Mixed formation into the team, escape and sit together, and merit system.

All the veterans were disrupted and divided into teams of five ratmen, and then these small teams formed a large formation.

In each team, there will be a senior rat warrior, plus four young rat men.

If the young ratmen were defeated on the battlefield, the senior ratmen warriors would be killed and beaten into slave rats without any turning back.

Moreover, if a young rat-man escapes, these senior rat-men will be imprisoned. However, if a young rat-man who wants to escape is directly killed on the battlefield, these senior rat-men will not be punished in any way.

Under such restrictions, it is ensured that these veterans will not be the first to escape on the battlefield.

And let them become members of the active maintenance formation. In order to prevent themselves from becoming the humble and desperate slave rats, these old fritters will choose to directly execute those young ratmen who want to escape on the battlefield, using death as a deterrent. Those young long-tailed guys.

And that's not all.

If joining the team in a mixed manner and being punished for sitting together are a deterrent, then the merit system is a reward and a carrot.

The rules of the Rat War were set. If a young rat warrior kills one enemy, he will be promoted to an official rat warrior. If a rat warrior kills ten enemies, he can become a senior rat warrior.

As for senior rat warriors, if they kill three enemies, they can get a blood mushroom.

If you go one step further and can kill a hundred enemies in a divine battle, then you can become a new rat warlord.

At first, all the rat warriors were a little doubtful about such a reward.

Until on the way to the Lizardman Wetland, Shuzhan solemnly led his army of ratmen to attack a small goblin tribe that had escaped from the forest.

It was just a small Goblin tribe, and even the young ratmen were Goblin tribesmen who had the courage to face them with their spears.

However, Rat Zhan generously gave out a hundred blood mushrooms, and he gave a hundred of them in front of all the rat warriors. When the bright blood mushrooms were taken out, they immediately attracted all the rats present. The eyes of people, whether they are young rat men, rat warriors, or senior rat warriors.

Even some rat warlords are no exception

You can clearly hear the sound of swallowing at that moment.

In this way, one after another blood mushrooms were given to them in person, and some ratmen even got two or three blood mushrooms in their hands.

Oh my god, so many blood mushrooms!

Seeing so many blood mushrooms in front of him, even the senior rat warrior who had experienced the most battles and was still alive suddenly had red eyes.

After all, in the past, they could only eat the leftovers of the rat warlords.

There is no other more means.

At this moment, all the senior rat warriors, these life-loving veterans, became motivated.

Thinking about the words of the newly appointed commander, yes, in the eyes of the most snobbish rat people, the biggest leader of the rat army has already changed.

Thinking about it now, it seems that I am fighting for God.

You only need to kill three lizardmen to get a blood mushroom. If you can kill a hundred lizardmen, you can become one of those leaders!

For the sake of the blood mushrooms and the greed in his heart, something changed.

Even though the killing of hundreds of people was more like a carrot hanging above their heads, these senior rat warriors still took the bait without hesitation.

For most rat people, if you let them choose life and interests on the spot, they will choose life without hesitation, but if you wait longer, these greedy guys will try again. To pursue interests.

And finally, on the road to satisfy his own desires that are full of ravines, he abandoned the awe of life and ran all the way.

On the battlefield.

Even though the lizardmen stabilized the battle line with the cooperation of the formation, some surprises would still happen in the face of the rat warriors coming like a wave.

He breathed a sigh of relief after killing a rat warrior, or because he kept swinging the big stick in his hand, his movements were a little deformed due to fatigue.

Just a flash will attract the attack of the senior ratman hidden in the wave of ratmen.

The wooden spear either penetrated the eye or stabbed the neck.

Or it may be a more patient rat warrior. Two of the three spears on his body will be sent into the lizard warrior's soles or palms when there is a flaw in the lizard warrior, leaving only the last one. Waiting for the last chance to hunt.

Even though the rat-men exchange ratio is still so unbearable.

But the lizard warriors are also gradually falling. Every time, every lizard warrior falls, it will cause a burst of commotion in the rat crowd. At this time.

Even those cowardly young ratmen would not hesitate to squeeze away the others around them and rush towards the fallen lizardman warrior.

In order to gnaw off the tip of the tail of the fallen lizardman warrior, this is something to exchange for meritorious service to the supervising team.

In this situation, even if the companions around the fallen lizard man tried angrily to drive away the corpses of the rat men who came over to protect their companions, they could not do it.

In this way, as the rat army pressed forward step by step, gradually, the lizardmen's front began to become shaky. The lizardmen warriors who kept falling and the rats who kept coming in front of them, who seemed to be endless, were constantly eating away the morale of the lizardmen. The lizardmen leader in the camp also noticed this and no longer needed to hold on. Relying on these lizardmen warriors in the camp, there was no way to stop the rats in front of him. Looking at the rats at the back of the rat army again, the young lizardman grasped his war stick inlaid with gems and crocodile tail scales and jumped down from the wall of the camp. As the red scales on his body stood up one by one, a terrifying roar sounded in the formation of the rat army. In the range of the inexplicable pressure, all the rats began to flee in all directions, even those fierce and cunning senior rat warriors were no exception. In an instant, the formation of the ratmen became a little more chaotic, and a large number of ratmen began to flee in the chaos.

However, this scene was quickly blocked by the supervisor team that fell behind all the ratmen.

Under the obstruction of the sharp spears, all the fleeing ratmen were pushed back.

At the same time, the sound of priests chanting spells came from the ratmen army.

With the help of the berserk spells and the supervisor team, the formation of the ratmen army was reorganized.

But it was too late. The young lizardman Huo had already taken the lizardmen in the camp to retreat to the depths of the swamp during this wave of chaos.

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