a protracted war.

The two opposing sides, the two huge star fleets in this star field, both have the ability to build a complete ecosystem, and each has a star flagship that can be used as a mobile ecosystem.

This is a very luxurious configuration.

After all, the space flagship that can be used as a mobile ecosystem means that they can carry out many things including war efficiently without any preparation or measures.

Produce fleets, cultivate races, and as a mobile planet, a terrifying production base.

A space flagship can even be used as a doomsday ark to build a complete civilization from scratch.

And now, the fleets of both sides in this star field have such a flagship, which makes the battle in this star field particularly fierce.

I don’t know which side made the decision first. Both sides took the initiative to extinguish the stars in this star field in the first place, in order to prevent this natural energy source from being occupied by the other side.

Not only that, they also broke the planets one by one.

A meteorite belt wrapped in a huge cloud of star dust appeared in this star field.

The star dust comes from the extinguished and scattered stars, and the diffuse meteorites come from the broken dust.

One warship after another sailed out from the two space flagships, fighting each other in the star dust like wolves and ants, and constantly snatching the debris of these planets.

In this process, one or more accidents occurred.

A reconnaissance ship was caught in a subspace storm while performing a subspace jump. When the crew on the reconnaissance ship woke up again, they were no longer in the original star field.

"Where is this? Why is it so barren?"

"Report to the captain, the hull is seriously damaged, 80% of the modules are damaged to varying degrees, and the jump engine and communication device can no longer operate normally."

"Is the repair kit still there?"

"The repair kit is not lost, but we lack enough materials to start the patrol ship's self-repair program."

"Damn, I have only seen patrol ships with such serious damage in space tombs!"

The maintenance technician on the patrol ship was complaining to himself.

The captain interrupted his complaints.

"Okay, stop complaining! We are lucky to have survived the subspace storm. Now tell me, can the sublight engine be started successfully?"

"There is a little problem, but I should be able to handle it. It just takes some time."

"Okay, it seems that luck is still favoring us!"

Looking up, through the observation window of this small patrol ship, a light appeared in the distance, in a very distant place. It was a star.

Although the distance that can be measured visually in the universe can be so long that it makes people despair in actual scale, as long as the sublight engine can be successfully started and the patrol ship can be re-activated, then there is always hope.

Although this star field is so barren, it is not nothing. As long as she arrives at that galaxy, she will have the confidence to return to her home world. On the bright side, if there are still some precious resources in that galaxy, she may not be just a small patrol ship captain.

Not long after, accompanied by the shouts of the maintenance technician, the patrol ship successfully ignited the sublight engine and officially entered the cruising posture.

I just don't know why, when she successfully started the engine, she felt inexplicably uneasy.

Is this an illusion?

This uneasiness became particularly obvious when she set the cruise target to the distant galaxy.

She did not show these to the crew on the patrol ship at this time, but silently called up the star map.

The star map just scanned by the spirit radar on the patrol ship was very empty. Except for a small dot, there was nothing else, which only meant one thing.

At least within the range that the spirit radar can detect, there is only one galaxy, and this star field is too empty.

Compared with this inexplicable uneasiness, she is more afraid that if she misses this galaxy, she will not be able to find other places to collect resources.

The situation of the patrol ship is not too good. If there is any accident later, they will really rest in the sun, with space as a grave and the damaged patrol ship as a tombstone.

What can happen?

At most, after repairing the battleship, they will immediately use the subspace jump to leave.

The captain made such a decision silently.

In fact, her premonition was not lost for no reason. After all, it was the custom of their race to let people with psychic talents serve as captains, and this talent can also be described in another way, as a strong soul.

Just now, a god looked at them from a distance.

Du Yuan just looked at them.

In fact, this patrol ship was not the first batch of flies sent here.

There were already many wreckages around the cold blood-red sun.

The two most exaggerated parts were two star motherships that were twisted into a ball like a huge star.

I don’t know if it is restricted by the rules of the physical universe itself. At least these mortal races have to rely on the chaotic world as a springboard for long-distance travel in the physical universe. Even those living stars let the puppets in their hands contact the chaotic world in this regard.

Indeed, if there is no use of chaotic space, the immeasurable breadth of the physical universe is enough to eliminate all contradictions.

But how to say it, if you want to cross the chaotic space, then the so-called subspace jump, what is the difference between running naked in front of Du Yuan?

Those two guys really didn't hold back. In addition to not having a divine battle with Du Yuan in person, they didn't hesitate to move two such huge toys here.

It's just a pity that as a god, Du Yuan's kingdom of God is standing here, and almost all of this was intercepted by Du Yuan.

Now it's not time for the rats to go to the starry sky, and Du Yuan is acting as the fence to block peeping.

Until an accident happened.

The patrol ship landed successfully.

Appearing far away from Du Yuan's kingdom of God, it was sent along when the two starry sky flagships appeared, which may have caused Du Yuan to miss it.

After all, those two guys are real creations of the God of Creation, and they are also born sacred.

Even if Du Yuan made a mistake, it is a very normal thing.

At the first moment when this patrol ship landed, Du Yuan cast his eyes towards it, and was sensed by the captain on it at that time.

But after just a glance, the two guys no longer sent toys to this area.

Du Yuan confirmed this, and he ignored the patrol ship that was successfully thrown into this star field.

Sitting upright on the skeleton throne, he slowly closed his eyes. This time, Xiaochun also climbed up along the back of the chair.

Du Yuan gently rubbed Xiaochun's tender buds, making it sway happily.

All this should be an accident.

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